Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Heart in The Storm


Planet: Askaj

Location: Ancient Ruins

In many ways, Askaj struck Sol as a planet the galaxy had forgotten. A small backwater in the middle of the outer rim the most notable thing to have happened to it was a brief migration of the local populous to Tatooine way back during the Age of the Empire. Other than that it wasn't interesting or strategic enough to warrant any kind of interest or oversight by anyone. He had wound up on it by complete chance after hitching a ride with a cargo ship, yet it was perfect for his purposes which meant The Force had probably led him here.

Most of the training he wanted to do could be done in plain sight. Practicing lightsaber blades with vibroblades rarely caught anyone's eye. Subtle manipulations of the force without large effects often went unnoticed. But sometimes he needed to stretch his legs and really push himself. This could only be done with his sabers in hand and by extending the full power the force granted him.

So he'd rented a speeder and flown off into the desert letting the force tell him where to go. He came to the ruins hours later, it was some great city of stone abandoned years ago, slowly being swallowed by the drifting dunes of the desert. Finding a nice open building he parks his speeder in the shadow of the open arch and stretches every muscle in his body one after the other. He takes his time holding each pose for several minutes getting completely loose and ready, working up a sweat in the process.

Stripping off his battle armour chest plate he tosses it aside leaving him in a plain white shirt, pants, and boots. The boots too are kicked off and he wiggles his fingers in the sand. It was almost too hot to be comfortable on his feet but the light was fading, the sun vanishing below the horizon and soon it would be cool, then cold. That was fine he didn't need light for this.

Moving away from the building that was for the moment, his base he comes out into what might have once been a courtyard now just another pit of sand. He had carried his twin vibroblades one in each hand from the speeder and he triggers the release and flicks his wrists. The blade fly from the hilts of his blades burying into the sand about twenty feet away from him on either side. The hilts, his lightsabers, feel far more comfortable in his palms without the weight of the blades attached.

Settling down in lotus position he places his sabers on the grounds next to him and then he closes his eyes and breathes out. A ripple in the sand spreads out from his position as he exhales, not a large one but someone watching would be able to see it easily. Then he inhales and sand ripples again moving towards him. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. The sand moves with each of his breaths as the force begins to swirl around him in a peculiar way.

At first, someone watching may think he is calling on the dark side of The Force. Dark energies swirl around him speaking of passion, of anger and hate, of rawr power eager to strike out against his enemies and tear them asunder. The swirling energies of the dark side begin to form patterns in the sand around him, constantly changing and shifting too fast for the eye to follow. However, if a wandering eye followed those patterns to their source they would see Sol.

In the area immediately around him, the patterns were different. While they still changed and moved they did so slowly, neatly deliberately. The movements of the outer patterns were random but the inner ones were deliberately clearly each new form building from the last not dissimilar to a fractal slowly evolving. One with the sense for it would find that the force energies close to Sol were not those of the dark side. The energies near him speak of peace, of Serenity and Calm, of forces that seek to bring harmony to those who feel a discordance.

The force was like a storm around Sol, the dark side raging about him while he sat within the eye surrounded by the light. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. The force moves through Sol and he breathes.
While participating in an exercise on Tatooine, Ailuros had heard rumors about that an older culture had come there from Askaj. Once her duty was done on Tatooine, she climbed into her ship. Making sure she had no other pressing duties, she set course for this mysterious planet. On the trip there, she had done what research she could.

The people there appeared to be of a nomadic and tribal type, worshipping the moon as a deity and relatively technologically behind that of the rest of the galaxy. In a way it made her think of home. A difference was this planet was desert and hers was forested.

Hoping to maybe make a connection with some of these people, Ailuros brought her ship down in the spaceport. Getting directions from various people, she was told to look in these ruins for hints and clues to their past. It wasn't the cat wanted to hear, but not everything worked that way.

The ruins in front of her were empty and dead. Well, she supposed this is what she was asked for. Where they had come from. Letting out a sigh, she stepped forward into the ancient past.

As she walked in, she found she probably wasn't the only one here. A recent speeder was present, but she couldn't see anybody nearby. The driver probably assumed they would be left alone out in the middle of nowhere. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked on. This time she kept her eyes open and listened harder for any abnormal signs or sounds.

