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Private A Meeting, Warlike Of Course

James Ephraim

James tapped on the holopad, casually swiping up and down. fourteen shipments had made it to Pelagon. Only Fourteen. Considering that they sent out about twenty-five, that was quite concerning. Thyferra wasn't all too far from the other planet, but pirates had become an increasing problem recently. Maybe they shouldn't have even bothered with selling weapons and such, mercenary jobs were easier and a lot more lucrative. He sighed, deeply, continuing to look over the details of recent operations. An escort mission here, a hired Warband there. Their field of expertise was growing, they were becoming less of a mercenary party and more of an actual PMC. More and more joined every day, which only served to full that idea. At that thought, James smiled, solemnly. Wouldn't be too long until they could launch project Kova.

He put the holopad down on his desk, leaning back in his chair. Today was rather important, he was going to meet Marlon Sularen. He'd heard of the man before, he even worked for him once, although they never met in person. He was an imperial type, to James' knowledge. The Mandalorian had met people like him before, they all seemed so very similar. Although Marlon seemed different, not so blinded by power but... Patient... Maybe just as arrogant though. James felt that they did have two things in common, ambition, and greed.

James traced his finger over the Blaster Pistol that sat on his desk. It was a talking piece, one he intended to use fully to his advantage. If all went to plan, he'd have a new ally, perhaps even a customer. He pushed the blaster out of the way, leaning further back in his chair. Wouldn't be too long now. He fully intended on sleeping for a day afterward, working these hours had not been good for him.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Thyferra. One of the Big Five of the Southern Systems, Planets whose combined might could further shift the tide of the Second Great Hyperspace War in favor of whoever controlled it. In recent times, the Thyferra had recently joined the Galactic Alliance in the midist of the Empire's raids on Thyferran Bacta Shipments, with the Final Dawn secretly gaining access to the flow of bacta through one of it's proxy corporations which managed to strike a profitable deal with the Xucphra Corporation. It was during this time, that the Final Dawn had been made aware of a growing Private Military Corporation based on Thyferra known as Ephraim Labors.

Already Marlon Sularen, the High Regent of the Final Dawn had taken a great interest in Ephraim Labors, seeing it as a potential ally in his ongoing struggle against the Galactic Alliance, even if they were just Mercenaries and Guns for Hire. Already he had hired them for a previous mission during the successful operation in the Hapolafey System, which saw many of Haon Hafey's Assets secured by the Final Dawn. Nevertheless, the High Regent thought it was best if both men met in person in order to discuss a future partnership between the Final Dawn and Ephraim Labors, after all it was always nice to have a Private Military Corporation at your disposal to do your dirty work without catching the eye of hostile powers, and since the departure of Kenth Berik and his Adjudicators, James Ephraim and Ephraim Labors seemed like the perfect replacement.

Setting those thoughts aside, Sularen would soon arrive within the office of James Ephraim, proceeding to take a seat directly opposite to his position behind his desk before proceeding to speak first. "Mr. James Ephraim, thank you for receiving me today. I'm glad to hear that you were willing to discuss more about the potential partnership between the Final Dawn and Ephraim Labors." Sularen began.

Tags | James Ephraim


James Ephraim

James listened to the man opposite him, arms propped on the desk, fingers laced. Sularen seemed quite proper with the way he did things. He also held some certain kind of authority James himself couldn't place, similar in some ways to the kind he held. "Of course," He said, calmly, "I believe that any deal made here would be of great benefit to me."

He was speaking the truth. There were very few things that could set this meeting down a bad path, bombing a planet for example. Still, James was all ears. He was interested to see what proposition this man would set forth. That said, he had much to say and ask. He picked up the holopad for a short moment, putting it back down.

"I have, I'm rather impressed with how you've managed to siphon bacta off this planet. Of course, who wouldn't want to take advantage of that?" This was a hint of laughter in his voice, mostly on how ironic the situation was. They'd been set up on Thyferra for good while, even before he was in control of the company. Back when it was still called Mihael Co.

The old man never saw the value in this planet, only used its thick rainforest for facility cover. And despite James wanting to delve into the medical opportunities now, he and the company were unable to find the resources to begin. He smiled tightly under the bandages. Funny, a scarred man on a planet covered in healing power.

