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A New Era for the Hutts

Darrunga Kalsiljic


For over four hundred years, the Hutt Grand Council has had the same five clan leaders rule an otherwise fragmented and chaotic plot of the galaxy. They maintained the ancient decree to closing off the Hutt's borders, despite the fact that the Gulag Plague had disappeared over one hundred years ago. Due to this lack of large scale trade to the galaxy-at-large, Hutt Space had been crippled and brought to a standstill longer than it should have. Precious stockpiles of spice and otherwise highly illegal goods that the rest of the galaxy craved were untouched. Outsiders had already begun to sneak in and meddle with planets in Hutt Space.

Disillusioned by the current Hutt leaders' inadequacies, Darrunga decided that it was time for new blood to take over and bring the Hutts back to its golden age. He and a group of conspirators, along with hired hands and sympathizers for a new order in Hutt Space, journeyed to Nal Hutta. Months of planning had been spent for this moment, where the future of the Hutt Cartel and its associates would be decided by a few ambitious Hutts and their conspirators.

Entering the Hutt Grand Council Hall, Darrunga and those that walked (or slid) with him approached the current Hutt Grand Council. Darrunga's faction had requested an important meeting with these elder Hutts, who had ruled before the Gulag Plague even struck and thus held very backwards ideas of how to rule. They came from famous Kajidics with their names known throughout all of Hutt Space, some of which had absolute control of a planet. Darrunga knew that uprooting their power would be a long process, yet a quick victor that day would have given them enough momentum to ensure their victory.

A rather bulbous and large Hutt on the council, who sat in the center, asked in Huttese, <<Why have you requested to meet with us, young Hutts, and with so many friends?>>

Replying in Huttese, Darrunga answered, <<Your time of rule is over. So long as other Hutts listen to your will, our planets will be stagnate and we lose even more wealth. But in respect for your age and experience, I would like you all to retire in peace and name me and my associates as your successors.>>

All five Hutts on the council began a hearty, mocking laugh. Their answer was apparent already. They would not concede to Darrunga and the conspirators. With a motion of his blubbery arm, the lead Hutt signaled for the council's personal guards to raise their arms at Darrunga and his comrades. Darrunga and other Hutts would have been sitting ducks for blaster fire. Yet, the young (by Hutt standards) Darrunga glared at the council and assumed that the plan would go forward as prescribed in the event that the council responded in this way - that they would simply take the council through violence and force the rest of Hutt Space to progress with them.
Nal Hutta. It meant "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. Unfortunately, Nal Hutta hasn't been much of a glorious jewel lately. It has been four hundred years. Four hundred years of precious time in which, what Excon and his fellow Hutts have seen the once wise elder Hutts of the Hutt Grand Council turn into some fools that decided to keep the borders of Hutt Space, an entire century even after the Galaxy recovered from the Gulag Plague, still firmly shut to the outside Galaxy. So in that one century after the end of the plague, the Galaxy quickly rebuilt. New factions sprung up, while old factions claimed their planets once more. However, the Hutt Cartel's foolish leaders have been able to make none or little progress, and quite several Hutts weren't too happy. That included Excon as well.

In that precious century, Excon did manage to take long strides in his career. From a small world criminal mind, Excon the Hutt soon became the infamous crime lord of Tatooine, working under the faction the South Systems Syndicate. However, he still had ties to the Hutt world. And it seemed that his fellow Hutts could do with new leaders, younger and more wise than the elders. That, ofcourse, was why Excon was next to Darrunga as they faced the elderly members of the Hutt Council.

"Your time of rule is over. So long as other Hutts listen to your will, our planets will be stagnate and we lose even more wealth. But in respect for your age and experience, I would like you all to retire in peace and name me and my associates as your successors." said his comrade, and Excon nodded in approval of his words.
However, the elderly Hutts only seemed to find this amusing. Yes, very much indeed. Little did they know that there were more than half a dozen fully trained mercenaries outside, and soon, very soon, those five elderly Hutts would be dead and a golden age would begin for the Hutts.
One of the highly trained mercenaries standing just behind Darrrunga was none other than Former Sith Emperor Darth disguise obviously. Instead of his usual tribal robes and Sith sword Moridin instead wore light armor with a mask covering his face. His attire was very similar to his day to day clothes nearly four hundred years ago. No one here now would know that of course...well perhaps some of the Hutts would remember it but he doubted that as well, they were selfish creatures and hardly remembered anything that didn't apply to them.

