Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Hesitant Sith

Planet: Tatooine
Location: Hidden Mansion
Time: 12: 13 PM Galactic Standard Time

Cameron had come to the world Tatooine - to a hidden mansion he had there. There were many reasons for this. For one, he wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the galaxy. Tatooine seemed like a fairly ideal place to make a summer home for one's self, somewhere quiet and peaceful. Of course he had also come here to think. There were many principles of the Jedi he disagreed with, such as not feeling anything. Yet, also, there were ones of the Sith he disagreed with. This is why Cameron was sitting out on his 'lawn', trying to meditate and figure out what he wanted to do. How was he supposed to reconcile his conflict?

Asha Sar'andor

"I'm supposed to be working on telling the Force no" she grumbled to herself softly, "Yet here I am... Tatooine."
As she glanced out over the windswept, dry landscape, with its barren dunes and hardy inhabitants, Asha could not help but wonder when the last time she'd even been to this world was. She'd had to have come, right? With Jericho Jericho in her youth no doubt. The oppressive heat was too familiar.
She'd left her beloved Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor back at Tribunal Station, there'd been plenty to deal with given the encroaching nature of the Sith Order on their sanctuary. So far into the Rift they were safe, for now at least. But how long would it last? Quite frankly, she hoped they'd simply never be found. It was a slog of a journey to reach the Station, it took a long time even with faster ships.
Surely that would be enough to keep them from drawing closer.
Blinking, she focused on the task ahead. A soft sigh escaped her lips, then she shook her head as she felt the same incessant tugging which had pulled her this far. "I know, I know, I'm going" she muttered, "Patience is a virtue, or whatever the saying is." Such a taskmaster at times, though how much of it was actually the Force and how much was her own need to remain useful and on the go was hard to know for sure.
Cotan would certainly suggest it was mostly the latter. He was always urging her to slow down, and for the most part he won out. But this time?
This time...
Days and nights she'd felt the call to action, days and nights she'd tossed and turned and tried to resist. The Force won out this time.
Hitching a ride on the back of a bantha, she left the Spaceport and trudged onward toward... well, right now it seemed like nowhere. Tatooine had a lot of that: emptiness.
"Get off my lawn." Cameron stated when he noticed her presence. He had picked up a rifle off the side of his lawn chair he was lounging on. His dark side presence but also a bit of light side could be sensed by her. He was also confused by her. At his waist was belted a lightsaber.

Asha Sar'andor

It had been a rather long journey in truth, though set atop the bantha she was spared the worst of it. Just that continually oppressive heat to contend with. She wiped her brow, dampened her overshirt, and wrapped it around her head to stave off the worst of it. Gingers were not meant for this kind of climate, her pale skin was angry.
Onward, onward, the bantha trekked. Asha wondered if the Force was genuinely toying with her, did it mean for her to die out here, succumb to sunstroke, or wind up at some random moisture farm? There was nothing she could see, not for miles, just dunes, and dunes, and redrock mountains, and more dunes.
Then she spotted it, seemingly appearing all at once out of nowhere in the distance, a sprawling abode the likes of which you rarely saw on this world, certainly not away from the main cities. The Palaces of the Hutts, perhaps. Not so large as those, but closer to that than the underground hovels most were forced to hide in.
And what did you know, the Force was leading her right there. Asha dismounted a short while away, and gently urged the beast of burden to remain put through the Force. She sank to her knees, drawing upon the Force to summon up a couple of black melons from within the sand for the creature to graze on.
Then she stood, and approached; his warning had her brows raising, he was reaching for a weapon and she took notice of the saber hilt on his belt. The Force swirled around him, largely corrupted but with a speck of light shining deep beneath the surface. Potential.
She swiped her cloak to one side, revealing a hilt of her own, Harmony, then dipped her head into a gentle bow.
"Peace," she hummed, "I do not come with ill intent. I am like you, one who walks within the throws of the Force... And it has led me here: to you."
Allowing her cloak to fall back over the hilt, she raised both hands, palm facing outward, and settled her gaze upon his.
"May I sit?"
"Very well, Jedi." said Cameron. "I shall allow you to sit." He then levitated over a container to her, and put his lightsaber in it as well with the Force. "To ensure we do not engage in a pointless duel of lightsabers at my summer home, I will insist you store your lightsaber for the time being." He said, as he looked at her for a moment. As he examined her, he was confused. Why wasn't she llke the rest of the Jedi? Why wasn't she attacking him out of the blue with the lightsaber belted at his waist? He didn't know what she was up to, what her actual plan was.

Cameron really didn't want to go through the trouble of repairing the place. Eventually he planned to get off of Tatooine entirely. But for now this place was home - at least presently.

He then set his rifle down. "So, what brings you to my home?" He asked. "I chose all the way out here SPECIFICALLY," Emphasis was put on that word. "To distance myself from the feuds of most of the other Sith, their war with the various Jedi Sects, and similar, along with issues from Holier than Thou Jedi types."