She didn't know she was Force sensitive, but she could tell and see something in front of her and to her right. An odd flurry of sand, unlike anything she had seen before. Granted her knowledge of deserts was limited, but this still seemed odd. Striking off in that direction, she found two weapons in the ground and man sitting not far from them. He appeared to be meditating and Ailuros went to move away as not to disturb him.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
It had been a while since Sukai's last exploration, and after a short together with her brother now was the best of any time to go searching for anything of historical value, or just have some alone time from the constant fighting. The young apprentice had been on the planet for a few days, mingling with the locals, their nomadic nature something she could identify with due to her own life style, it was nice but the true prize were the old ruins, told to be strong in the force.

"Remeber you are always welcome here Miss Yumi", one of the elders said as she climbed aboard her speeder bike, "Thank you for your hospitality, but I must be going, time waits for no one'. She gave the elder a wave before starting up the bike, it engines roaring to life over the vast sandy land scape before speeding off in the direction of the famed ruins.

After an hour of riding the half sand covered ancient structures came into view, but that was not all, just outside was a speeder of sort, seemly new as it had yet to collect any sand or dust. Someone else was here, but that was not all, she could sense the dark side, but calmness, something was off, but whoever was the source of this power was very much different.

While most might be off put, afraid scared or any other emotion Sukai was intrigued, interested and eager to see what was causing this feeling. She practically leaped of her speeder bike and made her way quickly into the ruin, letting the force guide though it empty halls. Coming into a new hall way she spotted discarded weapons and armour, not much further a humanoid of some sort, but what was most strange was the man sitting in the lotus position.

Sukai slowly approached near the humanoid, how race eluded her, speaking softly as to not scare her, but made her presence well know. "Do you know what he is doing"?

[member="Ailuros"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
The emanations of The Force pulsing from Sol had reached out to fill the entire courtyard, the erratic shapes of the dark side defied easy understanding and slipped away too quickly to be made sense of. His aura of calm created by the light was easier to comprehend since it was consistent and it stretched out in a circle with a radius of about ten feet around him. Inhale, the force goes still as he draws in a breath and everything seems for a moment to be at peace. Exhale, the force pulses out sending rippling emanations from his locus far beyond the small courtyard. Ripples in the force that could be felt by creatures miles away.

When he had been with the Jedi he had been only a knight and he did not know for certain he could claim more than this title. What he did know is that he had seemed to reach a plateau with them, after that peak he had not seemed to grow any stronger. It had not bothered him he'd never craved power. How odd then that when he travelled from the plateau that the path of Jedi had ended at to seek his own path, it had started to ascend up once more. He had yet to reach a new plateau on this path and though slow he was growing more powerful. He knew not if this meant he'd possessed more talent than originally thought or if following his own path allowed him to grow more than the Jedi had believed possible.

To say he sensed the two young women who had arrived would be incorrect. Had he sensed them he likely would have fallen out of his meditation in annoyance, he did not like to be disturbed. Ripples in the pond. Precognition could be said to be his speciality though he didn't necessarily agree. However, he had felt the force sensitive before they approached the ripples of their intent sounding out against his ever-expanding waves before they'd set out. The Force had set new ripples into motion, there were no coincidences, big or small the meetings he had today would create effects that would ripple far into the future. But it was not yet time for these meetings to happen.

A sharp inhalation of breath. The pulsing waves of force energy that had spread so far suddenly snap back towards him and for a moment it is like the whole world has gone still. The edges of his pattern fade away as a wave of sand travels towards him until it breaks around his form, there is an echoing crash without sound something that is felt not heard. The sand is still and smooth except for a raised circle around his form. Slowly, fluidly, he comes to his feet his position within the circle not shifting as he stands. He holds the breath within his lungs, he holds the power of the force within his body, the storm of conflicting energies warring underneath his skin. Light and Dark held at the same time.

A sharp exhalation of breath. The Force pulses out from his body in a great tidal wave of energy the sand ripples out from his position as it washes out over the ruins and across the desert far into the dunes. It can be felt like a great blast of air against the mind yet beyond stirring sand it has no obvious physical effect. The magnitude of the event was odd, the scope of it was massive enough that it seemed to speak of great power, but the effect of it didn't demonstrate the power it spoke of. Was it a bark with no bite? Or was it something else entirely?

