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Approved NPC A Motley Bunch

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Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Name: A Motley Bunch
Intent: To create an interesting group of NPC's for me to RP with and develop my own character, and a series of NPC's that will be a pleasure for others to RP with.
Affiliation: Depends on the character, but they all work for Lurcano and are a part of his "Crew."
Availability: Unique
Type: Ship Crew
Strength: 4 Members
Description: Over the years, Lurcano has traveled far and wide all across the Galaxy. During his travels, he met an assortment of people who he created relationships with. As the years passed, the number of people he met increased. Upon joining the Red Ravens, his communication with said acquaintances slowly dwindled till he only remained in contact with his favorite few. Now that Lurcano has found himself in a position of power, with his own ship to pilot. He called upon some of his old friends to create a crew worthy enough to pilot his ship, and to go on various crazy adventures with.


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Name: Jim "Freak" Hawkins
Loyalties: Lurcano Car'dann
Role: Pilot
Age: 27
Species: Human (Corellian Descent)
Appearance: Jim has a brown trench coat, with various different articles of clothing making up his outfit. His hair is slicked back, with the sides shorter then top. He has two slug throwers strapped in across his chest, and he often carries a hat with the common skull and crossbones identifying him as a pirate. He is of both a medium build and of medium height, and he's not hard to look upon. He has several scars dotted all across his body from fights he's gotten into over the years.
Personality: He's a complete nerf herder. Many people find him unlikeable and unable to be around. Before he met Lurcano, he often traveled alone despite his amazing skills as a pilot. He does not get around very well either with any form of law enforcement or bounty hunters either due to bad experiences in his past that have soured his view of them. He only puts up with Lurcano and Lurcano him due to their like minded personalities, and the fact that Jim only truly feels at home behind a Starship. Lurcano extended an offer to pilot his own, and with no other options available, he accepted.
Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Amazing Pilot
+ Not one to shy away from combat
+/- Dickhead
+/- Always has cash on hand, though often obtained illegally
- Drug Addict
- Uncomfortable on solid land
- Terrible people skills

Weapon of Choice: Two Heavy DL-44's
Wealth: Not exorbitantly wealthy, but he always seems to have a small amount of money on him. Though they are not gained always gained through entirely legal ventures.
Combat Function: Though Jim has been in many backroom fights, most of these consist of drunken backroom brawls. He knows how to fire a gun, though he's no crack shot. His combat training extends to that of a Private First Class in the Republic Military. Nothing special.

- Amazing Pilot
- Knows his way around the gun
- Been all over the galaxy, so he has a fairly good sense of where he is most of the time.


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Name: Prozh Da'truff
Loyalties: Lurcano Car'dann
Role: Engineer
Age: 36
Species: Sanyassan
Appearance: Prozh has mixed and matched various different Durasteel armors to create his outfit of choice. He has multiple tools and weapons strapped on top of his rather bulky frame, all connected to a Durasteel chestplate. He wears a pair of raggedy, patched together combat pants that has various different pockets sewn in. His skin is rather pale and scaly, and he has orange colored hair as well as an orange colored beard. He stands at about 6'3, even while slouching and he is of a rather heavyset build. Is often seen with a cigarette in his mouth.
Personality: Prozh is a rather hard headed individual. He grew up in a poor environment where he spent the majority of his time in the junkyards. He was rather sharp minded, though he never showed his mechanical aptitude in school so many of his teachers wrote him off as a no good slacker. Over the years, he built a large number of contraptions, all with varying degrees of successes. Upon coming of age, he signed onto a freighter and worked his way up through the ranks. During his time traveling the galaxy, he discovered his love for fire. Prozh now spends his time in the bowels of the Red Tide, toiling away endlessly on its engines. In his free time he works out constantly, and looks for things to burn.
Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Grease Monkey (Literally)
+ Doesn't shy away from combat
+/- Pyromaniac
+/- Intricate knowledge of many different vehicles found all across the galaxy
- Respiratory Distress from smoking
- Prejudiced against humans

Weapon of Choice: A flamethrower that spits out liquid napalm at extremely hot temperatures.
Wealth: Dirt poor. Owns nothing outside of his various different inventions.
Combat Function: Is a danger to everyone remotely around him and everyone else. Uses a highly unstable flamethrower capable of reaching long rages of up to 20 meters. Has the potential for overheating and exploding in his hands.

