Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Grand Show For All

The alleyways were dim and dank, something Baghead had come accustomed to, but not any less disgusted since his first interaction. The world of Duro, or more accurately, the space cities of Duro, had been polluted with technology and development, its people greedy and self-serving, no that would not do at all. Their lives were humdrum at best, and their daily motions cyclical. The inhabitants of this planet were sad, but Baghead was intent on making them happy, and oh boy would he make them happy. For the past two months he had been building relationships with the local crime bosses, through helping them in their mischievous ways, or even finding "new sources" of revenue for these syndicate leaders. But, he had built some sort of relation with a few of the big ones in this region of the planet. He had their men, their money and their equipment at his disposal, at least for now.

Baghead brushed a few specks of dust off his old, musky suit, before entering the conference room, his arms spread out wide before the five crime bosses he had strung along this far in his plan, "Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm so glad all of my favorite criminals on all of Duro find some time in their busy busy days to see little ol' me." The richest among them, slammed his fist against the table, "Cut the theatrics Baghead, I don't have the patience to deal with this nonsense today." Baghead crossed his arms mockingly, "Oh fine," From his suit pocket, he took a black marker and drew a large pair of glasses around his two eyeholes, tapping a button on his wrist device before sliding the marker back into his pocket. A holoprojector displayed a holomap of the capital city of Duro, the space city, Bburru station, it zoomed in on the capital building, "Today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the main nemesis of every bad guy, criminal, and villain. The planetary government of Duro has been cracking down on crime ever since the Galactic Alliance's entrance to the core, which, from my research, has been bad for each and every one of you. So I present to you my grand master plan!" Baghead slowly approached the crime lords, "We blow it up, metaphorically and literally!" Baghead looked closely at the Duro who had spoke earlier, "Using your resources, and my genius, we will bring a new era of anarchy to the space cities of Duro, one in which all of you, my friends, will profit greatly!" One particularly confused crime boss, a very heavy set Twi'lek woman, questioned, "How are we suppose to trust you? You may have been beneficial to us before, but you've done nothing as large as this, how do we know you aren't here to take our money." Baghead took the drawn on paper bag he had been wearing off, revealing an identical bag clean of any markings, "Thats the best part, you don't!"

Of the five, three began to stand up, the first of which, was that very same Duros as before, "I've had enough with you Baghead, I thank you for your business in the past, but this is where we part ways." The Duros snapped and two bodyguards walked into the room and trained their rifles on Baghead, "Good day," The Duros started to walk away, the rest of the crime bosses following suit, but they hesitated when they heard Baghead shout, "Wait!" Several of them grinned as they looked at him uninterestedly, "Didn't you want to see your surprise?" The only human snarled, "You mentioned no surprise," Baghead threw his hands up in the air, "Thats the surprise!" Blaster bolts began flying through the room, cutting through the walls and incinerating Baghead's follow occupants. The humanoid didn't move a muscle, keeping his hands up in the air.

Once the blaster fire ended, Baghead brushed off his suit again, this time covered in dust and debris from the shootout around him. Two armed humanoids entered the nearly destroyed room, both with bags over their heads, "We've secured the building." reported the larger one. Baghead put his hands around his two henchmen, "Goodie, do we have the equipment?" The other henchman nodded, "Well then, all we need is new friends. Lets hope my holonet invite gets noticed!"

[member="Jack Sparrow"]
"You've got a holonet invite, Captain Sparrow," said N0M-N0M-L0M, Jack's newly-purchased protocol droid.

"I noticed," replied Jack, leaning forward in the pilot's seat of the rental speeder. He'd come to Duros with Dewkazza to scout locations for a possible cantina he was considering building within Bburru Station, which orbited the planet. The vast artificial forests reminded Jack of his home and offices from his time as Senator of Kashyyyk.

Having a wonderful time, wish you were here.

The final word was highlighted, and when Jack touched it the word expanded, showing a map of a city street and a glowing red X atop a specific building.

"X marks the spot?" asked N0M-N0M.

Dewkazza growled, getting but not necessarily appreciating the joke.