Outstretching his hands Sol Calls with The Force and his lightsabers rise from the sand slowly. By the time they reach his palms, his fingers curling about them, they are free of dirt and dust. Raising his right foot he slowly moves it back bending his left knee and lowering his centre of gravity. His back leaning forward but staying straight as his left comes out in front of him bent at the elbow. His right arm cocks back slightly taking on a similar bend to the left. It was a ready stance a simple one but clearly well practised. There is a hum of power as his lightsabers come to life, twin shoto blades glowing in the fading light one red the other white.

Inhale, exhale. The Force pulses towards him and then away.

The kata starts slow. The left blade moves like he is underwater swinging slowly in a deflecting arc. The right blade moving in tandem in a lazy upward slash across his body in a rising diagonal slash. The movements continue at this slow purposeful pace as he moves his blades in slow patterns around his body, occasionally making a tight slow turn to the left or right never moving from his start position. Even though it is all done in slow motion there is a fluidity and grace in his movements that speak of countless hours of practice. While might have been a viscous one, the way his body moved was like liquid.

So slowly it takes a moment to become noticeable it becomes obvious that he is incrementally increasing his speed. It takes several moments before he reaches what would be full speed for a non-force user, the blades beginning to blur with the sharper swings. It is now that he begins to move about the courtyard. The increase in movement does not decrease the fluidity of his movements, he still moves with the grace that was almost unnatural. The grace of one allowing The Force to guide his every action.

Inhale, exhale. The Force begins to swirl around him once more as he twirls.

Patterns begin to form around him once more as The Force once again moves around him in that odd way. He leaps and as he lands the dark side blasts out creating strange anarchic patterns across the entire courtyard outside his aura of calm, only for those pattern to be immediately blasted away the next time he raises and lowers a foot. His speed has increased to one only a force enhanced individual could reach his sabers forming almost solid disks of colour as he spins them around his body, deflecting, blocking, and attacking enemies only he can see as he moves in a deliberate circle. No matter how fast he moves or how far he leaps, he never strays more than ten feet away from the centre of the courtyard at any given time. A repeating pattern is forming at the centre of the courtyard shifting but constantly recreated by his footprints and the shifting currents of light side energy swirling around him even as the dark side pulses out.

[member="Ailuros"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Ailuros heard the approach of Sky'ito, but did not turn her head until she spoke. Her tail twitching as she watched the further display by the strange man, Ailuros slightly turned her head to look at the newcomer.

"I was going to say he was meditating, but now there's that."

With a wave of a paw, she indicated the intricate almost dance he was doing. Only slightly familiar with lightsaber combat, he was doing one she had never seen before. Instead of one blade, he was using two shorter ones. While familiar with fighting with knives, these were new to the cat.

Following his movements with her sharp eyes, she focused on them. The dance he did left her in awe and that would probably show very clearly on her face. She however was entirely unaware of the light and dark around him not being one familiar with the Force. If given the chance though, she would like to learn what he did and see if it was something she could also do.

[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai stared in awe at the man in the middle, what the cat lady said was true as he did appear to be meditating but a few seconds ago, though now, those Katas, and intriguing patterns, so elaborate, and fluid. She could no longer feel the dark energy around him, as if the hate and anger was just a veil or a trick, to fool other around, or was it just his method of meditating.

Regardless the mans movements were hypnotizing, similar to that of a dancer, but seemingly so smooth, and unrehearsed, as is the force or some other super-powerful being. "He is so accurate in his foot work, how, why", Sukai was so confused, but at the same time intrigued beyond belief at the strange man, she could not take her eyes of him, her unnatural speedy eyes tracked every movement taking in the sight like it was a once in a life time opportunity.

She sat down in a Seiza as he continued to move, not sure of the time frame in which he would stop, turning back to the cat woman but keeping an eye on the man she inquired to her, "may I ask your reasons for coming to this ruin, Ms..."?

[member="Ailuros"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
The girls were partially right, Sol had been meditating when they'd arrived. What they were wrong about was that he'd stopped. While the elaborate and fast-moving kata may have seemed like arms practice to them, and it was at least in part, Sol had not emerged from his meditative state to perform it. The Force was a vast ocean touching countless other bodies of water that all flowed into it. He'd followed the lines of his own flow into that ocean and he was utterly submerged within it. His conscious thoughts and movements are all directed by the force now as he breathes.

Inhale, exhale.

