Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Much Needed Breath

Tenith Vilde


Location: Roon, Shores near the Vilde Clan
Attire: [xxx]
Tags: Open


There were times when things just became too much. Life out on Roon was hard enough on it's own; the climate, the wildlife, the storm season, and the other Clans that had to be dealt with - peacefully or not, depending. All of that had been a life that Tenith had grown used to over her years. She was raised this way, to walk this path, to deal with such things. Now however, she had become Viceroy, a title she still did not completely desire or understand fully, though she did fully understand the impact it had on not only herself, but the planet and her people as well. It was so very, very much to take onto her shoulders, especially considering she knew very little about the galaxy - and had known even less of it before her Master had found her and begun slowly but surely integrating her from this nomadic lifestyle she was so used to, to how life was everywhere else in the galaxy.

After becoming Viceroy, the Knights Obsidian had made their home here on her planet, and while that was indeed beneficial, it had been a whole lot of added stress on Teni's shoulders that she just hadn't needed. All of those people, the party, and the droids. Ugh, just thinking about those soulless machines made her shudder and make a very unlady like face. Not that, that really mattered at the moment.

Teni had ventured out to the far shores in the Vilde territory to clear her head, though under the guise of scouting the horizon. Dark, brooding clouds were roiling to life in the not-too-distant horizon. It meant that the storm season was fast approaching, which would give the new residence of Roon a taste of what the natives went through year after year. It was a harsh season, and the storms could be down right deadly in their intensity, but it was all part of adapting to life here. Something the Knights would learn soon enough for sure.

She took a moment to breathe in deeply through her nose, and then sigh the breath out slowly in the same manner. This was exactly what she had needed, just some time to slip away to one of her favorite places and breathe. Yes, there was plenty of things on her plate now. Politics, training, her Clan, all things to deal with - and she would. But right now? Tenith's eyes rolled closed and her head tipped back against her shoulders as the breeze around her picked up. She could smell the rain coming, a precursor to the storms that would eventually ravage the land, and despite the deadly approach? She was soothed so very, very deeply in that moment.
--I-- Playlist --|-- Ship --|-- Gear --|-- Tenith Vilde

Anse hadn't been to this part in many a year, the planet was a rough one to live on, but beautiful even as the seasons raged. He walked barefoot along the shore having come from a bit of a dip, his tunic and pants still a bit damp while the rest of his things were slung in a pack on his back. He'd come to trade for some plants from a man he was familiar with. Certain herbs that were hard to find. Occasionally he'd stop, pick up a stone and skip it across the water with a smirk. He spotted a figure off in the distance, but kept along his path without too much worry. When he was near enough to see her he made sure that his normally quiet footfalls made noise so as not to startle her.

He could see that her expression was as stormy as the coming storm, yet calm. He wondered idly what brought the lass outdoors, but didn't plan to ask. Instead once he was close enough that he wouldn't have to shout he gave her a respectful nod. "Storms look like they'll be quite a sight here soon eh?"

His accent was a lyrical one, but not native. He didn't have that furtive excitement that a tourist would have, yet he was clearly an outsider. Still, he didn't get too close and he didn't try to come off as ready to be friendly. He was giving her the option to talk or ignore him, no pressure.

Tenith Vilde

Location: Roon, Shores of the Vilde territory
Attire: [xxx]
Tags: Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol | Open


The approach of another body caused Tenith's eyes to come open, though at first she did not right her head. It hadn't been the sound of another approaching that had made her aware of them, but rather the feel of them, and it was a feeling of unfamiliarity. When this figure drew close enough, then Teni's head righted before turning so that she could observe his stranger as they approached. While her expression wasn't overly friendly, she wasn't exactly stand-offish either. Just a good amount guarded, and for good reason. While she may be perfectly capable of defending herself, this person did not know that, and therefore she was a smaller figure, alone on the beach.

So when she was spoken to, her frame shifted just a little to face this other body just a tad. The accent was unfamiliar to her, but at least she understood what had been said - which had been a rather large obstacle to get around when she had begun to venture away from Roon during training. "The storms will be very violent this year." she answered, her own accent lilting and very much so native to the area. Her gaze drifted briefly back over the waters to the brewing clouds in the distance, and then once more returned to this stranger.

"You do not belong here," she stated, then made a noise in her throat and seemed to rethink what she had just said. Her brow creased and for a brief moment she seemed frustrated before trying again, "You are not from here..." she tried again, and there was even the faintest hue of pink that stained along her cheekbones due to her misphrasing.
--I-- Playlist --|-- Ship --|-- Gear --|-- Tenith Vilde

He laughed a bit to show her there was no offense. "Aye lass, bit of a wanderer so I cannot claim to belong ta any place. No need ta get all a flush, ye couldn't say much tha' would cause me even a mite of a growl so do not worry about it. And aye, I can feel th' snarl brewing, maybe th' lass we stand upon be a bit waspish at th' newcomers aye? Spent a few seasons here once when I was a laddie half as tall with my sire. I remember th' wailing squalling tantrums tha' she tore at herself with. Th' newcomers better hope they don't learn th' hard way tha' ye can fly without ever needing a ship and all ye will have is her good graces ta keep ye from being a smear. Might be a few sights a flight ta be worth stayin' for a spell just ta see who learns and who doesn't."

