Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A pinch of this, a pinch of that...

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Micah immediately brought his hands up palm out as if to apologize, the corner of his mouth still twisted in mild humor.

"Hey, hey... meant no offense!" he assured Gabriel. "My dad is some years older than my mum." which was true. By centuries actually.

"So not off the table." when the Marshal elaborated that Spark was no blood relation or significant other but a friend, that made sense. Then the information that he had kids came up. Oh, so I was right on the sort of dad vibe I had on him?

The more he elaborated on who lived on the homestead, the more the Talith's eyes would widen.

"Huh... have a full house then?" he said aloud in mildly bemused wonder.

He leant forward, using his forearm to brace against his thigh. A thick bushy brow rose as he gave a courtesy glance around the basement.

"I imagine things are rather tight then." at least in space.

"Thinking of expanding?" was this more of a home or was it turning into something more?

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