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Approved Lore A Guide to Form V - Djem So and Shien

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  • Media Name: A Guide to Form V
  • Format: Holobook
  • Distribution: Semi-Unique [ Available to Briana Sal-Soren and her Padawan's ]
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A book that details some of the history of Form V, including some of Briana's personal observations and how best to go about learning this form.


A Guide to Form V is the first of what will eventually become several holobooks, meticulously crafted by Briana Sal-Soren to provide in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the art of various forms of lightsaber combat. Drawing from her own training and experience, Briana aims to empower her Jedi Padawans with a thorough understanding of various lightsaber forms and techniques by offering an immersive learning experience through a combination of detailed explanations, visual demonstrations, and interactive exercises. Leveraging the latest holotechnology, the holobook provides readers with an engaging and comprehensive resource.


To those seekers of knowledge interested in the contents of this book, I am Jedi Knight Briana Sal-Soren. Contained within the pages of this holobook are my personal notes and the observations I've made throughout the years from my training and experience in using the lightsaber form known as Form V and its variants, Djem-So and Shien, also known as The Perseverance Form, and The Way of the Krayt Dragon.

Form V's uniqueness stems from its two separate variants, which can be wielded individually or in combination. While most practitioners tend to favor one variant above the other, I have discovered that using them in tandem or blending them with other lightsaber forms results in a more balanced and potent fighting style.

Be aware that mastering Form V demands an immense amount of stamina, as it is specifically designed to counter multiple opponents or projectiles simultaneously. This necessitates considerable physical strength and stamina from the practitioner. Hence, before choosing this form as your primary lightsaber style, take time for introspection – assess your physical prowess and emotional resilience. It's fine if this form doesn't align with your abilities; the Order offers a myriad other lightsaber styles that will be better suited to your talents.

To those whom believe themselves capable of mastering the complexities of Form V, I invite you to delve into its history with me as I guide you in your journey to become proficient in this formidable form of lightsaber combat. As we move forward remember to never lose sight of your Jedi principles along the way—should you find yourself succumbing to the aggression inherent in this form, step back and re-evaluate your approach. Our ultimate goal as Jedi is the preservation of life and maintaining balance in the Force. Recognizing our weaknesses and adapting when necessary is vital.

Form V originally developed alongside Ataru and was crafted by practitioners of Soresu with a focus on the Shien variant of the form in an effort to address the limitations of Form III. While Soresu excelled in defensive maneuvers, its imprecise deflections lacked an offensive strategy against blasters and often led to prolonged combat scenarios.

To rectify this, Masters of Form II injected elements of Makashi to give Shien its more offensive edge. By redirecting blaster bolts back at their source, Shien users gained a remarkable ability to turn an opponent's attacks against them and was useful for defending against multiple adversaries at once, making it an effective form of combat in chaotic battles.

Once the foundations of Shien had been laid, the masters of lightsaber combat sought to expand the boundaries of Form V. Thus, Djem So was born, a variant that embraced the same philosophy but focused its might on the art of lightsaber dueling, employing a more relentless assault of forceful strikes and unyielding counter-attacks.

Every movement of this variant is a declaration of dominance, combining physical might with the boundless power of the Force to deliver sweeping blows capable of shattering even the most stalwart defenses. This potent display of aggression is complemented by defensive techniques such as blocks and parries, which serve not only to protect but also to create openings for immediate retaliation. In the realm of Djem So, defending oneself is not a passive act of self-preservation, but rather a dynamic gateway to assert dominance and achieve decisive victory to bring a resolute end to conflict.

To truly master Form V and its variants, Shien and Djem So, you must dedicate yourself to the art and grasp the techniques as if your life depends on it – because in battle, it just might. Here's my advice for you, as you learn these techniques.

Firstly, focus on honing your muscle memory. It's crucial to immerse yourself in the forms and replicate each movement until they become as natural to you as breathing, as you don't want to overthink things during a real fight; this takes extensive practice and repetition, so don't skimp on the work.

Next, be smart about what you eat. As Jedi, we need to maintain a balanced diet for peak performance, both during training and especially when on the job. That means ditching those tempting bantha burgers and fritzel fries – as delicious as they are. Instead focus on consuming nutritious meals that fuel your body so you can be prepared for intense sessions and situations.

As you practice form V's techniques daily, take note of these common pitfalls: too much reliance on strength over precision, neglecting defense while focusing on attack, and failing to engage your core properly in each move. These mistakes can cost you victory or worse – your life.

Here I've outlined what a typical day of training might look like and what I found worked best when learning this Form. Of course, this is only an example. You can always make adjustments to fit your needs and work with your Master to develop a routine that suits you.

I. Begin with morning meditation to clear your mind and connect with the Force.
II. Warm up your body with some gentle stretches and basic cardio routines.
III. Dedicate an hour or more to learning one technique at a time, practicing the break down of steps before combining everything into fluid movement.
IV. Spar with a practice partner – this is essential for honing your reflexes and understanding how the technique works in real-world situations.
V. Cool down after each session by practicing some gentle arch poses and other soft stretching, allowing your muscles to recover.
VI. Finally, don't forget to reflect on what you've learned, pinpoint your areas where you need improvement and where you've improved, preparing to take these notes with you into the next day's practice.

The Shien variant of Form V is known for its remarkable defensive capabilities and shines when faced with numerous adversaries, although it may not be as effective against a single opponent. Key maneuvers within this form include the "Barrier of Blades", which expertly deflects incoming blasts, and "Shien Deflection", employed to maintain protection while attacking. It is worth noting that a select group of skilled practitioners have adopted the unique inverse Shien grip, holding their lightsaber in a reverse manner to execute wide strikes capable of taking out multiple opponents at once. This unorthodox method significantly boosts the form's adaptability and potency in both defense and offense. However, mastering this approach requires immense dedication and is not recommended for those who are not serious about mastering this form as their primary discipline.

