Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Meeting Among The Level Headed

A Light Shining in Darkness

Times had gotten harsher in the Core - with nationalism growing ever stronger in the Greyson Imperium. Wyatt couldn’t help but sigh, as he had been granted the rank of Master - but it felt hollow, ever more hollow by the fact that the others he served with were so militant. He dabbed his forward with the synth towel as he left the training room, more upset by his own internal storm than that outside.​
For weeks he had been reconsidering his efforts with the Order, seeing a continued movement away from the teachings of service - of sacrifice. To rule over others was not the Jedi way; but to help them, assist in their living, it was what was always taught. Yet they had broken free of it, worshipped the Force as the ‘Ashla’, and made themselves ever more foreign to the other orders. Only a few exceptions still existed - and Wyatt was one of them.​
The other however, was a man named Lan; a man Wyatt had been friends with somewhat recently. The mirialan was already well established for his peace, his ability to relate - and more notably to Wyatt, a level head he could appreciate. He glanced to a droid as he dressed himself, and spoke in a soft tone - alone as he was.​
Summon Master Lan to the Archives. I need to speak to him.”, Wyatt said with a soft tone.​
The droid beeped in response, and sped off to do what was asked of him.​
Wyatt went ahead, dressed in light robes that kept him cool, and off to the Archives - where he could speak in private with the other Jedi.​
Avo Avo
The temple was quiet - almost serene. For all of the tumultuous events that had transpired in the Core, the temple and its inhabitants seemed no worse for the wear. The guardians of the order had found a home with the Imperium, albeit a rather peculiar one. One of worship, fanatic nationalism, and an ever growing laundry list of foes, rivals, and enemies. Their foreign policy had been lacking from the beginning, but that business was nothing a Jedi should have an opinion on.

Lan simply did his job: keep the peace.

However, it seemed that recent events even questioned his own ability to do so. Others had attempted to provoke change within the Imperium, though many of them fell far too short of the mark to make a difference. If only he could.

Beep~! Beep~!

A synthetic chortling from the entryway pulled him from his solitude. The gardens were often his home, clearing his mind as much as the bustling streets of Coruscant did. The Jedi Master motioned the droid over as he rose, slipping out of his meditative state to read a (hopefully) urgent message.

Blue eyes quickly scanned the parchment, brow furrowed with concentration.

"Thank you," he mumble in response and departed.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt’s eyes were focused on the soft blue light of an excerpt from the Archive - speaking of the Army of Light. An ancient order lead by a man named Jedi Lord ‘Hoth’; someone he had heard of before. It was created due to the ineffectiveness of the government, and the Jedi themselves - a crusade against the Dark Side made from absolute need; something he found vaguely similar today…​
The Force had a way of repeating itself, and that in itself is what worried him. Hoth was a legendary duelist, a fighter without equal that drove the Sith to the brink of destruction - but he was a dangerous man. His fanaticism led him down a dark path, and the histories spoke many times of how close he came to succumbing to that drive; to falling to the Dark Side as a means to end the Sith.​
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, he supposed.​
He felt the familiar presence, perhaps a moment later than he intended, and glanced up from the book that had engrossed him so much. A smile, warm and inviting, dawned on him as he rose to meet his friend with a shake of the hand -​
Master Lan, I appreciate you coming to see me on such short notice.”, Wyatt offered, motioning for the Jedi to sit down.​
He himself took his own, offering a second apology in a few more words;​
I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important, Lan.”​
Avo Avo
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