"What brings you here anyway, Regent? What manner of business do you wish to discuss?" He narrowed his eyes, intently.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Of course, I believe that any deal made here would be of great benefit to me. I have, I'm rather impressed with how you've managed to siphon bacta off this planet. Of course, who wouldn't want to take advantage of that? What brings you here anyway, Regent? What manner of business do you wish to discuss?"
It seemed that James was looking forward to this meeting. Already speaking highly of the Final Dawn's Covert Operations to smuggle bacta into the Unknown Regions thanks to it's proxy corporations and willing to go straight to business and skip any pleasantries. But then again it wasn't really a surprise, James Ephraim was a businessman after all, just like the previous Mercenary who worked for Sularen, Kenth Berik.

"Like i said earlier, i seek to establish a partnership between the Final Dawn and Ephraim Labors, acquiring the services of your PMC for certain operations in which would require secrecy and plausible deniability, in which would would both advance the long-term objectives of the Final Dawn while simultaneously keeping Ephraim Labors sufficiently financed to ensure it's continued growth as a PMC and Arms Corporation so that it can prosper in times to come. Both of our professions aren't easy to navigate and it's a cruel galaxy out there, it would only make sense if we had each other's back don't you think?"

Tags | James Ephraim


James Ephraim

Sularen was right, it paid handsomely to have such powerful friends, and James could certainly see the use of an unaffiliated army fighting on the Final Dawn's behalf. A part of him wondered how many companies were under his thumb, how many people did he have control over, indirectly that is. It was a sound tactic, for sure, but James needed to act fiercely if he wanted to protect his interests. All this and more only served to feed his prior ideas. A partnership, he thought. Yes, this man and his people certainly pay well. But first, James needed to set the floor, and make demands.

"Of course, I scratch your back, you scratch mine." He said, simplifying the situation. "But to ensure the longevity of this deal, I'd like to set up shop in your territory. That above all else should be the first order of business."

His tone shifted, he sounded far more serious now, because now he was thinking wealth. "You mentioned the arms part of our company," He continued, his eyes darted to the blaster that sat on the table, "I assume you don't simply wish to use our military might. If so, you know exactly what that means, profit for me, a supplier for you. I won't lie, your dealings here on Thyferra are as far as my knowledge goes, for all I know, you don't need that kind of service."

And he wouldn't blame Sularen for avoiding it. The arms and armor they produced were lacking currently. They'd made excellent strides in magnetic-based technology, but certain... disadvantages were beginning to surface with those products. Truly, the shift to a different type of basis was taking its time.

James leaned back in the chair, sighing. "I must apologize, I'm being far too forward with all this. What's your view on it, Regent?"

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



"I must apologize, I'm being far too forward with all this. What's your view on it, Regent?"
Sularen stroked his beard as James Ephraim finished speaking. It was clear that the man sought to preserve the independence of his PMC, most likely already aware of the fact that the Final Dawn had various proxy corporations at it's disposal including the one which it had utilized to smuggle bacta off-world from Thyferra right under the nose of the Galactic Alliance who were already distracted with the Empire's raids on Bacta Convoys. Sularen both understood and respected this considering this was the same type of relationship Kenth Berik and his own Mercenary Corporation had maintained before their departure from the Final Dawn.

In addition to that Ephraim seemed interested in engaging in arms deals with the Final Dawn which could be beneficial especially considering the fact the Final Dawn was starting to grow a bit overreliant on the military technology it had acquired from the Nakaioma Corporation. If Sularen lost access to Nakaioma's Products then it could severely affect his plans, but having additional suppliers would enable him to continue supplying his Soldiers with new weapons even if certain corporations cut him off. So far everything was going smoothly and this was something Sularen liked. It was clear he had hit the jackpot with James Ephraim, as he was certain that few PMCs like his would even want to deal with him. After all, Sularen had once overestimate other groups of interests in regards to their willingness to compromise and make deals with him and by extension the Final Dawn.

"Please, you don't owe me any apology" Sularen began. "I perfectly understand what you mean. Your seek to maintain your independence while still making a deal that will profit both parties. In regards to setting shop within my territory, i could grant you a piece of land on O'reen, which serves as the base of operations for the Final Dawn. It's primary terrain is comprised of tall mesas, one of which could serve as a place to house any facilities you would require to operate from my territory." Sularen then took a pause before continuing once more. "As for any arms dealing between our respective organizations, i do believe we could work something out. After all it's like you said. A Supplier for me, more profits for you. In the end we both benefit from such dealings and that is why we are here in the first place."