The Dreadlord was here in disguise to open up Hutt space of course. Moridin saw the potential profit, and more importantly potential war in this sector and knew he had to act. He had come to Hutta in the call for mercenaries and had quickly offered his services. None of the Hutts of course knew who or what he was other than a skilled fighter.

For them that was enough, and it had gotten Moridin hired quite quickly. For now he would stay undercover, do the Hutts bidding and take care of the Elder Council. After wards he would speak to them personally. Moridin's help didn't come cheap, and although they had not expected it there would be a price to pay for what he gave them.

As the Elder Hutt clans ordered their Mercenaries to raise their Weapons Moridin grabbed his Lightsaber off his belt. He didn't ignite the blade just yet, but kept it ready just in case. A smirk formed on his face, this was going to be fun.

Turin Val Kur

The Hutts were disgusting, vile, selfish creatures. How any of them gained such power and influence in the first place was beyond him, but he suspected that it began eons ago. Why was this Rodian who, inwardly, despised these slug-like creatures? The answer was complicated of course and to disclose his reasons would put the ones he was trying to protect and save at risk. However, the reason did not matter. Not right now. Though the rest of the Galaxy had no idea what was transpiring, he knew that what he was about to do would affect the Galaxy for generations to come. And if things went the way he wanted them to, it would be for the better. For now though he was simply a high ranking mercenary in the soon to be Hutts' private army. And for now, this was for the best.

As the group entered the room the Rodian took note of the weapons and armor that the Council's guards were using. Advanced, of course. But nothing that he couldn't see through. <<Your time of rule is over. So long as other Hutts listen to your will, our planets will be stagnate and we lose even more wealth. But in respect for your age and experience, I would like you all to retire in peace and name me and my associates as your successors.>> bellowed Darrunga in Huttese, one of the most vile languages in the known Galaxy, at least to Vuko it was. Ironically he could read, speak, and understand it better than Galactic Basic. A sickening laugh erupted from the council and the guards moved in and weapons powered up all around the room. Vuko's hair stood on end, his antennae twitched as he activated his own weapon, setting the weapon to kill. This was not going to be pretty.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

The air was tense. Darrunga knew the sights of several of the Council's mercenaries were locked onto him. Yet, the Hutt did not seem frightened. The mercenaries that fought with him were being paid after the job, in the end. The ambitious Hutt was confident in that they would protect the person that hired them.

Plus, the Hutt had a trick for the High Council.

Darrunga told the High Council, << I hoped to have not come to killing you, Elders.>>

Once he finished his statement, a couple of the guards for the High Council - non-Hutts specifically - turned and fired on the guards that did not turn. Darrunga and his comrades judged that these aliens were loyal only to money, and the failing crime empires of the Five Families did not aim to pay their closest protectors the wages they craved. So, he had struck a deal with them earlier for this very moment.

The attack of the betraying guards would have been a good signal for the disguised Moridin and the mercenary Vuko to begin their attack and slay the High Council.
As the guards opened fire Moridin couldn't help but grin, this was the type of thing he was made for. Even four hundred years later he still enjoyed a simple fight far more than anything else. As soon as the Dreadlord saw the other guards turning and the sound of blaster fire he ignited his lightsaber. The deep orange blade snapped and hissed into life as he held it backwards, and almost in an instant Moridin was on the move.

Like a flash of lightning the Former Sith Emperor dashed through the wall of guards in front of him. He sliced through the mercenaries one by one, letting their blaster bolts bounce off of his blade as he gently moved it through their bodies.

It was easy work, killing Hutts and their mercenaries. He let out a slight chuckle as he cutthrough the last guard that stood in his way. From his place on the ground Moridin then used the force to leap onto the high table that the Hutt Elder Council sat upon. He landed on the desk, facing what he assumed to be the oldest of the Hutts. With a quick flick of his wrist Moridin plunged his lightsaber through the slugs chest.

Turin Val Kur

Vuko didn't even have time to react. By the time he had found a target, aimed and pulled the trigger, the mystery Jedi launched himself forward, killing the guards not loyal to the new order of Hutts. Every time Vuko fired a shot this man entered his line of fire he deflected the bolt as if it was his fault that he was in the way. In an instant the guards were down, the Hutts were down and the elder dead. Sure now there were less Hutts in the world now, but one of them could have known where Cetiva and his sister were! Anger welled up inside him. At least the elder could have been spared. He could have convinced Darrunga somehow to spare him so that he could interrogate him for some odd reason that would benefit the cartel. In reality he would have asked about his sister and Cetiva and simply killed him himself after he received the information he wanted.

