Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Moon Full of Stars and Astral Cars

Soundtrack: The Pyramid Song
Location: Caradim, The Pyramid of Ascension


On her last assignment Varas had been dressed as a maintenance engineer. However, the once-gangly and awkward Ren realized her undercover wardrobe was much more comfortable than the last disguise. The fabric was made of synthskin with a light layer of zoosha fabric to protect her from the blazing sun. Seemingly heavy and burdensome to the outsider, the dress felt light and airy, and despite it’s deep purple color, reminded her of something she would see on a Coruscanti red carpet.

A small, black rat-monkey clutched her bony shoulder, riding along on his perch, occasionally pawing at her long black braids. The soft priestess gown whispered along the stone floor of the Pyramid of Ascension.

She was surprised at how many immigrated species walked through the halls of the Pyramid. Yet there seemed to be a marked difference between castes which had been readily seen as she entered the great hall and witnessed a pathetic, emaciated group of humans and near-humans repairing a hole in the structure, dressed in rags, some without sandals on their feet.

Varas had arrived on Caradim to seek esoteric, ancient wisdom and perhaps boost her darkside skills. From elementalism to necromancy to finding the fabled Ancient Eye itself, she’d discussed a trial to bring some type of totem, spell or artifact back for father and daughter to share and perhaps spread the knowledge further within the ranks of the Ren.

"May I be of help to you?" she asked a Higher Priestess offering to carry the impossibly long, bejeweled train of her own gown. The woman nodded silently and Varas stepped carefully behind her, memorizing each twist and turn of the pyramid the best she could.

[member="The Matador"]
Aboard the Valkyrie
Caradim Orbit - Pyramid of Ascension

​The flight from Erebos to Caradim had been short, quiet and smooth. Yet, something stirred in the back of his spine like a tingling sensation. A heavy brow caused his eyes to slope as he reclined, resting for a few moments before the Valkyrie would bring itself to land in the upper courtyard of the Pyramid. A low bestial prowling noise escaped his throat, a sigh of relief from the animalistic man as he spread the area of his forehead between his index and thumb. The two pincer like metallic armoured fingers holding his head perched like a grand ornament.

​He hated the Priesthood, and tired of their semantics within minutes of conversation with them. Yet still, Caradim was on the way to Edemar; and thusly he had to deliver the grand news of the Basin's completion. The Valkyrie extended its landing pad, rolling out from just beyond the cockpit; greeting the khaki marble floor with a slight thump as the ship's engines slowed to a purr. Two Tol Varen warriors stood at attention, marching just beyond the Valkyrie with Sword and Shield in hand; awaiting the Matador's exit from his ship. It came slower than expected, the heavy ceramic plates hung tightly to the beasts chest as he descended from his ship.

​Finally, his metal feet met the ground. The sunlight shinning off the neat chrome armour, Oribuir hanging neatly from its spot on his back; its black metal hilt shifting slightly over his left shoulder as he moved forward. Just beyond his hulking form stood a small congregation of Priests, shuffling slowly towards him.

​"Greetings, Chieftain Matador."

​High Priestess Nia'Ka spoke, her Anubian form standing a head or two taller than her companions; she gave him a courteous bow and her followers followed suit. Red eyes glanced over them as he remained motionless. He knew she had more to say, they always did.

​"What brings you to Caradim?"

​"The Basin is nearing completion High Priestess, ensure that the Priesthood are ready Nia'Ka. Another failure like last time, cannot happen."

​Nia'Ka remained statuesque, with that sly grin on her face remaining the whole time. It made him want to break her in two over his knee, and she knew it. While the public saw the Government and Priesthood working in cohesion, it was often not so. There were many, disagreements. Meany migraine inducing superfluous rituals of the Priesthood, semantics and drawl dogma that simply slowed the process of domination.

​The Matador looked like someone with all the tolerance of a starved animal, an unsteady hand and a twitch in his red glowing eyes. It wasn't a pleasant presence, the irony was that everything around him had to be tolerant. Otherwise he might snap and thusly snap a bone or seventy.

[member="Varas Kyrel"]
In a way the Priesthood reminded Varas of the Ren - serious, reverent, silent. Her stomach growled accusingly, and she realized it had been nearly eight hours since she’d last eaten. If the brunette clone became too weary she had a stim shot tucked away in a hidden pocket, but perhaps the Pyramid had some kind of food kitchen for the lower caste workers.

Her hunger might make for a good ruse to begin exploring on her own if she could only slip away, kill two bulabirds with one stone even - find a loaf of bread and wander around attempting to find hidden passages or secrets.

Loud footfalls broke her concentration for a moment, and she turned from where the noise came only to see a large individual in gleaming armor approach. Varas nearly had to crane her neck to see his face, he was that tall, even taller than the Anubian Priestess who already towered over her. The minute she detected a Force signature, she hid her own using Force Stealth.

​"The Basin is nearing completion High Priestess, ensure that the Priesthood are ready Nia'Ka. Another failure like last time, cannot happen."

Perhaps the High Priestess and her dour ladies would be off to the Basin, which would give Varas time to sneak around if she was not forced to go.

“Priestess ​Nia'Ka and… Sir,” she said with a deferential nod. “When is the trip to the Basin. Is that today?” The Anubian Priestess gave Varas a sharp look, but then smirked again and stroked the fur of the monkey on her shoulder. She let out a deep breath, not realizing she'd been holding it for so long and glanced up at the alien, noting his piercing red eyes.

[member="The Matador"]
​Before Priestess Nia'Ka could speak one of her underlings cut her off, Speaking of when she could visit the Necromancers Basin, red eyes lingered on her for a moment as his HUD zoomed in on her face, scanning her physical appearance as it ran against Caradim's Holo Database, a few moments past as a cycle of faces past before identifying the woman as Bura Elien, a human female in servitude to the priesthood.

​Still, eyes lingered on her for a moment, his chrome face remaining expressionless as the Giant ran his eyes down her form once again then back to Nia'Ka, red eyes digging into her face. ​"No. The Basin cannot be visited by Priest nor mere Servant." ​The Matador reserved his suspicion, noting the soft change in Nia'Ka's expression as his eyes shifted once more to Bura, then returning to the High Priestess. ​"Forgive our past incompetence Chieftain. We have sufficient numbers to send to Erebos this time, the Lord Necromancer shall not be failed."

​"He shall be most pleased. Show me." ​High Priestess Nia'Ka bowed lowly, eyes closing softly as she lowered her head; opening them once more as she rose again. ​"Of course. I must oversee the Crucifixion of a member of the Hand of Light. Perhaps this servant girl can show you to the Ritual chamber?" ​Nia'Ka's eyes shifted to [member="Varas Kyrel"], whom she assumed to be a servant as she assisted the Priest beforehand.

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