Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Meeting Of Two Differences

Quil Narro

The pacifist boy walked down an empty sidewalk on Naboo and, he began to think, think of all the horrible things that were happening around the galaxy

Quil stopped and looked at the bright sky, he continued to think.

"why, why, why is the galaxy filled with constant wars! Why is the galaxy filled with marauders, thieves, and scum! Why would people let this happen. The governments of powerful forces were only looking out for themselves, they cared nothing for their peers."

DogNut felt a single tear drip from his eye. He slowly wiped it away.

There were governments claiming they want peace and not war yet they chose to accomplish their goals by starting more wars. Oh how he hated wars.

Quil began to walk again he had many things on his mind, his family were back on Alderaan, vaugly aware of what he was doing.

Quil slowly sat on a nearby bench before sighing the people of the galaxy were in would he ease it.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth had been sitting upon a bench on Naboo, worlds away from his home. He was stronger now, though his training on Iridonia had left him tired still, both in body and mind. Such an uninviting place, yet it held a strange beauty. The barren wastes and blazing heat gave life to creatures of hardy constitution and there was beauty in strength, beauty in survival. Someone was walking by. Aimless, lost in thought, with eyes full of pain. Who was this newcomer?*

[member="Quil Narro"]

Quil Narro

Quil was to busy in his thoughts to notice the boy on the bench sitting next to him. He seemed to be a bit older by a couple of years...Quil smiled at the man.

He began to stare at the man. The older teen seemed different than himself. Quil dressed himself in neat attire whereas the older teen dressed like he was going to meet an old friend; however he could not judge, for his brother would not always dress presentable himself.

Quil looked back up to the sky.

"I'm sorry, I did not see you, I must have been too deep in thinking." Quil said. He then reached his hand out for a handshake.

"My name is Quil Narro....many of my friends call me DogNut, don't ask...they felt as if I needed a little comedy in my life." He said [member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]

Quil Narro

Quil almost smiled when the man proclaimed the bench as his.

" 'Tis nice to meet you Dust. As what brings me here to" he clear ed d his throat, "your bench....I just needed a place to rest, and think about this....These horrible thing's that people do....they start wars stating they want peace..." he paused.

"Everyone has their own opinion. ?..on war and how things are fairing....what is yours Mr. Jareth?"

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth furrowed his brow at this. What WAS his opinion? He fought, for love, for peace, for justice, but did that make fighting the right thing?*

Jareth: "Everyone does what they do for a reason. The killers, the protectors, and random bystanders, they all have reasons behind their actions. People say they can change their own future, alter their destiny, but in truth we have no control on where we came from. For that reason, all who walk their path are in their own way right. As for war, it is inevitable, just as the chaos around us. In a perfect world there would be no war, but in this world no-one has stood up to make an end to war. Maybe a thousand generations from now, in this very galaxy, someone will perish the flame that has burned in-numerable lives. Unfortunately I don't think anyone is ready for that day, so it is our job to fight for what we believe in, even though we are all ignorant. Sith, Jedi, they are all blind to the truths of this existence. The force is just a weapon with which they enforce their false ideals, but people like you and I. We can lead our own path, enforce what it is that we believe in."

Quil Narro

Quil attentively listened to Jareth speak, slowly forming a response in his head. The man in front of him seemed to speak truly for what he believed. Quil looked at Jareth.

"Everyone has a reason...fair point....Although we do not control where we came from or who we are...but we can control what we do to change this galaxy..."

He paused and smiled.

"Hmm war...such a stupid thing to spend your resources on the governments that fund those wars should be spending it on feeding their people...or maybe advancing in medical care. "
"People like you and I are ment to change the galaxy for the better." He finished

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
Jareth: "Perhaps we are. At any moment we could be faced with an option that could help or hurt someone. It is my hope that we choose the higher road and not let our own reservations get in the way of doing what is right"

[member="Quil Narro"]

Quil Narro

Quil nodded his head.

"Would you like to have lunch with me? I'd like to lnow more about your past." Quil said before standing up.

"I know this great diner nearby. "

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*jareth thought for a moment. He had nothing else to do, and this other young man intrigued him.*

Jareth: "I would love to, but I am afraid I don't have enough credits for much..."

[member="Quil Narro"]

Quil Narro

Quil nodded then held up a small bag of credits.

"I got you covered, you seem like the type to be trustworthy." He then tied the bag back on his belt.

He slowly kept walking as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"If you want I could tell you about my past too." He said loudly.

