Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Little Thievery


"You haven't come to check on things for a while. Are things well?"

Daxam IV was it's own little eco system on the very fringes of the Galaxy. People didn't visit there, people didn't leave there. They had no need for importing any goods from other worlds. It was self sustaining, which meant it was a perfect little place to hide away some ill gotten goods. The illusion of the Defel that doubled as his face looked over the small facility he'd had utilized for his various projects. Nothing extensive yet, he didn't have the manpower to make armies or the like.

Just his personal equipment so it remained whole and ready for use. His gaze shifted to the man beside him. Ever loyal, if only to the progress of science and ingenuity. Science was among the most trustworthy of goals to be used by another. Not that Vazz was very trusting in the first place. It's why they were here, on the edge of nowhere.

"Just a feeling. Have you found a way to reproduce my blades easier?"

"No, not without an actual alchemist anyway. It's too unnatural to produce with science alone."

The illusionary double let out a heavy sigh. It was a puppet for the otherwise invisible Sith just nearby. His way to express himself, to exist as more than a shadow as all Defel existed naturally. Their fur absorbed all light after all, save for their eyes. But the illusion had shape, color, form. It breathed. Hell, it could even interact with it's surroundings. A step across the snow covered desert left footprints, which the invisible body followed from a distance.

"A shame. Alchemists are few and far between, at least those not already taken in by the Sith Order." Neutrality was a rare thing in this day. He'd risked so much just to get where he was. A Sith had gone missing, a powerful one at that. Darth Ayra. He didn't know what fate it was that took her away, but it left enough of a void for him to take what he'd needed to start this project. And fund some other endeavors throughout the galaxy. Crime was often the best cover for assassination.

"And the other project?"

"On schedule, not to worry."

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Tag: Vazz Vazz

Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.

A Sith Master traversed the desert plains of Daxam IV. In her wake was a craft and it's smuggler crew that had taken her across the expanse towards this no-name, random, backdrop of a planet of which Darth Ayra herself had not heard of before she had tracked down one of her former Echani servants some weeks ago. In her negotiations with the crew and it's Captain back on Nal Hutta Ayra had negotiated terms for her to be smuggled into Daxam. Her list of demands were as follows:

The crew and Captain of the Wendigo were to smuggle Ayra out of Hutt space, and along several hyperspace corridors, and known routes, until they arrived safely at their destination of Daxam IV. (Ayra is known to the crew as Alicia Drey)

The Wendigo was to bring along a compliment of foodstuffs that would last crew, Captain and their passenger throughout the journey too Daxam IV and have enough supplies to last everyone for approximately one month additionally on top of the weeks that it would take to complete the voyage.

Upon arrival the Captain will transfer control of the Wendigo to their passenger after their journey is complete. This came in the form of Ayra encrypting their navigational computer with a cipher that she trusted neither crew or Captain to able to break or solve by themselves following safe arrival to the planet. Upon the conclusion of her business on Daxam Ayra would agree to lift the encryption, thus returning control of the ship back to it's Captain and giving the Wendigo the ability to perform hyperspace travel.

Half payment would be given to the Captain before the journey begun with the other half being paid once their passenger was smuggled back into Hutt space following the completion of her work on Daxam IV.

The Wendigo was a small crew occupying an outdated cargo freighter who performed supply runs along the Perlemian Trade Route who had fallen on tough times by the time they had arrived on Nal Hutta. When a small, petite looking Human woman approached their Captain with a job offer to smuggle her to Daxam IV they had leapt at the opportunity. Not only because they had offered to give half-payment up front, but also because they too had never heard of Daxam neither.

As the old saying goes: go where the money is. So, together, the Chistori Captain and Ayra had come up with the charter that they would take from Hutt space to Daxam. They had planned it well. The Wendigo and it's crew had no warrants for arrest, so if they were stopped by some sector authority, they were likely to pass security checks. Then there was the supplies that they had brought for a long voyage and possible long stay on the planet. Through her subtle, esoteric powers Ayra had done well to ensnare the Chistori to her side, especially when it came to the navigational computer.

During her conversations with the Captain Ayra had explained that there were opportunities on Daxam that a ship like the Wendigo and her crew could maximize on after she concluded their arrangement together. This was nonsense, of course. Ayra had never heard of Daxam IV before, let alone been there to confirm if such opportunities existed. But the Chistori had proven to be an easy target to manipulate, and so by the time the conversation had ended payment had been exchanged, a plan had been put into place to complete the journey to this fair, unknown world and their voyage was put into motion just a few days later.

It took Darth Ayra a day to traverse the desert from where the Wendigo had landed to the facilities location. Weeks prior to her meeting with the Chistori on Nal Hutta, Ayra had tracked down an Echani in Lianna City who had once been in service to her many years ago. She was still a rich woman, despite the fact that she had only been freed from a maximum security ward several weeks ago. Rich enough to pay for the Wendigo service, and for the supplies they had taken with them to Daxam. But several of her accounts had been drained by the time freedom had been returned too her by the NSO and so a recovery effort had been launched.

Her efforts begun with a meeting with Santhe-Sienar on Lianna inside the Empire of the Lost. Although her meeting with them did not coincide with her later discoveries Ayra would not have tracked down her former servant if not for the fact that it had been the meeting itself that had taken her to Lianna City. There she had taken to renting a residential apartment, and begun delving into the criminality that were often so vibrant and rich in the structures of an ecumenopolis.

There she had learned of a gang of Echani who were operating in one of the slums. Researching this gang Ayra had learned that all of it's members were exiles that had migrated to Lianna during the Third Imperial Civil War, and that one of them was a former Sun Guard. From there it hadn't taken much time to track the gang down, murder them and kidnap the Sun Guard only to discover that it was one of the men who had served on Sojourn many, many years ago.

