Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A padawans fate (Faction, Invite only)

On the the remote rock Kintan, a young Nikto jedi padawan leads an isolated life. Having abandoned his studies and retired himself from the affairs of the galaxy and jedi alike he has fled the eyes of his order for reasons no one in the outer rim knows.
At first his prescence here was challenged by the local Nikto but proving himself as a dangerous adversary the former padawan is by now left alone.

There Oran-Su leads a lonely life with only a few droids as his company. His days are spent in meditation or tending to his beloved garden. And so, his life would have continued in relative peace .... had it not been for the rough party of three now approaching the manor.


A lightning crossed the evening sky, reflecting its light upon their features and giving them all three a better view of the surroundings.

The manor was located in a small valley, trees and bushes covering it everywhere. It all appeared somewhat unreal with this green oasis in the middle of the otherwise harsh mountain mileu of Kintan. The manor seemed to be surrounded by a small wall, perhaps two meters high. A single gate, guarded by two Guard droids. By the look of it some sort of sensor system sweeped the area on the sides and rear of the exterior. The small mansion itself stood as a one level building stretching around 200 square meters - its roof flat with what must be cameras mounted on the sides obsering the garden beneath them.

A light rain began to fall as the party, hidden from the mansion, a good half kilometer away approached the manor to seal the fate of Oran-Su.

[member="Maanis Vizla"]
[member="Lendo Dral"]


Just a humble bounty hunter.
"Ugh... Jedi." Lendo grumbled, drawing his E-11 Blaster Rifle and activating his goggle's night vision, going on one knee and surveying the area.
"Most pretentious bunch I've ever come across, personally." He said to his comrades, not entirely sure if they were listening, but it was more comfortable than dead silence. "Killing one's probably doing the galaxy a favor."

As he scanned the manor's defenses, taking note of the droids and cameras, he considered their options. A stealthy approach would probably be best bet, but with his skill set, that wasn't going to be likely.
"So... how do we want to play this?" He asked. "Maybe one of us could be a diversion, get the droids going in one direction while the other breaches the manor?"

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
Tiro approached his fellow teammate in silence, choosing to keep his thoughts about the Jedi to himself. Besides, for him this wasn't personal. He couldn't really tell if Lendo was serious or not, but then again he didn't really care enough to think about it.

"The plans not bad. And I suppose I'll be the diversion given my natural aptitude to take blaster shots like a Krayt Dragon high on spice." Tiro said rather sarcastically. He meant what he said, but in reality his armor was no where near the defensive capablities of most Bounty Hunter's, but he enjoyed making the silly comparison.

"You wouldn't happen to have a comlink, would you?"

[member="Lendo Dral"]


Just a humble bounty hunter.
"That's an interesting comparison," Lendo commented, standing straight and giving his ally a smirk. "But if you insist, distract away. The south west corner of the manor looks a little light on guards compared to the rest of the place, I think that's where my breaching point's going to be." he continued, glancing at the manor once more and holstering his rifle, replacing it with his twin DH-17 blaster pistols.
"Comlink? Sure thing."

He activated his com signal via his goggles before tossing another com device to the other bounty hunter. "Should be pretty well encrypted, unless our Jedi winds up being a proficient hacker. I'm gonna go get into position and wait on your signal. Try and make it a big, noisy signal if you can."

With that, Lendo stalked down toward the Jedi's manor, keeping low and sticking to the foliage that enveloped the area.

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
Tiro caught the comlink with his free hand and looked at it. He already had a comlink built into his helmet, but being unable to respond before Lendo left to get into position, he pocketed the device. Maybe it'd be useful later.

As Tiro approached the manor, he took notice of it's two droid guards. An ion grenade would have proved very useful if every opposition was to be mechanical, but even so a thermal detonator would do just fine, and create the "boom" Lendo wanted.

Killing two fynock's with one explosive stone.

Tiro hid himself in a thick set of bushes before tossing the explosive at the gate. The two droids narrow heads followed the detonator as it rolled to their metal feet. The thermal detonator goes off, ripping the slender droids apart and sending a large "THUMP" echoing throughout the manor.

Luckily, Tiro was armed and ready for whatever may respond. At least. He hoped he was.

[member="Lendo Dral"]


Just a humble bounty hunter.
Lendo felt the ground vibrate beneath his feet as the thermal detonator went off. He'd positioned himself behind a brush, a few feet away from the south west wall obscuring the manor. As soon as the explosion went off. Several of the droids took off to investigate as a large pillar of smoke began to rise.
"Alright, here we go." He said under his breath. He was going to have to move fast. Two droids kept watch as the rest went off. One turned to its right, scanning the perimeter just as Lendo leaped out of his hiding spot. The droid raised its rifle to fire, but Lendo shot first, blasting a hole right through its head, the second droid quickly following suit. Both fell to the ground right as the bounty hunter landed. Lendo wasted no time, shooting down the surrounding cameras, keeping an eye on his motion sensor as he reloaded.

"Alright, Padawan... knock knock!" He said, firing the grappling hoot in his gauntlet and scaling the large wall, keeping his blasters drawn. Who knew what was on the other side of that wall?