The sense that his meditation was coming to an end filled Sol and he felt the sweet melancholy sting he always does when it was time to emerge from The Force. The dance slows down and it is almost like he is doing the whole dance again in reverse. Leaping, dancing, blades twirling and winding down until he is back in the centre of the courtyard his blades moving around him. With each lazy swing, the patterns in the sand smooth away until there is no evidence they'd ever been and when the sand is once again smooth he stands in the same ready position he'd taken at the start.

Inhale, exhale, open your eyes.

Sol blinks slowly as his lightsabers whir as the blades vanish into the hilts. He drops them to the ground and slowly sits down back in Lotus position. He is dripping with sweat the shirt he is wearing soaked through, a drop dribbles down his forehead across his eye and to the ground. Extending his hands he beacons and the blades he'd planted in the sand shoot to him. He catches them easily and then reaffixes them to his lightsabers, once again disguising them.

Finally, he comes to his feet and ambles toward the temple where he left his speeder. "I'm going to make some tea." He says loud enough to be heard. "Do you two girls want some?" He doesn't wait for their response as he moves inside. True to his word he produces a camp stove, kettle, and canteen from the bags attached to his speeder and he gets to work on getting the water boiling. He also takes a long draft from the canteen and towels off the sweat.

@Ailuros | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
As Ailuros watched Sol dance with his blades, she had an ear perked in the direction of Sky'ito. This way if she initiated further conversation, she would hear it better. Turning only her head slightly to answer, she broadly indicated the ruins around them.

"It was suggested I visit here, so here I am. I could ask the same of you."

She was unable to tear her other eye off the dancer and observed his dance was slowing down. He opened his eyes, appearing to look through the women and not at them. Ailuros could see him breathing hard and that his shirt clung to him with his sweat. Yet he sat down again to appear to meditate, but his eyes were open. He extended his hands and called the blades they were standing near to him. With a familiar touch and deft hands, he clipped them to his sabers.

Nodding in appreciation, she turned to look at Sky'ito. Extending a paw, "I'm Ailuros."

The movement of Sol standing up brought her head around to look at him. He moved off, but spoke to invite the two of them to join him for tea. Blinking her eyes in surprise, she took her hand back from Sky'ito and followed him to speeder he had.

[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
The dance seemed to slow down, bit by bit, but still retaining every bit of fluid movement that the more fast paced of the entire show had been, but something was still off. Ture he was performing Katas, but the sense of calmness and control associated with meditation. Though keeping attention on the man she responded to the felines question, standing back up "I am a scholar of sort, I eplore these types of places on a regular basis".

Finally the man finished his kata/medication, calling his blades and other equipment back, the familiar sound of the light-sabers 'clicking' echoing all around the empty halls. His posture being steady and straight as he sat back down in a lotus form again, eye open to the two in front, but Sukai knew the mad had detected their presence much earlier.

Sukai gave the feline a slightly confused look, at her offer of a hand shake, taking a slight step back and performing a 45 degree bow, "I am Sukai'ito, Hajimemashi'te". At sols sudden movement her attention was once drawn again, "tea, ummm, okay", she looked back at Ailuros before following him back to his speeder, "If I may ask, who might you be". Sukai had so many questions for the man but it was polite to ask for ones name first.

[member="Ailuros"] [member="Sol Damerin"]
The two follow Sol into the temple and what limited shelter it provides from the rapidly cooling night. Despite the dried sweat on his body, he turns on the heater on his speeder. It would make him a tad uncomfortable until he had a chance to clean himself off properly but it was cold and he'd appreciate once he'd cooled off. He imagined the two girls would as well since they hadn't just performed some serious exercise.

Between the little camp stove, the heater on his speeder, and a light he'd set up the sheltered little alcove in the temple was almost homey. Though to be truly homey he'd have to hang a sheet or something over the opening but he'd do that before bed. Rummaging in his bag he pulls out a mug, his spare mug, and a bowl. He'd not planned to have guests so someone would have to make do. It would be him.

Setting out the tea receptacles he pulls out a small tin and fills each with a handful of dried leaves, they smelled good minty. The water comes to a boil and he pours a bit into each mug and the bowl before finally answering Sky's question. "You may ask my name." A moment's pauses and then he decides not to play the stubborn old man card. "Sol. You are?" This was directed at both the girls, just because he'd sensed didn't mean he'd overheard introductions.

