Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Long Time Coming


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Hang out with former master
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Silas raised a brow at the sudden appearance of a voice behind them and turned around. Almost instantly, his eyes narrowed to a man who he almost instantly recognised. He was one of the many he and the other padawans had fought with during his birthday, a truth that he wisely chose to keep away from Kahlil and Valery Noble Valery Noble for good reason.

"You... you've got the wrong person" Silas blurted out as he slowly got out of his chair just in case the man tried anything funny "Oh no, I r-remember you perfectly. You're... you're one of those kids who busted my nose!" he said with a raise of his voice, making Silas give an unsure look to Kahlil. There was probably going to be a lot of explaining to do, but right now he needed to calm the alcoholic down. The man looked to Kahlil and pointed an unsteady finger "H-hey... old man did you keep your son any manners?"

It was clear he had already had enough to drink. Silas and Kahlil looked nothing alike

"Sorry sir, allow me to deal with this..."

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Kahlil simply frowned as he watched the man, but let out a sigh. Gave Silas a brief smile before he turned to his drink once more. A man Silas had broken the nose of? Must have been someone who deserved it. He had that much faith in the boy, at least. That, and faith for Silas to handle it, even if he was drunk.

He wasn't too drunk, right? Kahlil paused, glancing over. Yeah, he'd keep an eye on the scenario at least.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Hang out with former master
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Silas gave a brief smile to Kahlil before turning back to the man unsteadily "Now... why don't I-" bringing back his arm the drunken man threw a wild sucker punch straight at Silas's cheek, leaving him little time to react. Silas however had a feeling he'd try to get one back and snapped his head backward, avoiding the punch by mere inches in his drunken state. Launching forwards the knight took his chance to push him back into the direction of his buddies, one that send him stumbling back into a table.

"C-come on sir... it's probably best we leave" the lad struggled to say as he went to walk over to the door. Although, as expected his friends were not going to make that so easy. One by one they got out of their seats and stood in the doorway in front of them "Where do you think you're going?" the ring leader growled to the pair "You're one of the kids who knocked us around! You think we're just going to let you leave again?" he grunted while the man either side of him grabbed hold of pool cues and bottles.

"Please... you're making a big mistake" Silas pleaded, concerned for the mens safety just in case they did do anything stupid again "I really don't want another repeat of this" upon this comment they all seemed to get even rowdier. Giving Kahlil the sideye he seemed to gulp slightly from the revelation his former master knew about now "Did I forget to mention we also had a barfight?"

Slowly but surely they all then proceeded to approach, looking menacing and pissed from the amount of trouble Silas had caused.

"Valery is going to kill me..."

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Kahlil let out a sigh as things just continued to escalate. Then, raised a hand.

The Force pulled under his guidance, and at once the men there froze in place. None could swing their weapons, even speak. But they were very aware of the stasis he'd put them in. The rune for it burned in his palm before he turned his gaze towards the Bartender. Offered them a tired smile.

"Call the authorities, if you would. I'll make sure they can't destroy any more of your facility."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Hang out with former master
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Silas scrunched his fists and prepared to fight, seemingly prepared to break each one of their noses again. Thankfully, before they could take a step further Kahlil had seen enough. The master swiftly froze them in place using the force, preventing them from uttering another word or swinging for them with their weapons.

The barman, who didn't seem to be fussed by it all nodded to Kahlil and went to make a call to the authorities. Jedi were respected around here, thugs like the ones causing trouble were looked down upon for what they were. Considering Silas wasn't going to visit this bar again anytime soon hopefully it was going to be the last time he saw their faces. Right now, he didn't have time to deal with people like them.

In the corner, an individual belonging to the bunch had just come out of the toilets to see his friends in a pickle. Growling in an uneven state he grabbed a barstall and made a beeline for Kahlil "LET GO OF MY-" but before he even finish his sentence Silas came out of nowhere and slammed a powerful punch into the side of his face, knocking him out cold right there and then.

The knight nudged the sleeping thug slightly before turning back to Kahlil, shrugging to him as if it was the only thing he could do to stop him "A barstool is a dangerous object you know..." he said nonchalantly as he downed the rest of his drink.

"We'd better go after the authorities arrive. I don't think Valery will be very happy if she knew what happened here"

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Kahlil already turned his gaze towards the man before he'd opened his mouth to speak. The Force sent it's whispers, it's guidance, and even buzzed the Jedi could hear them. That, or the stumble of the man as they rapidly approached. Not that he had to do anything. He didn't even flinch, instead trusting what he saw in a brief glimpse would happen. And it did. Silas intervened. Then, for once, he actually laughed. Full on laugh, at that, not the usual chuckle, as he listened to Silas.

"I told you, she already knows Silas. Our bond in the Force, sometimes we might as well be the same person. You're not in trouble, either. Though you look like you're going to have quite the Hangover."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Hang out with former master
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Valery Noble Valery Noble


Silas blinked a few times from what had just happened, did Kahlil just laugh? not that he didn't do it, it was just rare to see him laughing that heavily. Soon enough, Silas joined in and embraced the moment with him. Times like these were something Silas was going to remember for a long time, as long as his hungover mind allowed it.

"I should be fine... I'm more worried about what Valery is going to say the next time I see her" Silas said, imagining Valery death staring them from across the galaxy "I'll probably have a lot to answer for, especially with the party. Even so, she's not exactly my master anymore" which meant she couldn't punish him on the matter anymore! being a knight certainly had its perks.

Not long after, the authorities arrived and took the grumpy thugs out of the bar. Silas smartly decided that was the end of the night for the pair of them and soon left after tipping the barman for the mess

"Well sir, I hope you enjoyed the night. I apologize for the little fight, but even that turned out to be quite eventful" He smirked in a more sober condition as they slowly walked along the corridor towards the door. Hopefully, further down the line, they'd be more moments like this between them both.


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