Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"A New Formation"

(This Is A Fan Made RP By Me So If You Have A Problem With It Just Tell Me) It Was A Regular Day. Except for a small group that was created. it was "A New Formation". They didn't yet have a name and the leader was asking them what they should call them selves. one guy came up with a name. "Wasteland Prowlers". they visited a local planet full of traders. they decided they would search for armor to be there clans armor. they found the perfect armor but sadly there was only one set. so they ordered shipments of it. but for now they all chose there own armor. they decided that they should now find a ally and a enemy and more people to join them. so they decided to send the 2 people who chose solid black armor to go do research on the highest alliances. the empire. and the republic. after a little bit of spying and sneaking they still couldn't decide. but they realized something. all they have is a name a team and armor. they needed weapons. and they knew just where they where they could get some. they decided to send 2 people to each alliances and pilfer the loot while they weren't watching. they got a couple of pistols. a sniper. 3 rifles. and 7 communicators. they had the amount to have 3 teams and 1 at base. well what they called there base. it was hidden thought. very hidden. so the next thing they did was start asking people if they needed help with anything. each team got a job to do while 1 guy just sat there lonely at base. waiting for 1 of the teams to report something. anything. so he waited. and waited. until he got a idea. he stupidly or bravely. decided to go pilfer more stuff. alone. he actually succeeded. he got more guns! more communicators! and he was bord again. he realized he just stole for no reason. until he realized he could just recruit new people! (please Reply on This Saying "(I will join)" with basically just a disc of you character including what weapon you are using. no mini guns! or rockets!)

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