Tags | James Ephraim


James Ephraim

If Sularen were trying to get on James' good side, it was working. A piece of land for operations, and maybe even a trade deal. As far as James could tell, this was an offer too good to not take. It wasn't like there were any catches or strings attached. James knew full and well what he was getting into, it was the Final Dawn. It didn't take a genius to understand the kind of people they were. James, however, didn't think of his employers or what they did, he thought of his men and their lives. It didn't come from a place of compassion though, although he did care for some of the higher-ups beside him, most of his soldiers were just assets. As anyone knows in war, people are a valuable asset.

As far as he could tell, a military contract with the Final Dawn was not only beneficial but low-risk. "I think that would be a great choice." He said, commenting on the prospect of trade, slightly more charming than he usually sounded.

"I must say, this meeting has been nothing short of a good idea. Is there anything else that you'd like to discuss? Something tells me that you have more than just deals on the mind." While James wasn't certain, he felt that Sularen liked to work quickly, James did it himself. With how sudden his last assignment with the Final Dawn was, he imagined that mirrored its leader.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



"I think that would be a great choice. I must say, this meeting has been nothing short of a good idea. Is there anything else that you'd like to discuss? Something tells me that you have more than just deals on the mind."
Sularen had clearly made the right decision in choosing James Ephraim as his replacement for the recently-departed Kenth Berik and his own Mercenaries. Unlike Berik he was in it for the profit and not for any ideological reasons. Although while this presented itself as an advantage with Sularen now having yet another Private Military Corporation at his side, there were also some risks and disadvantages. Ephraim had agreed to a partnership with the Final Dawn because he saw it as mutually beneficial, but Berik had joined out of loyalty. Sularen feared, that just like Berik, Ephraim might abandon the partnership with the Final Dawn if he deemed it as unprofitable. It was important that Sularen addressed these issues in order to ensure that both him and Ephraim would remain on the same page.

"Indeed i do, and it concerns the sustainability of this partnership. Like i said earlier, it is a cruel galaxy out there, and by working with me you would make alot of enemies along the way. This has chased away other mercenaries who once worked with us, although most of them were in it due to ideological reasons rather then profits as is the case with you. I want to know if you're really up to the challenge, in facing these many groups of interests that your Private Military Corporation might end up at odds with while working with us. This is indeed just business, but everyone has a certain line they'd never wish to cross, and i would like to know if possible where you'll draw your line."

Tags | James Ephraim


James Ephraim

"Draw my line?" James laced his fingers together, echoing the Regent's words. James rose from the chair, slowly pushing it in. He reached for the blaster pistol that sat on the desk. Holding it in his hand, he looked at it, regarding it with a discerning eye. "Did you know that a lot of our early weapons testing was unsanctioned?"

He sighed. "It was highly illegal," He admitted, "Although it had to happen to bring us viable equipment." He looked to Sularen, shaking the blaster in hand. "This little thing was especially deadly in testing. It even took the head off of one of the testers. Although many don't know that." He muttered that last bit.

"To get to the point," He laid the pistol in front of Sularen, "There are a few things that we shun, most of the people who work for me are deserters, from nearly all armies. We have people from the alliance, the empire, and even your final dawn. We even have a few retired bounty hunters. They have nothing else to live for, other than this company. They do what I say when I say it. My morals are low, Regent. Just don't make me blow up a planet, and we'll be fine." He narrowed his eyes.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Well this was good news to Sularen. Atleast this meant, that there would be low chances that James Ephraim would ever leave him for any ideological or morale reasons, and even if he did considering at how his Mercenaries worked only to make a profit would only make them less attractive from the perspective of other major governments such as the Galactic Alliance and the Empire who would still associate them with the Maw even if they had left, just because of what they had done during the time they were with the Maw. With James Ephraim and his Mercenaries firmly on his side, there was only one thing left to cover, transportation and logistics.

"I assure you, i have no intent on destroying any more worlds. Superweapons are too big of a target and aren't worth the trouble, and i'm speaking from experience." Sularen said. After pausing for a bit, he resumed moving on to the next topic as intended. "Now i'd like to discuss the matter of transportation and logistics." he began. "I was wondering considering how your Contractors would be working alongside us either on the frontlines of the Second Great Hyperspace War or across the galaxy on distant worlds far beyond the official borders of the Final Dawn, does your Company posses the means to safely transport it's soldiers and supplies across the galaxy with ease? After all it would be quite unfortunate to lose valuable men and supplies."