- Knows his way around the engine room
- Inventor
- Strong due to his constant time in the weight room


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Name: Jessica Mckenzie
Loyalties: Lurcano Car'dann
Role: Enforcer
Age: 25
Species: Human (Lorridian)
Appearance: Jessica is a young Lorridian woman, with rather pale skin. She has a nose piercing, and her hair has been dyed blue to represent her favorite color. She wears a set of Durasteel armor on her at all times, open in some places to maximize her mobility. She is a rather petite, and enjoys carrying weapons that are relatively big when compared to her size. At about 5'5, and only 130 pounds. She won't be beating on people any time soon. She uses a Red Raven Gauss Rifle, gifted to her by Lurcano.
Personality: Jessica is a tough girl. No one can deny that. Despite her short stature, she is well versed in various different self-defense techniques and isn't one to back down from a fight. Even though she's a tough girl, she still enjoys some of the finer things in life. She absolutely adores kids, and wants to eventually settle down and start a family once she makes enough money to survive on her own. She has a New Yorker accent that can sometimes be grating to the nerves, but for the most part she's fine to be around. She has no preference in either men or woman when it comes to her sexual orientation.
Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Accomplished Shot
+ Not against using her feminine wiles to get what she wants
+/- Small frame
+/- Untrusting
- Physically Weak
- Sentimental

Weapon of Choice: Red Raven Gauss Rifle
Other Gear: TJR-O1 Standard Armor, C-PES Shield
Wealth: Not rich by any means. The only money she has is from bounties collected and the odd job done here or there.
Combat Function: Jessica is a good shot with her Rifle, and is fairly adapt in the use of various different guns and melee weapons. Despite her proficiency military grade weapons, her small size makes hand to hand combat her weakness.

- Great Shot
- Good Looking which allows her to manipulate men
- A Team player, well liked by most of the crew
- Is well versed in military tactics


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Name: Dr Flynn Dreen
Loyalties: Lurcano Car'dann
Role: Medic
Age: 38
Species: Mon Calamari
Appearance: The Doctor is rather odd looking, especially when compared to other Mon Calamari. Unlike his other kin, Flynn was born with a surprisingly humanoid body structure. While he still has the typical traits of the Mon Calamari including webbed hands, large fish-like eyes, and various other attributes. His head was unnaturally small, and he lacked the long streaming "fins" that the others of his kind hand. He walks around in a skin tight suit filled with various different gadgets and technology that help him survive being out of water for so long. He carries no visible weaponry.
Personality: In stark contrast to the rest of the crew aboard the Red Tide, the Doctor is actually rather normal. Or at least, normal when compared to the rest of the crew. He is mild mannered, calm, and has no particular affinity towards violence. Sheer coincidence brought Lurcano and the Doctor together, and only after a series of life threatening events was Flynn able to put aside his prejudice and actually associate with Lurcano and the type of people he usually hung out with. He is a bit of an eccentric when it comes to the medical field, and there are times when he is feeling a little bit "experimental." Everyone stays well clear of him then.
Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Experienced Surgeon. Has a wide array of anatomical knowledge.
+ Intelligent
+/- Is an aquatic lifeform
+/- Eccentric
- Has no combat experience
- Unattractive

Weapon of Choice: Scalpel
Wealth: A Surgeons Sallary
Combat Function: Flynn's capacity aboard the ship is solely as the medic, and his combat capacity is rather limited. He is rather skilled with a blade in close quarters combat due to his many years of being a surgeon, but he has no experience outside of it and is effectively useless in a fight.

- Certified Surgeon
- Knows the anatomy of hundreds of different races
- Able to survive in aquatic conditions due to his race

[member="Jyn Sol"]
under review.

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Please don't tag specific judges, though. The only time you're supposed to do that is when you're replying to the judge. Also if you've been waiting a while for a sub to be reviewed PM us, don't bump in the submission.
Lurcano Car'dann said:
Two illegally modified Strike Projectile Pistols capable of shooting both slugs and blaster bolts.
You're going to either need to change this or make a factory submission for the weapon.

Also, I'd like you to flesh out strengths and weaknesses for each of these NPC. Since they're all very PC-worthy I'd like to see definitive balancing.

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

You've put in a lot of work, this is an excellent submission. I feel that there are fair balances between the strengths and weaknesses and no NPC is truly making up for what another might lack; I like that. Not to mention none of them have anything amazing as far as equipment goes.

Don't use these NPC to overpower people in PvP and if you abuse them you will lose them.

Pending secondary.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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