His anger reached a boiling point and exploded. Throwing his hands up in disbelief he called to the Jedi. "What were you thinking?! We could have used him!" he yelled in Huttese. "These new bloods always jumping the gun!"
"I hoped to have not come to killing you, Elders."
And with that, all hell broke out loose in the room. It was amusing to see how easily the guards killed of their fellow guards, just for some extra credit.
Excon the Hutt cringed a little when he heard the sound of a lightsaber being ignited, but was delighted to see how quickly the orange blade and the owner of it was so quickly able to kill so many guards. That particular lightsaber wielding mercenary had not requested any payments yet, but as Excon watched the orange lightsaber be plunged ino one of the elder Hutts, he knew that the payment for that mercenary might get quite hefty.
"What were you thinking?! We could have used him!" yelled one of their mercenaries in Huttese. "These new bloods always jumping the gun!"
"Shut up! What do you think you're being even paid for..? Why aren't you jumping the gun?" growled Excon to the mercenary.


The Renegade
Nal Hutta. His home. A planet of smog and misery. Once a glorious jewel, or so they said. Keter felt sick in the pit of his stomach. He had always intended to return, but only when his goal was certainly in his grasp - the planet's liberation from it's incompetent overlords. He had nothing against the Hutts themselves. It was just the idiots who ran his beloved planet into the ground, worked people to death for no other reason than they just could. To care for your workforce, to raise their productivity...that was good business. What the Hutts had been doing was sheer idiocy.

But he had intended to return with an army, to seize control of the planet and set it on a new path. That plan had predictably failed, attrition grinding away what few forces he had managed to gather. Instead, he had allied himself to an uprising. A change of leadership could throw off the stagnation of Hutta. Keter knew he could not take control of his planet - not now. The Hutts would refuse to grant him stewardship of what supposedly was their greatest world. Greatest world. Those words were such a bitter lie. He doubted Darrunga would do much better, but the blond was happy to reserve judgement for now.

He had been wrong before. And the crime lord had granted him access codes and the correct tags to let him slip through the orbital defenses. The Fury howled through the skies of Hutta, a streaking comet in the sky. He was to run interference, keep any reinforcements the Council could summon occupied until the usurpers could stabilize control and finish their coup. Even now he could see skiffs soaring through the sky towards the Council Chambers, a decadent looking building, marred with rust and grime from the polluted air. The renegade could feel a sneer forming on his face. He suppressed his emotions as he opened the communications channel to Darrunga.

"This is Keter, in position. Several skiffs with guards are in bound to your location. Your orders?" he asked in his best monotone. He had to be professional. He couldn't let his memories of this place affect him.
The Five Families would make fine corpses. Their deaths could mark a new age as the new blood took their chance at power. Only potential flaw of seizing power through such means is that it set a precedent and would require much work to prevent. The brief chaos that would follow this event would be a rather large opening for other ambitious Hutts. Hutts that were intentionally not approached to become involved in this coup. Blagga was fine with the situation though. He welcomed the challenge. His life had been filled with them. Being the youngest sibling in a powerful families. Being assigned to insignificant duties in a cantina. And now he was here. Part of a coup that would see him ascend once more. Challenges were to be overcome and he was overcoming them.

When word of the skiffs coming in came over the comm, he debated what kind of order to give. It was likely that the Five Families would be completely slaughtered by the time the mercenaries even arrived. Sure, these families had other members than those present but with the heads gone confusion would brew. The mercenaries could easily be bought. After all their patrons were quickly being dismembered. Yes, their heirs could pay them, but clearly the power of those heirs were in question. Mercenaries liked to be on the winning side. They would likely choose correctly. Blagga decided it would be wise to meet with them. To one of his top officers, [Join me, we will go to the courtyard and meet these guests. Tell the eyes in the sky to wait and simply be ready to fire on the mercenaries should an order be given.]

With that he slithered out of the main chamber to go accrue an army.
Moridin stood upon the desk before the now dead Hutt elder council. Each of the slugs had been sliced or cut in such a way that their death had been almost instant, the other mercenaries didn't even have time to pull out their weapons before the Former Emperor had slaughtered them all. He looked down at the Rodian that yelled at him for being so quick with his blade.

If he had not been in disguise at this moment Moridin would have killed the man just for his insolence. For now however he would say nothing. He stared at the Rodian instead, the eyes of his mask peering into the mans skull. One of the Hutts “Defended” him for his actions, though the Dreadlord did not even take note of the large slug. Instead he flicked the switch on his Lightsaber and deactivated the deep orange blade.