Tags | James Ephraim

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James Ephraim

James considered the question. They certainly had the means to transport soldiers, either covertly or openly. It was easy to muster the necessary resources for such things, easy for him and his company at least. And while James didn't like pulling strings, he did have ways to get deep into territory that was far from his. They operated on Thyferra, for Pete's sake. All this said it offered a unique choice for James, would he rather serve the Final Dawn openly or in secret? Granted, things like this never remained hidden but he knew what choice made the most sense.

"We have our ways, Regent, don't worry about that. We're more than capable of moving our contractors." He said, calmly. "But I'll be honest, I think having distance from your main force would be best. Not only would it dissociate both us and your people, but it would allow us to operate discreetly, crippling the opposition. This relationship won't stay our secret, I think even you know that. But, the longer no one knows of it, the better the advantage."

A few simple covert ops to start, just so his men could adjust to working with a larger military force. Besides, it would also give him free rein to test the troopers from project Kova, something that was already on its way to being finished. The Mandalorian rarely got excited, but this was one of those moments.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



James Ephraim proved the High Regent with a swift response, reassuring him that his company could handle the transportation of it's contractors, which was good as the High Regent had already drafted plans to provide Ephraim Labors with a few extra naval assets recently acquired from the Hapolafey System, but that was no longer necessary. Ephraim then brought up the idea of potentially keeping the relationship between the Final Dawn and Ephraim Labors a secret as to maintain plausible deniability and to frustrate their enemies, Sularen had to admit it was a smart idea as it would allow him to potentially strike at targets that were already beyond the reach of his vast Armadas.

"Covert Ops and Plausible Deniability" Sularen remarked. "I like that idea, as it would allow you to operate freely without the threat of any intervention from the larger powers in the galaxy. However i do believe that it is imperative that we keep this relationship a secret, especially considering at how Thyferra, where your Corporation is based is located within Alliance territory. The moment they find out you've been working with me, they will most certainly try to seize all your assets just like other corporations whose ties with the Final Dawn had been uncovered in the past. The Strategic Intelligence Agency is known for their ruthlessness towards those whom they label as 'traitors'."

Sularen knew too well what could happen if James Ephraim's dealings with him were to be uncovered, he would be labeled as a traitor by the Alliance and hunted by it's Strategic Intelligence Agency, and those bastards in Coruscant would seek to dismantle all the man had worked had to build. Protecting the integrity of their partnership would be critical if they were to benefit from it in the long-term.

Tags | James Ephraim

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James Ephraim

Under all the bandages, James smiled. He'd thought about how the Alliance reacted to this kind of thing. He understood it because he would do the exact same. But like always, he had a plan of action. "True, they tend to react harshly to this sort of situation. Here's the idea, I've conjured up."

he laced his fingers together again, continuing, "I could play it two-faced," He said, earnestly, "Dealing with the Alliance as much as I deal with you. It would be risky, but it could work. In the meantime, we could siphon my assets off Thyferra onto O'reen, if you'd allow it. We could also find I suitable place for a new headquarters, I'm thinking somewhere in the unknown regions."

He paused, thinking for a moment. "We could even cause a bit of sabotage on Thyferra before we finally leave, cripple the planet somehow. Granted, it may have adverse effects on the bacta you gain from the planet. To be honest, I wouldn't be much worried if they seized the things we have here. We have our hand in almost every major planet, even Coruscant. It wouldn't be that big of a loss, but I'd still like to retain my property."

He doubted that the Alliance would even be looking that hard, especially on a planet mainly populated by medical companies. But the Regent was right, they'd find out eventually, so they needed to move resources when they had the chance. This initial set of phases, the special ops and such, would be a great time to do so.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



After Sularen's explanation of the possibility of the Alliance seizing the assets of James Ephraim, the Mercenary would offer up a possible solution which involved moving his assets to O'reen in the Unknown Regions and perhaps even doing some sabotage on Thyferra which could potentially cripple the Galactic Alliance's Bacta supply. While it was a good idea, Sularen wasn't very keen on having James Ephraim move to the Unknown Regions. After all the last time a Mercenary Company had done so it had ended up badly when they had to face the horrors of the Maw and even though Ephraim was driven by profit rather then ideology, it was best that the High Regent kept him away from the territories of the Maw but in a position to continue operating with the Maw freely as he saw fit.