Opening Stance:
With Shien you will begin in a high-guard position holding the lightsaber in a two handed grip above your head, angling the blade upward and behind you. Your dominant leg should be held back for better balance and the ability to perform powerful step-through strikes.

Wrist Positioning:
The wrist position is crucial in any lightsaber combat style, in Shien it is vital that you keep your wrist strong but avoid excess tension, keeping it loose and flexible to allow for quick adjustments in blade angles and movements.

Step-Through Strikes:
As you engage in combat, make sure to keep a balanced stance with your dominant leg held slightly back, ensuring that you do not lean too far forwards or backwards, as this will compromise your stability and effectiveness. Focus on coordinating your body during the strike, utilizing the power you draw from your legs, core and arms. Once your stance is balanced you can engage the movement by shifting your weight forward, extending your lightsaber arm towards your opponent to unleash a forceful strike. Make sure to maintain fluidity and follow through in your motion, allowing your own energy and the Force to transfer from your arm to the lightsaber.

Djemo So
Djem So is all about seizing opportunities for counter-attacks, disrupting the enemy's movements, and quickly turning the tide in your favor. Don't hesitate to be on the defensive, but as soon as the opposition slips up, launch a powerful counter-strike to shift the momentum. Maintain relentless pressure with forceful strikes to keep your enemy on their toes and wear them down. After all, sometimes you need an aggressive approach to end conflicts swiftly and ultimately save more lives. By embracing the tactics and strength of Djem So - we become that much closer to securing victory and protecting those who rely on us.

Opening Stance:
For Djem So, proper leg and foot positioning is crucial to maintaining balance during powerful strikes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, placing one foot slightly forward for stability. This stance lets you generate the greatest power while maintaining control over your own movements. Hold the lightsaber above your head, angling it back and downward at a forty-five degree angle.

Wrist Position: For Djem So, the wrist centers on robust strikes and counter-strikes. Unlike the flexibility in Shien, maintaining a sturdy wrist is essential to endure the impact of intense blows and deliver equally forceful strikes in return.


The fluid riposte embodies the essence of Djem So's combat philosophy and is the cornerstone technique of truely mastering Form V. In the blink of an eye, the practitioner seamlessly transitions from defense to offense, turning their opponent's aggression against them. Utilizing the momentum of an enemy's forceful strike as the catalyst for their own counterattack, one can reclaim dominance in a duel and shift the tide of battle.

Tips For Executing The Fluid Riposte Successfully:
  • Timing is crucial. Always wait for your opponent to commit to their attack before executing this technique. Without the proper setup, you will be vulnerable to counterattacks.
  • Don't be predictable. Relying too heavily on the fluid riposte can leave you vulnerable to feints and other traps from your opponents. Always mix up your movements to keep your opponent guessing.


The Falling Avalanche is a renowned technique within the Djem So lightsaber variant and showcases the true might of this combat style. Harnessing the power of the Force to enhance one's strength, a Djem So practitioner executes a devastating overhand strike that cascades down upon their opponent with unstoppable force. This particular maneuver is especially effective against adversaries donning heavy armor, as it aims to shatter defenses and penetrate even the most resilient of barriers.

Tips For Executing The Falling Avalanche Successfully:
  • Use the Force Wisely. As this technique relies on Force-enhanced strength, be sure to conserve your energy and use it judiciously. Don't waste your energy on unnecessary movements or attacks.
  • Aim for weak points. Although this ability is best for penetrating heavy armor, it's always important to aim for weak points in your opponents defense. Look for openings in their stance or armor to maximize your impact.


When learning Shien, you must learn to master the maneuver that is referred to as, "Barrier of Blades,". This technique shields you from blaster fire by skillfully arcing your lightsaber in quick sweeps, making it tough for blaster bolts to get through. The key is to move your blade in swift, precise angles, so you can deflect the shots exactly where you want them to go. Be mindful of using accurate sweeps and do not exert energy unnecessarily. It'll help with dealing with multiple bolts, while still maintaining control over each shot's direction. Once you've nailed blocking and redirecting incoming fire you can begin to include "Shien Deflection" to complete your skills by deflecting shots and attacking enemies simultaneously.

Tips For Executing The Barrier of Blades Successfully:
  • Accuracy is key: Concentrate on handling many incoming bolts while staying in control of each shot's trajectory.
  • Know when to use "Barrier of Blades.": This technique is ideal for situations where you're up against multiple opponents or heavy blaster fire. Being able to deflect and redirect shots quickly will give you an edge in these scenarios.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Don't forget that excellence requires patience and practice. Invest time in refining your reflexes and motions while using Barrier of Blades for better results.


In order to further enrich her Padawans' understanding and grasp of the various lightsaber Forms and ensure they had a reliable source of guidance even in her absence, Briana embarked on the creation of an extensive holobook series and decided to begin this ambitious project within her own area of expertise, Form V.

Drawing from a vast wealth of personal knowledge and experiences, Briana crafted the book by taking into account her extensive time spent both on and off the battlefield, creating a thorough, methodical resource to share with her Padawans to not only teach them the fundamentals of the form, but also to impart vital insights and practical applications.

Thus, the holobook, "A Guide to Form V" was designed to provide comprehensive instructions, intricate visuals, and a variety of engaging interactive exercises tailored to enhance the learning experience. By harnessing the latest in cutting-edge holotechnology, Briana created an immersive resource that would serve as both an engaging teaching tool and a valuable reference for her Padawans. This innovative approach ensured that the holobook would remain a trusted companion for aspiring Jedi learners while fostering a genuine desire for continuous improvement among those who studied under her tutelage.

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