Saying nothing Moridin dropped down from the high desk and walked back over towards the lead Hutt Darrunga. He took up position next to the man, keeping his lightsaber held backwards in his hand just in case the Rodian decided to take action.

Moridin would make his deal later, when the Hutts and he were alone.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Dark in clothing and her stance, Siara quietly observed the interaction of the Hutt Elder Council through the feed coming from the security cameras. She'd managed to slice into them a while back, something left behind from one previous encounter with the Hutts.

It was only security feed, and as an information broker for the Hutt Cartel, she need to be kept up to date on what exactly was going on. And power struggles and shifts of power was one high demand item that required a high value of importance. So there she stood, in relative solitude within the confines of her small room, listening in and making notes of who was here. The who's who and exactly 'what' they had to offer would come in handy soon enough.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

A slaughtered ensued. Darrunga watched as the former leaders of his own species were slaughtered. His face was that of stone as the Force-user among them drived his lightsaber into one of the elders.

Hearing Keter's report and Blagga's suggested course of action, Darrunga gave his fellow Hutt a nod of approval before Blagga left the main chamber.

Slithering around the council's semi-circle table, Darrunga said in mid-transit, << Thank you for your assistance, my friends and servicebeings. You will all be paid the price your contract stated after the chaos subsides. Those that wish further business with us are free to renew their contract. >>

Darrunga eyed the disguised Moridin and Vuko, wondering if they would continue to assist the Hutts or take their money and leave.


The Renegade
His orders came through, and Keter nodded to himself. "Understood," he replied back, flying in low just behind the skiffs, as if falling into formation. The pilots would probably be startled but his lack of aggression might make them believe he was just another mercenary. Which he was, just not on their side. His finger hovered over the triggers to his guns before he relaxed and followed the skiffs to the fortress of the Hutt Families, swooping over the courtyard as the skiffs took up positions to begin deploying their cargo of warriors.

The blond sat straight in his seat, his weapons trained on the vehicles. He would stay with the Cartel. He would get control of Hutta. He would make it better than it was, than it had ever been.
Moridin looked at Darrunga the ugly smiley worm with a scowl on his face, luckily he was wearing a mask. He hated Hutts, they were despicable creatures, and their language was utterly guttural in nature. However they were predictable, and even better they were easily manipulated. They thought themselves the better of everyone, and that was a feature Moridin loved to abuse. He looked at the strange Hutt, and then hooked his lightsaber back upon the holster on his thigh.

Then he walked past the Hutt and towards the door, as he did so his voice rang out through the masks voice filter. The Dreadlord hoped to come off as a supremely confident Mercenary, since in essence thats exactly what he was here. “We will discuss my price at a later date.”

He believed the Hutt would not rage at him. The Creature had seen what Moridin was capable of, he had with a single handed slaughtered the Elder council in just a few seconds, hopefully Darrunga would ignore Moridins more...eccentric way of negotiating in order to keep him on board.
The Garden plaza was rather terrifying place to be as the skiffs approached. It was not some small force, probably tied to a full mercenary organization and not just a collection of individuals. He wondered if he knew the name of this band and which of the families it was tied to. Regardless, remaining where he was was an act of recklessness but in that recklessness he was making himself seem strong. A Hutt with only a group of about four guards could not take on this incoming small army. No, he would need to stand confident in order to tempt them.

The skiffs landed, and he just slithered towards them. They likely would not just open fire on the first Hutt they saw. Not like they knew who was actually attacking the families. Once the mercenaries began to pile out of the skiffs, Blagga spoke, [Greetings, friends, I am sure you are here to protect those that are paying you. However, there is nothing here to protect. They are dead. Your contracts are over.] The Hutt put on a rather large smile.

One stepped forward, possibly their leader, and said back to him, "They have families that will pay for you heads."

[Will they? You already failed their friends, sure they will still pay you well?] Some rose weapons but he held up his hands, [Please remain calm. I do not mean to insult you. I am just saying that finding a contract after a failure of this magnitude might be difficult. I can tell you right now though, that a potential buyer of your contract stands before you right now.]

Darrunga Kalsiljic

Lesser Hutts would have ordered Moridin's death due to his actions. However, Darrunga realized the potential this Force-user had and desired more of his services. Darrunga just hoped that Moridin would not demand an unreasonable price for a foot soldier.

As Blagga dealt with the mercenaries that just arrived, Darrunga examined a datapad that remained on the table of the Hutt High Council. It belonged to one of the heads of the Five Families and contained sensitive information pertaining to them.

<< Seems that we still have a lot of work to do, >> mused Darrunga to himself.

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