[member="Ailuros"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Tilting her head to the side when Sky'ito didn't take her paw and instead bowed with a sense of formality, Ailuros lowered it and returned the bow. It was something she wasn't familiar with, but went with the flow.

"This is my first time in a place like this, Sukai'ito Hajimemashi'te."

It was quite a mouthful, but she did her best to repeat it back. Having a slight lisp due to the fact her canine teeth were longer, the S letter was a little off.

The three of them walked silently into the temple where Sol had set up a small camp. Ailuros appreciated the adaptive imagination of the man and wondered what else he had with him. Weapons, hidden weapons, speeder, stove, light and tea...what else did he have? At the smell of the mint, the cat perked up. If he had that, did he have other herbs?

She considered herself a connoisseur of certain herbs and thought maybe he have more she could sample.

The other woman asked the name of him which he provided after a moment of hesitation. In his turn he asked their names and the cat spoke up first.

"I'm Ailuros."

[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She gave a slight chuckle [member="Ailuros"] as she tried to pronounce the typical Riben-jin introduction, "You didn't have to respond with that, a simple nice to meet you would have done fine", still she applauded the felines attempt either way, not many people knew about the Jin culture and language.

Her attention was drawn back to Sol as he rummaged through his belongings. Sukai was also impressed by the amount of equipment he carried around on him speeder bike, he must have been an experienced traveler, but it still raised the question of why he was here. Though non of what he carried was for archeological purposes, "My name is Sukai'ito Yumi, are you a pilgrim of sorts?, you do not seem like an explorer".

Comming slower to sol she again sat down in a seiza style, the smell of tea wafting though the empty halls, one of poured out cups was placed in-front of her as the trio got comfortable, "Thank you".

[member="Sol Damerin"] l [member="Ailuros"]
Names given Sol hefts his cup of tea and draws in a deep breath. It wasn't quite ready to drink but the fresh mint smell was pleasant. Exhaling he keeps his hands wrapped around the bowl to keep his fingers warm in the rapidly cooling night air as he considers his guests. Both were sensitive to the force, one more so than the other or at least more aware of her own sensitivity. Both young to be travelling alone but with builds that suggested some martial training. Both seemingly very interested in what he'd been doing outside, although one was more inquisitive than the other since she didn't wait to start asking questions.

"I am a mercenary." He says after considering how best to answer Yumi's question, he wasn't sure if that was the best name to call by but it was the easiest to pronounce so eh. "Perhaps I could be generous to myself and say I am also a bit of philosopher, though if I did it would be as a hobbyist nothing more. To answer the question I imagine you might decide to ask next, I am a non-denominational wielder of the force. I am a member of no order, I follow no creed, code, or tenant." A bit of rarity but not unheard of he knew.

[member="Ailuros"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Sky pointed out she could have just said it was nice to meet her, Ailuros noticed chuckle. "You're right, but I wanted to try anyway," she said this with her own little smile.

Taking the cup he handed to her, Ailuros thanked him and sat with it on the floor of the ruins. The chill didn't bother her since she was covered in short fur, but noticed Sol was clutching at his bowl with both his hands. She could feel the drop in temperature, of course and curled her tail up close to her body so it didn't get cold. That would be her only body part that could chill easily.

Allowing her tea the time to sit and gain its flavor, the cat listened to what he said about himself. The philosophy wasn't so much of an interest for her or his calling within the Force, but his fighting.

"Did you learn those moves as a mercenary?"

[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She returned [member="Ailuros"] slight smile, "Well I commended you for it". Sukai slightly though back on those words spoken, she had never been to her ancestral home world, funny, having been an exploratory scholar for 12 years, but never visited her parents birth place.

The cup in-front of her steamed with a pleasing aroma, but she knew they a bit more time was needed before it was ready to drink, she held in two handed, both in the side, thumbs on the top and fingers on the bottom, swirling the mixture around as Sol explained his situation and reason for being here.

It was not do dissimilar form her own life style, sure Sukai had recently joined the Silver Jedi, but that was more about learning and getting taught more than any real commitment to the order. She stayed silent out of respect as Ailuros asked her own question, taking a small sip of the tea as the flavor had finally spread out evenly through the boiled water, it warm texture being a slight welcoming relief to the slowly dropping temperature of the desert planet.