Asha Sar'andor

Jedi. That amused her slightly, forcing the corner of her lip to twitch in response. "I am not beholden solely to the bright moon of Ashla," she informed him, "Just as you are not wholly beholden to the dim moon of Bogan." Yes, she could sense that turmoil within him, aided by her long standing companionship with the late Jyn Lorr, greatest Empath she'd ever known. More than that though she sensed the conflict of light and dark, as all Je'daii were trained to do.
A great necessity for ones who sought Balance and Moderation in all things.
With the lockbox drifting before her, Asha lifted her head slightly and her eyes fell upon the boy. "I request a compromise," she stated, even as she detached Harmony from her belt. "This saber is not a weapon or tool to me, it is a declaration of commitment and love... I cannot be parted from it, but I can render it useless."
And with such in mind she drew upon the Force, beginning a short bout of movement meditation through which she took apart the hilt and put it back together sans power supply. That she drifted down into the box. As if to prove her point, she thumbed the ignition switch and nothing happened. "With your blessing, I shall return this to my belt now."
As for what had led her here?
"The Force; it is like a voice incessant in my mind, and a line of thread drifting from my chest to wherever it sees fit to bring me. This time... You. Though why that is I am not immediately certain." She had her guesses of course, usually she was brought to wayward souls in need of direction, of help. The question was, did he even know that he was looking for such?
"You seem to have no great love for the Force Wars. Tell me then, what is it you seek?"
"Right now I am seeking a peaceful or relatively peaceful place to continue my experiments with Sithspawn. And my research into the Force in general. Participating in the Force Wars would not be wise." He stated. "Seeing as how you've found this place though, I'll have to burn this mansion to the ground and then relocate once more." He didn't want to do that, but if ONE Force User other than him could find this place, OTHERS could. And he didn't want to deal with an army of Jedi, Jed'aii, or any others coming to his doorstep.

He looked at the Bantha. "Many who can't eat that due to allergies exist. So I engineered my own creature with a company I formed. " He pointed at a Bovian.

"I suppose though I do not truly know what I seek." He admitted.
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Asha Sar'andor

Why was it always Sithspawn? Didn't people know that there were better ways to engineer a new species, without twisting and corrupting nature with the Darkside? Biogenetic engineering could be humane, moral, beneficial, but there had to be a degree of ethics involved which Sith-based Alchemy did not account for.
"I did not know that I was seeking you" she stated when he spoke of burning the place down, "It was a long and arduous journey to get here, several days on the back of the bantha. I doubt any other would find you here unless the Force also willed them to. This world has enough problems, without toxicity being added to the air. Even if you do choose to leave, I urge you to keep this place in tact."
She looked to his creation, then the bantha at her back, before returning a ponderous gaze to him. "How do you feel about tea?" she asked, a simple question with a hopefully simple answer. A way for him to make some sort of decision that wasn't life altering. To cleanse their palettes so to speak.
"Tea is nice," admitted Cameron. Tea was actually one of his favorite beverages to enjoy when he wasn't experimenting with the Force to try and find new ways to make life forms for himself. He thought about her request. "I suppose I might be willing to leave this place in tact when I relocate." He replied to her. While he had every intention of moving in order to foil unwanted visits from Jedi and Sith, he supposed he could humor her. Since she wasn't likely to attack him right now, anyway.

Asha Sar'andor

A simple enough nod was the only response she gave, before she shifted to her knees and reached out one hand to pull a pack from the back of the bantha. It hovered to where she was, and once before her she began to pull out her beloved teapot and the matching cups she'd since made. Thus began a rather slow and intricate tea ceremony, she pulled water from the air around them, drifting it down into the teapot itself in a swirl of moisture, then held it in her lap with both hands.
Her eyes closed, a focused almost meditative state overcoming her, before a heat resonated from her hands and enveloped the teapot. Soon it was whistling as the water inside boiled, and only then did she set it down and reach for the various pouches of tea blends housed within.
She tilted her head a little to one side, pondering which would be best for him; Asha settled on a citrus blend. The various leaves, rinds, and dried flowers which were set into the teapot came together to form a very fragrant scent, fresh orange zest, exotic mango, lightly candied ginger, and a dash of masala spice.
Her first pour was set over the four teacups, though it was not meant to fill them as much as it was to coat them. It dripped down the outsides, warming the cups and honouring some ancient tradition her Father had always seen fit to have her do. Then she poured one, two, three cups. The first she held out for the man to take, the second she set to one side, in the name of those who had come before her, and who were no longer here, and the last she took up within her own hands.
As was customary, she did not take a sip until he had.
Cameron took a light sip of the tea - careful. He was tasting it for anything out of the ordinary. Given he did not know her - he was expecting poisons - or similar tricks being unleashed against him. Getting poisoned was NOT in his wheelhouse of things he wanted to deal with. As he tasted the mix of Orange, Mango, lightly candied ginger, and masala spice, he sighed softly. "If I'm not mistaken, youi've put in: Orange Zest, Mango, Slightly Candied Ginger and a hint of Masala Spice?" He asked, as he looked at her for a moment. "It does taste good."