He came closer and then sprawled sitting on the wet stones so that she would feel more at ease with him lower than herself. "When th' land isn't tamed it is always best. Ye go ta a place where they put th' weather on some artificial regulator or some such rubbish and it always feels like th' place lost its soul. People can't seem ta live with what is natural anymore."

His energies felt untamed. As if his skin cloaked a wild nature as unbound as the brewing storms. Yet he didn't give off any feeling of danger, if anything his energies were calm and was usually a balancing effect for those who felt off balance. "I be Anse Baenshaol and ye lass?"

Tenith Vilde

Location: Roon, Shores of the Vilde territory
Attire: [xxx]
Tags: Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol | Open


Hearing that this man had not taken offense caused Tenith to release a breath she had not even been aware that she had been holding. It was a rough thing, being so out of touch with people not of her planet, and while she was of course learning as quickly as she was able there were still things she struggled with. Phrases, manners that differed from one place to another, personal boundaries, ways of life...It was all so very, very much to try and remember at all different times. More than once - in a very short time no less - Teni had caused upset and offense to someone over something that she did not quite grasp, so to have this person take her flub in stride? It was a serious relief.

The fact that he seated himself, and brought up the storms again caused Teni's body to shift once again so that she was facing the waters. The waves were choppy and lapped at the shore harshly, further proof that the storms were creeping their way inland. "The new residents of Roon are in for a very rude awakening." she stated, and yet it wasn't said harshly or with resentment. She almost sounded sorry for them. "I have given them warning, told them what to more or less expect, but I cannot predict what will commence once the season is fully upon us." Her shoulders shrugged deeply. She could warn them all day long, every day, and that still wouldn't fully prepare the Knights or any other new comers that had come along. The storms were unpredictable and untamed in every way.

She had heard him comment about artificial environment, and immediately Teni pulled a face. There was absolutely no love for technology from the young woman, by any means. Thankfully, introductions took place, and she did not need to delve into her loathing of mechanics. "I am Tenith Vilde," she informed him, looking down to where he was seated now. "What brings you to Roon?" See? she was remembering to think before speaking.
--I-- Playlist --|-- Ship --|-- Gear --|-- Tenith Vilde

"Herbs. There be a man here, family friend who grows some medicinals tha' while I could find elsewhere, I prefer ta come ta him." He replied cheerfully. "I don't usually go ta a healer cuz usually I be too far off if somethin happens. So, I tend ta myself. Eh, seems like instead of barking at ears that'are deaf, ye let them get hit in th' teeth and sit back with something good ta eat and watch th' show. I also think that bendin over backwards ta make others comfy when they ought ta make a concession themselves and learn ta mix with th' folk around them be better aye? They come here for their thing, ye be giving them enough, so don't soften ta th' point it all goes ta mush. There be a point when a guest asks for too much from their host and th' host needs ta start having expectations of th' guest. Of course, it probably be more twisty instead of simple like tha'. Sounds like ye be in th' thick of it eh? I could fly ye off someplace for a break eh? Let them fend for themselves."

He noticed she hadn't liked the talk of the tech takeover of planets. He didn't use more than he had to and there were certain conveniences he allowed, but he didn't live fully immersed in it. His work had him steeped enough. "I like summers best. Beasties be all mate mad and too stupid with want ta pay attention so they be super easy ta hunt. Ye get ta see th' seasons babies more growed up and rearing ta fight for their own against th' oldsters. Grass so warm and fragrant your nose just drinks it in and warm nights under blankets of stars... So, ye want a pair of ears ta listen ta ya talk about what has ya all in a snarl?"

Tenith Vilde

Location: Roon, Shores of the Vilde territory
Attire: [xxx]
Tags: Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol | Open


"Herbs?" she repeat, and looked back towards the foliage that wasn't too far off from the beach. For a moment she squint, though she was indeed listening to what was being said to her, and her attention eventually drifted back towards Anse. "There are a variety of poultices that can be taught for healing from the plants around these parts." She stated, though he clearly seemed to know this, considering he had stated he tended to himself for healing frequently. The same could also be said for poisonous tinctures, but that was not brought up at the moment.

With a sigh, Tenith swept her skirt beneath herself with both hands so that she could sit down beside her current companion. She felt no ill will from him, and if that suddenly changed she would be quick to defend herself to the best of her ability - though she didn't think that would be necessary. "I've given them warning, that is all I plan to do." she stated about the new inhabitants and the oncoming season. Really it was all she could do for them, was warn them and let them know what was coming. Everything else was up to them and how they decided to handle it.

But his following question earned a noise from the back of Teni's throat. Her arms folded around her pulled up knees and her copper gaze went out over the waters once again. For a long moment she was quiet, seeming to debate on her answer, and whether or not she should answer for that matter. But eventually she sighed and her head canted ever so slightly to one side as she spoke up. "I do not handle change well," she admit with a frown. "Despite knowing that it is necessary, things have happened quickly. Lots of things, and I am not adjusting easily..."

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