Quil continued to walk to the diner waiting for the man to catch up.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]

Quil Narro

Quil smiled as Jareth followed.

Quil turned a corner and the diner came into view.

He held open walked in and found a empty booth

He then sat down

"Well should you or I go first?" Quil said.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]

Quil Narro

Quil took a breath and raised his hand to call the waitress, when she came he smiled.

"Two bantha steaks with some water." He said as she waited patiently.

She walked off to fill their order, so Quil looked back to Jareth.

"Well I was born and raised on Alderaan, it was my parents my sister, my brother, and me. We lived a ways away from the populated areas, and closer to the forests. My mother would always tell stories of grate and bloody wars between different people. I always was so amazed that people would do such things. One day I was outside with my fifteen year old brother and we were just watching the river, we heard yelling from the neighbors a few minutes away, so me and my brother began to run towards the screaming. When we reached there we found another neighbor family beating the screaming family to death, me and my brother ran home. Later that day when my father came home he told me that the family that was killed were killed because they borrowed something and didn't return it, yet they claimed they returned it. So in a sense it was like war."

Quil paused as the waitress came back with the two Bantha steaks and water, Quil smiled and thanked her, and the plates were set down.

"You see, in a sense that was war....and why I dislike it. A wise man oce said....war....war never changes." He stopped and picked up his fork and knife. He then began to eat.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth dug into his food. He was disturbed by the situation described by Quil. He never enjoyed conflict, though he was an expert in the resolution thereof.*

Jareth: "What happened after that? To the other family I mean..."

[member="Quil Narro"]

Quil Narro

Quil stopped eating and stared at the male across him. He was taken aback by Jareth's question, he forgot to say, or rather didn't want to. Quil cleared his throat.

"Well, that's the thing, they dissappeared one day, I asked my father but all he replied with was 'I'll tell you when you're older.' One night I was outside starring at the stars when my sister came out she smiled wickedly at me, apparently she had heard that I asked what happened to the family, so she gave me the answer, my father had walked to the family's farm and shot them down, at that moment I got on my knees and wept. I cried because I had a hard time believing that my father a man of passion would stoop to a level so low." He picked his fork up again and began to eat.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*A shiver went down the spine of Jareth. He wasn't sure if he was in agreement with the father or not. Was a life for a life just? Jareth could not help but believe in some way that it was. These people had killed without provocation, his father had merely prevented a possible re-occurrence of the event.*

Jareth: "I ask you this, knowing that it took a heavy heart for your father to do that, but what makes what he did so... low? Everywhere we look, there are situations where those who do wrong are considered bad, but then we look at the ones who try to correct the wrong and see them as evil also. I believe there is merit in taking the higher road, but when the dogs of war bear down on those who take the higher road, someone must step up to defend those people. Does it make someone lower to protect those he considers good? I would live in an existence without conflict or murder or pain, and I would revel in that. Until that comes, I would fight to the death to obtain such a world and to protect the people who choose not to kill even when justice calls for it."

[member="Quil Narro"]

Quil Narro

Quil looked up from his food.

"I guess I have never thought of it that way...if you kill to protect the one's you love..." he stopped and trailed off. "Let me ask you this, since you seem to be helping me clear my mind. If you protect the one's you love by killing others does it make it right?" He looked deeply into the male's eyes.

"To be honest I'd rather die then strike down a man who opposes me."

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
Jareth: "Does it make killing right? Never. It makes it necessary. It takes strength to hold ones anger, but it takes even more to break everything one believes in for the sake of another. Do I want to kill? No, there is nothing further from the truth, yet I've... I've done it, and when one takes on the mantle of protector against a man, two die. The man he kills to defend another and the man he was before: the greatest sacrifice of taking another life is ones humanity. Is it right? no, but it takes a strength of character and the willingness to lay down what makes you good. To look into the eyes of loved ones and have them stare back at a killer. To... To know hate... From those you are closest to. They try to... to tell you... that you haven't changed, that you are still the one that they loved, but when you look into their eyes... you see fear... It is a worse fate than death. You feel abandoned by yourself, by your God, by your goodness. Is it wrong to kill, even for the sake of justice? Yes. But that doesn't make a man lesser for doing it... She..."

*The last words were choked from his throat by tears and drowned out by the sound of restrained sobbing. The very room shook slightly and, to a degree, everyone could feel a disturbance within the force. This was no simple pain...*

[member="Quil Narro"]

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