Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Mandalorian Looking for RP

So I've come back to the site and decided I wanted to do some RP! Without further ado....

Born to the Mandalorian Clan of Rikat, Dariak's family have returned to the 'Old Ways' where glory and thirst for combat were far more important than money or influence. A time where a warrior relished a challenge against a power foe and not preying on the helpless.

As such Dariak can't really mingle well with evil characters. His moral code is built on a warrior's code so people from cultures such as the Echani, Kalee and military backgrounds will tend to find it (somewhat) easier to get along with Dariak.

He tends to wield his dry wit as well as his weapons, is often good natured but with a bloodthirsty streak a parsec long. His loyalty to Mandalore is based on the fact that it is traditionally

Brothers All: Mandalorian characters will naturally be the strongest contacts. Whatever their opinion of his Crusader heritage might be Dariak will always be steadfast and loyal to them. Maybe they're on the same military campaign. Maybe it's just RP to establish a friendship for faction interaction.

Savage Civility (Possible Romance): I've always liked the noble-meets-savage dynamic. Where the complete opposite of social norms clash but can still come together. Oh no doubt they'll be conflict but that's the fun part? Perhaps Dariak has been hired to escort your character through dangerous territory and the idea of fighting has lured him to their side. A combination of action, dialogue and interesting interactions I hope.

An Extra Gun Never Hurt: Perhaps the most general pitch. Jedi, smuggler, spacer, scout...maybe you need an extra gun hand and know that Mandalorians have a tendency to see themselves to the other side of the firefight. Maybe you're on the right side of the law. Or the wrong side. If you have a chance to see action then Dariak will stick around.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
[member="Dariak Talesa"]

If you've got free time, RCFC is always looking for folks to test and design weapons. If you sign on, you get a custom weapon designed by yours truly, and you'll be free to play with any of the toys we've currently got on the market. If you want to design a weapon, I'll help you work on the design and get it through the Factory, and in return, RCFC gets to sell it. You also may be asked to participate in the occasional dev thread.

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