He sighed, as he looked at the Bovian. "As a user of the light side, you likely don't like the existence of my creation, the Bovian?"

Asha Sar'andor

Satisfied that the one she'd brewed the tea for had tasted their first sip, Asha brought her own cup to her lips and took a small sip for herself. The flavour profile had come to her in the midst of the process, but they harmonized well together and left her feeling sufficiently warm and bright inside. More than that, a peaceful serenity began to wash over her, them, as the teapot did its work.

He addressed the Bovian in the room, and in response her brow furrowed softly. "Its creation does not inherently bother or offend me" she replied, "But there are better, more ethical ways to achieve what it is you're hoping to do here. Methods that do not rely upon the corruptive nature of the Darkside. Most do not know of it, of course, it is an ancient technique passed down through my people, the Je'daii."
It was pronounced separately from the Light wielding 'Jedi' he seemed to lump her in with. Broken more into its syllablic form.
"We do not linger too long in the light, nor delve too deeply in the darkness; we are practitioners of moderation, of balance, a force of neutrality beholden to the Force itself. Drawing from Ashla and Bogan both. We precede the philosophies of the Jedi, and the Sith, finding true harmony within ourselves. You say you do not wish to partake in these Force Wars, that you seek sanctuary here from both Jedi and Sith alike; there is another path you could walk, things never have to be so black and white..."
Cameron looked at her. He then felt the calming warmth of the tea wash over him. He sighed softly. "Another technique is interesting." He said. "I do not know where I would start learning the Je'daii approach to the Force though." He muttered. "Plus..." He pointedly looked in the direction of the Lockbox. "It will require a lot of changes on my behalf."

Asha Sar'andor

"Change is a most natural form of nature" she expressed, reaching down to take up some of the grains of sand she was knelt within then watching as they slipped through her fingers.
"Once a great ocean lay here, but you would not know it to look at it. It does not happen in one grand sweeping gesture, it can be as simple as one stone set within the river, altering its course in a seemingly insignificant manner. Shifting tributaries and forming new deltas. What matters most is a willingness to try, to make that first tiptoed step - to be that stone even as the river seeks to beat back in response. You must be steadfast. Strong. I sense such capabilities within you though."
Asha took another sip, then inclined her head lightly.
"I cannot make this call for you, nor will I try to push you one way or the other. You are being of great autonomy, and mine is not the place to bend others to my will. Merely... Offer new avenues."

Asha Sar'andor

He was willing to try? To cast aside the river he knew, in favour of a new stream?
Asha lifted her head slightly, regarding him far more solemnly now. She took in his features, his presence in the Force, the space around them, including the estate at his back, and the lightsaber which soon lay crushed before them.
Then she poured him, and herself, a second cup of tea.
"By what name are you known?" he inquired, before raising a hand to settle it over her own chest. "I am Asha, Master of the Je'daii Order."
Maybe introductions should have come sooner, but it mattered little to her. She followed the will of the Force wherever it chose to bring her, who was she to question it?
Cameron looked at her. "My given name before I joined the Sith was Cameron Tyris. As a Sith, I went by Darth Phoenix." He stated as he looked at her. "As I said I am willing to try. Yet I am admittedly nervous." He confessed to her. He took the second cup of tea and started to truly savor it.

"So what will my retraining in the Force consist of?" He asked.

Asha Sar'andor

"Cameron..." She tested his name for herself, and then nodded her head, "I will not ask you to immediately forsake the title you bear, but I do ask that you consider doing so in time. Once you're better acclimated."
As for what his training would consist of?
"Well you have a clear aptitude and desire to create new life; Alchemy of Flesh and the Temple of Anil Kesh may be a good start. Beyond that? It largely depends on you. What do you hope to gain from this? Do you truly seek to embrace Balance, or are you looking for better methods for that which you're already doing?"
Asha would not push him any more than she had, he had to make changes of his own free will.
"The path of a Journeyer brings you through all of the many facets of the Je'daii Order, you will be expected to delve into various things on the path to finding your true calling. It won't be easy, but you will not be alone."
"Both to achieve balance in the Force," He said. "And to change my techniques so no Jedi or Sith will decide they wish to come for my head. Whether it be due to holier than thou tendencies a Jedi normally has, " He sighed, as he thought about that. "Or the most annoying part of the Sith, the infighting that leads to them backstabbing one another in annoying attempts to gain power. It is one of the reasons I've decided to abandon the Sith Philosphy. I have no desire to guard my back 24 / 7 against constant attacks from anyone out to gain power."

He paused. "And I am looking forward to journeying through your order, to learn more about it. To change myself."

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