[member="Sol Damerin"]
Sol takes a sip of the tea, still boiling hot but the mint was refreshing and moved through his body in a pleasing way. Ailuros's first question indicated to Sol that she was most interested in the martial aspect of what he had done. Sometimes people buried the lead by asking questions they were less interested in first to disguise their true intent and interests. However, in his experience, that was a rare trait in youth. It was something people picked up as they got old and jaded like Sol.

The question still makes him snort in amusement. "No, I did not. I did learn a few moves as mercenary, they weren't nearly as pretty. Mostly quick and dirty ways to hit various lifeforms to get them to fall down. Function over form is the Mercenary motto." That wasn't just for fighting either, it applied to equipment, alcohol, women, pretty much everything. If you say a merc that spent a lot of time trying to look good he was either part of a big outfit or a rookie who was either going to die or learn an important lesson real quick: Shiny armour makes an excellent target for snipers.

Taking another sip he closes his eyes for a moment and inhales the vapours of the tea. "What you saw was a combination of Lightsaber styles for technique, years of practice, and The Force. Have you ever looked at a grain of sand under a microscopic lens? Or a snowflake? Patterns are common in nature and they are common in the force." Opening his eyes he shrugs. "Different things happen when a force user suffuses themselves in The Force. What you saw was the force telling me how to move to create the patterns that rippled through me when I was sitting. A physical expression of my meditation."

[member="Ailuros"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Ailuros nodded at the compliment Sky gave her and turned her attention to the tea and the man that had provided it to them. Taking a sip and savoring the flavor as he answered. A look of disappointment fell over the cat at his answer. She wouldn't learn to fight like from them if she found another mercenary after today, not that she would go in search of any. Just getting out and exploring was what she was doing.

Setting the cup down, she tilted her head and flicked her tail. Having spent some time with the Rangers in the Silver Jedi, she had seen a few Jedi do their arts. Nothing like he had done though.

"I know nothing of combat styles and just go with what feels right. Then again, my training as a ranger wasn't in forms, but in combat."

If there was a difference, she didn't know it. Maybe she could also learn this new style.

[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai placed the bowl of tea in her lap a Sol answered Ailuros's question, in rather large detail, seemed strange that he was so talkative all of a sudden, perhaps he did not get to meet many people. 'sounds like his merc fighting style is similar to my mothers, quick, hard and cause a lot of damage, though being a force user make it easier".

Her interest peaked more at what came next, about the styles and being guided by the force, the aspect of patterns and uniqueness, "So you let the force guide your actions while in an... active meditation state, letting your limbs and body be moved by it power forming these.. patterns"? What he talked about seemed to reminisce with Fangshi monks of her race and their dedication to balance in the force and meditative defensive marital arts, well that what her father had told her.

"Is it possible to learn that sort of meditation? and what does it grant over normal medication, does it strengthen ones bond to the force, as allowing it to move you gives a better understanding of its ways? She was really intruiged by the man now, sure she had not the same amount of experience, but Sukai had been trained since birth and was highly skilled, it would probably be a more firm foundation then what the feline woman might of had.

[member="Ailuros"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
It was true, Sol was being a tad more chatty than he had been previously. That was because The Force was one of the few things that he genuinely enjoyed discussing. When you were passionate about something, even if it wasn't obvious thanks to Sol's neutral expression, you tended to get carried away.

He does not answer Yumi's first question where she just saught confirmation of what he'd just said, mostly because he just said it. He wasn't going to repeat himself or confirm it since she already knew the answer she was just considering what was being said aloud. The follow-up question though was cause for consideration, not because it was deep but because it said something about the girl. There was nothing wrong with wanting to learn but there was a focus on efficiency in her questions. He gets a definitive sense that this girl wanted to know if this would help her grow stronger as that is what was important to her.

"Unless you want to get into specific semantic arguments, it is possible for anyone to learn pretty much anything anyone else can do. It gives you a good workout as well as letting you focus your mind. I'm not sure if it strengthens your bond or not, I have grown stronger since I started practising this technique but that could simply be a coincidence. I find that it has helped my own understanding of the force, that doesn't mean it will help yours. Everyone is a bit different after all, but I can't imagine a reason it wouldn't help yours either." If she was going to ask questions in a row, he'd answer them in a row.

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