Derisive Umbaran

So many great nobles, things, administrations,
So many high chieftains, so many brave nations,
So many proud princes, and power so splendid;
In a moment,
A twinkling,
All utterly ended.
Gone. As in, vanished. Poof. Like they were never even there. No notes, no security alarms being triggered as they left, everything still left in their corners. Dropped off the face of the galaxy itself. People vanished all the time, but they did not vanish from the factories of Hegemonic Automaton. They didn't do that because there was nowhere for them to leave. Every Hegemonic factory ever, outside of those special requests, had been erected in the middle of Ord Cestus' most inhospitable desert. There were no gates around his factories, only landing pads. And even then, a single employee vanishing into the desert was perhaps nothing to raise alarm over. Factory workers went mental all the time. Some even shot up their workplaces, so Gerion should've been grateful they all decided to hop the electric fences without triggering any perimeter alarms (not a single one of them).
Thousands of them.
And it soon turned out this was no isolated incident. No, the riots that broke out on Ord Cestus and the subsequent collapse of the planet's government was testament to that. Gerion had also received initial reports from Coruscant before communications ceased. He had been on Hypori when all this erupted. Governments spearheaded by Gerion did not collapse. Not completely and never immediately. On Hypori, curfews were immediately put into effect. Droid armies and automated emergency response forces were mobilized. Impromptu censuses carried out to determine who was left, population.
More importantly, the "all looters will be shot and killed on sight" policy. Cruel? Yes. Disproportionate? Also yes. But the fact of the matter was that this was a crisis of unimaginable proportions and the only way to maintain order was through immediate, effective response. Attach any adjectives to his policies as you want, Hypori would stabilize long before its neighbors. He had made sure of that before he left the planet in the temporary hands of TD-18. Droids were apparently immune to this disappearing act. It would do wonderful things for Hegemonic Automaton's advertisement campaigns soon enough. Maybe when they were done losing money.
Zothustro Quill had already responded to the immediate threat to their factories. Assembly lines were shut down, the droid garrisons at each factory mobilized and defenses brought online. The employees remaining were prohibited from leaving, mostly for their own safety and also because flying shuttles was presently not a safe operation. Tragic that some of them had families with ambiguous fates, but until Ord Cestus got a handle on the situation, another necessity. The last he had heard from the X'Ting, he was going to help get the Cestian government back together. Also, the Fondorian that designed the droids Hegemonic Automaton peddled had failed to report in. Probably lounging in Fringe space or vanished.
There was no point in attempting to contact Hegemonic Automaton's distribution centers. Communications had blacked out across the galaxy, and they were far too removed from Hegemonic Automaton's Lianna headquarters to be monitored. There were protocols in place. With any luck, they were cooperating fully with the local governments to see that aid is tendered to the remaining population. Worst case scenario, looters were being mowed down in the streets and a tangible authority had failed to present itself. Given the current state of things, that sounded most likely.
With all this weighing on his mind, Gerion had departed from Hypori for Lianna as soon as he feasibly could. Emergency messages were transmitted to every member of the Hegemony he knew of, but insofar he had heard nothing in return. This, to say the least, made him nervous. Hypori was all well and good, but his true loyalties were to the Tion Cluster and the Hegemony that ruled it. He would do what he could to restore order here, but he couldn't do it alone.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Darell Irani"] | [member="Selka Ventus"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"]