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
The opposing forces began to gather as Tiro further hid himself in the dense foliage. His was planning to confront the patrol droids, but they were not in his preferred firing range.

"Come on, ya thick headed bastards." Tiro muttered under his breathe.

The droids cluttered together, searching for the cause of the explosion. One of the droids who seemed as if he was in charge spoke up.

"Search those bushes! I smell an organic."

"But...but we can't smell."

The leader droid turned to the responding droid. "Just...just do it!"

"Roger, rog--"

Before the droid could finish, a blaster bolt clipped it in the head causing blinding sparks to spray upward.

"There, in the bushes! Fire!"

[member="Lendo Dral"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
The muffled sound of the explossion barely reached him. He sat knelt, meditating but the sound was enough to alert him. His eyes opened and he reached out. There was a disturbance in the force. He furrowed his brow as he tried to dig deeper.

Was it them? Odd that he did not feel them.

Orun-Su rose slowly unclipping his lightsaber.

[member="Lendo Dral"]


Just a humble bounty hunter.
Lendo scaled the wall with ease, landing lightly on his feet at the interior of the manor, the sounds of blaster fire echoing in the distance. Tiro was definitely good at his job. Lendo hugged the walls of the structure, trying to stay out of sight of any patrolling droids. He'd been met with little resistance, however, only having to gun down a camera here or there. Before he knew it, he'd found a side entrance, blasting the keypad and forcing the door open.

Something was wrong. Why was this so easy? They were going after a Jedi. Whatever was going on, Lendo didn't like it. He holstered his blasters and drew his rifle, stalking down a dimly lit corridor, keeping his eyes and ears open. Okay, maybe the universe was just throwing him a bone. Maybe this was going to be an easy job with a hell of a reward. That worked for him. The sooner he'd get paid, the sooner he could--
"Intruder detected! Open fire!"
"Roger roger!"

Lendo peered around just in time to see a small squad of droids on patrol. He felt the heat of a blaster round as it whizzed past his ear, missing him by a hair, and it was followed quickly by a storm of blaster fire. Lendo scrambled back around the corner for cover, booking it down the halls and swearing under his breath. He'd occasionally turn around and return fire at the droids, knocking one or two down, but nowhere near enough to make much of a difference.
"Alright, looks like there's no avoiding it. I'm gonna have to get loud."

In one quick motion, Lendo grabbed the thermal detonator on his belt and tossed it at his pursuers. The bounty hunter winced in pain as a blaster round grazed his right side. It hurt like hell, but luckily nothing vital was hit. Lendo rounded another corner, pushing the pain to the back of his mind as he felt the ground rumble beneath him from the detonator's explosion. He heard the distorted cries of surprise and pain (Couldn't be pain, could it? They were droids) and slowed down to catch his breath. Finally righting himself, he continued to explore the manor. "Alright, Jedi... why don't you come out and play?"

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
The explosion tore away a large part of the southern wall. The room behind it was a well kept dining room with imported furniture from the core worlds. Seomthing to remind Orun-Su about his previous life.
Now it all shattered and left the area covered in deep thick black smoke. The interior guard droids lay shattered, a few of them still twitching and turning as their circuits refused to give it up.

He stepped forward, closing his eyes, readying himself for what was about to come. He needed not sight, he had the force.

From the outside the black smoke would pour out... holding a man, holding his lightsaber.

[member="Lendo Dral"]
[member="Tiro Vanek"]
The droid defense forces begin to whither as they drop one by one onto the pavement.

Although they knew Tiro was hidden in the bushes, the droids could not find exactly where he hid within them, which lead the B-1's to fire rapidly into the thick vegetation. Only a few shots knicked Tiro, yet he was still relatively safe from direct shots.

"Lendo, how we looking? I'm getting tired of being shot at!" Tiro muttered over the comlink.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Lendo Dral"]


Just a humble bounty hunter.
"Hey, this hasn't been much of a picnic for me either." Lendo responded over the comm channel. "I think I took out a good portion of the manor's security force. The jedi can't keep hiding for long. We'll find him sooner or--"
The unmistakable sound of a lightsaber activating then sounded behind him. Lendo spun around, clutching his rifle and aimed it at the massive hole in the wall he'd created. Sure enough, the target was there.
"...So exactly how pinned down are you? Because I found the target." Lendo said. He then aimed down the sights of his rifle.

"Alright, Jedi... how do you wanna play this?"

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Orun- Su was calm, his jedi training served him well in this kind of situation. Looking around he sae the destruction. Something flinched inside him. But he managed to remain control. Looking toward [member="Lendo Dral"] he held an open palm toward him.

"We do not need to continue this violence. It is too risky. Better we depart and leave it be."

Orun was not a master on mind control, but he held some skill and power, especiallt against the weak willed, which he assumed this man was.

[member="Tiro Vanek"]
"You found him? They won't keep me busy for long! Just stay away from that Jedi's lightsaber!" He yelled over the comm.

Tiro didn't expect Lendo to find the Jedi so quickly. Hopefully the bounty hunter has some experience handling force users. If not, Vanek and Dral were both in trouble.

[member="Lendo Dral"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

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