"Well he or she certainly has my attention," mused Jack. "Shall we see what Mr., Miss, or Gender Neutral Baghead has to say?"

Dewkazza growled his agreement, and the speeder descended.

Baghead walked triumphantly through the rickety building that had once been owned by one of the former crime bosses, whose lifeless corpse occupied the torn up conference room in the back. Several of his once loyal members where looting the place, seeing their opportunity to make a little profit in the power vacuum, while those loyal to Baghead, through cash of course, patrolled around the place, waiting for the next orders from Baghead himself.

But before Baghead could leave this place, and head towards the rendez-vous point half way across town, one of the gang lieutenants who had helped him in his little shootout with the crime lords, stopped him at the exit, "Baghead! I want my money, I'm not risking my life, or my mens' until I see some fraking credits!" The gangster wearing a bag to Baghead's right raised his rifle towards him and started stepping backwards, the one on the left remained still. Baghead waggled his finger in the air, "Once the job is complete, will you receive your reward, that's how a job works." Baghead started to continue his path out of the building, but the lieutenant moved in front of him, "Once your little fireworks show goes off, chaos is gonna engulf that city, if not the damn planet, and I just don't feel like your gonna be sticking around to pay out." Baghead sighed, "If you insist," From underneath Baghead's sleeves slid two tiny little pistols, without making a fuss, squeezed two shots at the dissenting gangsters, their lifeless bodies dropping to the floor. Baghead dropped the blasters and turned to the only remaining gangster, "let's hope we aren't too late, I'm don't want that kind of reputation do I?" The bag wearing gangster didn't respond vocally or physically.

A landspeeder was already waiting, another humanoid wearing a bag at the helm. Baghead jumped in excitedly and started clapping, "Let's go, let's go, let's go! I cannot wait to meet our guests for the evening!" The speeder went at full speed towards the designated location, paying no attention to the city's laws.

[member="Jack Sparrow"]
The designated meeting spot was located down an alleyway in the middle of an urban mall where the streets were covered and the lights that weren't broken never dimmed. The city has clearly grown up around and over this particular area, leaving certain shops known only to those who knew where to look. The sign out front read "Wampa's," and might have once been white, but that was long ago.

Jack checked his holdout blaster and the vibrosword at his hip. While the sword was impossible to conceal, it also hinted that perhaps this was not one to approach with idle threats or offers of religious enlightenment.

Entering the cantina, Jack inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. It smelled of age, whiskey, stim sticks, lum, the sweat of a thousand species, and heartbreak.

"My kind of place," grinned the former Supreme Chancellor. With a hitch in his step, he made his way to the bar and ordered a Corellian Smash, just to surprise anyone who assumed he only drank rum. Taking a seat near the end of the bar, he began scanning the room. The invitation had come from someone who referred to himself as [member="Baghead"], and Jack started with the assumption that such a person would be rather conspicuous.
Baghead entered the door of the cantina, arms wide to each side. He was in a celebratory mood, phase one of the plan was complete, with only one minor hiccup Baghead could account for later. Two large, armed Duros followed after him, wearing bags over their heads. Baghead gestured them away and they stopped at the doorway, blocking anyone from exiting or entering. Giddily, Baghead bounced over to [member="Jack Sparrow"] and sat at the bar next to him.

He tapped the bar three times and the bartender slid him a water, Baghead had become familiar with this establishment during his time here. Nursing his beverage, he stood up suddenly, "Excuse my poor manners," Baghead made a dramatic bow and announced, "It is an honour to make your acquaintance Supreme Chancellor Sparrow!" Baghead sat back down and took another sip, "I hope your excited about today's itinerary, because its going to be a barrel of fun!"
"Barrels?" inquired Jack. "I like barrels. I've drunk from many barrels." The pirate moved the red plastic swizzle stick away from the rim of the glass and took another drink of his Corellian Smash. "It's an honor to make your acquaintance as well, Mr. Head. I must confess to having no idea whatsoever as to what today's itinerary might entail, as your missive to me was both short and cryptic. However, I like my messages like I like my women, so here we are. What exactly did you have in mind, and more importantly, how much does it pay?"


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