Darth Ayra had persuaded him into regaling her with a tale in which he had leaked several of her accounts on the dark market in exchange for payment. Apparently such things were commonplace as crooks who came into possession of valuable intel would trade it on the dark market with hackers who would then exploit that information to not only get a return on their investment but actually profit from what they would hack. In this case, whoever it was who had purchased her account details on the dark market, had gone onto drain most of her holdings in Imperial space. When she had finished tracing who had purchased the information it had led her to Daxan IV. There Darth Ayra became aware of a small criminal enterprise who were using this unknown world to hide and conduct their business in relative obscurity.

A cliff, overlooking the facility, served as Darth Ayra's vantage point. A pair of binoculars found themselves in either hand as she used them to scan the area for anomalies. It was logical to assume that these people were well armed, and dangerous. Even more so if they were aware (at the time of the hacking) that they were stealing with a Sith Lord, and still proceeded with it anyway. If it were not for the fact that they had stolen from her Darth Ayra might have allowed herself to be impressed by their seminal efforts, and offer them a job in the Grand Scheme.

But, alas, they had stolen from her and they would have to pay the price.


"Would you like to check the pro-"

The cybernetically enhanced human was cut off as Vazz raised a hand, smiled ever so faintly. He had a pulse on the world, just to be aware of the ships coming and going when he could. An alert had been given, nothing close, nothing truly alarming, and yet the feeling he had was anything but something to overlook. Something had arrived, if his senses were anything to go by.

"No, I think I will spend some time meditating. It's been a while since I've been in a place so quiet. Many of the Sith Order's worlds were just so loud and busy." An excuse, really. The feeling could be wrong of course, he wasn't so skilled in his precognition to know for certain, but the feeling that something was coming hadn't lessened. The scientist nodded once though, stepped away pretty quick. There wasn't anything too surprising here, Vazz was almost whimsicle in how he acted and spoke.

Soon as he was away though, Vazz found a spot to sit outside. The illusion, of course. He watched from the shadows, just observing his surroundings as he waited. Whatever was coming would arrive soon enough.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Tag: Vazz Vazz

A hot current of air blew through Darth Ayra as she stood perched on top of the cliff. Robes rising and falling in the current as it passed Ayra continued to monitor the facility with her binoculars. She could not see any security personnel, or technology on display. But then again Ayra knew from experience not to trust everything you could see. There might be guards in hiding, or some form of security apparatus she could not currently see. As she continued her scan of the facility Ayra watched as a creature emerged from the building. At first she thought that it was an animal but then it lowered itself down to the ground into a meditative position.

Sith. It was the first word that came to mind that explained who or what the person was. Reaching out with the Force Ayra felt that her immediate suspicions were confirmed. Whatever species they were that were distinctly Sith to her. Had they sensed her arrival on Damar when the Wendigo landed? If so then they were a formidable adversary. Smart too. Ayra had done well to spread her assets across various accounts in several institutions across Imperial space and yet many of them had been emptied. It was one thing to know where the money was being held but it took a different skillset to take it.

Now that Ayra knew who she was dealing with (or a rough idea, at least) Ayra lowered the binoculars down and concealed them back inside her robes. Her left hand lowered to reach out and take the curved Lightsaber that had been hanging from her belt. Electing not to activate the weapon yet, instead choosing to merely have it in her palm just in case, Ayra navigated her way down from the cliffside and crossed the divide between it to the facility where Vazz was sat in meditation.

When Darth Ayra finished her approach she stood a few metres away from where Vazz was sat in meditation, or at least he appeared to be. Her Force Senses told her that something was off about this Sith but she had not yet figured out that what she was seeing was an illusion. As the real Vazz watched on in the shadows he saw a stoic, small blonde haired Human female standing mere metres from where his illusion sat in meditation. She spoke no words and a long, uncomfortable silence took place between them, broken only by the sounds of the desert around them.


The illusion's ear twitched only briefly before the glowing red eyes of the Sith's double turned to look towards the blonde in the distance. After a moment, they smiled. Just a brief one as they remained seated where they were. So this was what the odd feeling was from? If the Sith he stole from wasn't dead, it was only a matter of time wasn't it.

"I've already used what I've taken for various projects. I'm afraid you won't be getting anything back, if that's what you were here for."

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Tag: Vazz Vazz


Darth Ayra thumbed the ignition button on her curved hilt, and the emitter matrix within shot out a crimson beam as the Lightsaber became live. Pointing the tip of the weapon at Vazz a cold, callous voice replied: "Then your projects are now mine, and as are you. Tell me your name, Sith. Speak as if your life depended on it."


"Vazz is the name I was given."

Slowly the illusion stood, the black poncho he wore waving ever so slightly in the wind. He pulled down his hood before bending at the waist in a shallow bow. "Would you like to see the projects I've been overseeing? I'm not sure if it's all something that might be useful to you, but there are some that are just.. Generally good, I suppose."

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Tags: Vazz Vazz

Did this person think Darth Ayra was a fool? She was under no delusion that, with just a mere threat, they were going to turn over everything that they had built through the credits that they had stolen from here. But there was advantage in this deception. For now, Ayra would go along with it. There was, however, one thing that would need to be rectified first before they could continue.

"Reveal yourself," Ayra said, turning her gaze away from the Force Illusion to survey the immediate area around her. Since coming down from the cliff to confront Vazz Ayra had sensed that something was off about the man, and having been stood in the vicinity of the illusion itself, Ayra had come to realise the truth. Her Force Senses were sharp, accurate and in tune with the situation given the fact that she had figured out that this being- whatever his species was- was most definitely Sith, or a well trained Force-user based in the dark side. There was a certain enigma to this man and Ayra would have to do well to see through his façade.

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