"Hum..." Sularen muttered, trying to think of a possible solution. His best option would be to arrange the relocation of Ephraim Labor's headquarters further South, but not too south as the Rimward Trade League lay near the Seswenna Sector where another rival of Sularen had set up shot there on Eriadu. "The whole playing both-sides thing could work, after all it could even allow us to exploit their Common Soldier Law that they passed a while back, but i don't think it would be wise to move into the territories of the Brotherhood of the Maw, as the internal situation there is quite troublesome"

Sularen felt he was a bit exaggerating with the internal situation of the Maw. However indeed the Maw had begun to slowly fragment from the inside out, with the Final Dawn and the Tribes at odds as well as the Tribes of the Maw having clearly demonstrated that they have intentions to seize control of the Maw by force if necessary. A Civil War would most likely occur in the future and Sularen had no intention of endangering Ephraim's Corporation by bringing it too close to a potential future warzone, after all it would undermine the whole point of their partnership which was supposed to be mutually beneficial for both parties in the long term.

For now he'd have to find an alternative location for the relocation of James Ephraim's primary base of operations, one that would be more appealing then O'reen and located far enough from the many foes of the Final Dawn. That way he could minimize the risk of having James Ephraim and his Corporation ending up being nationalized by a hostile government or worse, find themselves in the crossfire of a hypothetical Mawite Civil War.

Tags | James Ephraim

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James Ephraim

James thought about the man's suggestion. The thought of the Maw as a whole slipped his mind. In truth, He wished for his company to maintain as much autonomy as possible, without government or faction inference. He was willing to work with Sularen for a few key reasons. One, he paid well, two, he understood business, and three, he wasn't savage. While the bandaged man couldn't speak much on the Maw, he knew plenty of them were savages.

He nodded in resignation, "Fair enough. But I do want to find a better base of operations. Your intel on the galaxy is much better than mine, so I promptly leave that to you."

This meeting had been helpful overall, and the man had learned a good deal about the other. Still, there was one thing that remained on his mind, something he hadn't asked yet.

"Something I forgot to mention," he started, "I'm aware of a group in the Maw, they're... Mandalorians... If it wouldn't be any trouble, I'd like you to put me in contact with them." James said, in a rather serious tone.

James knew himself, and he knew his people. Well, his former people. He was less of a Mandalorian these days and more a businessman. Likewise, he knew a good option when it presented itself. Tough recruits are what he thought of, and it wouldn't be hard to convince them given his knowledge. But of course, with favors like this, James certainly expected the Regent to make a demand in return. Frankly, James would be upset if he didn't.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Fortunately for Sularen, James Ephraim would follow through with Sularen's earlier proposal of not relocating his headquarters into the Maw entirely, and even went as far as leaving the task of choosing the location of his headquarters to Sularen himself. This would grant Sularen some degree of limited control over the future of Ephraim Labor relationship with the Final Dawn and how their partnership work out. Another good idea that would come to benefit both the Final Dawn and Ephraim Labors in the long run. If only the rest of the galaxy were capable of sitting down and compromising like Sularen and Ephraim had done today, maybe Sularen would have not ended up aligning with the Maw, but alas it is what it is.

Then James mentioned how he had heard about a group of Mandalorians within the Maw, most likely referring to the Death's Hand, whom Sularen was on good terms with having collaborated with them in the Conquest of Nothmir against the Nothmiro Federation whose population was comprised entirely of descendants of Mandalorian Colonists. It seemed that James Ephraim sought to be placed into contact with them, for reasons still unknown to the High Regent. But once again, Sularen had always viewed the Death's Hand as a possible ally against the Tribes of the Maw and as such he had no reason to really deny Ephraim from his request once more on the grounds of mutual benefit.

"Ah yes, the Death's Hand that's what they call themselves. They are lead by a Sith Lord and Self-Proclaimed Mand'alor Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze , and fortunately for you, the Final Dawn has been on good terms with them lately having assisted them in expanding their territories in the Unknown Regions and in their campaigns against the other leading Mandalorian Faction in the Galaxy, the Enclave. I could indeed arrange things between you and the Death's Hand. Perhaps even an audience with their leader, Kryze." Sularen said in response.

"Although i am quite curious, why are you interested in the Death's Hand? Even though i have no issue with such, i am quite interested in this almost sudden interest in the Death's Hand." the High Regent added.

Tags | James Ephraim


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