Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A grand army of the Hutt cartel

Location: Sriluur. The Great cueva expanse
Upon he great plain of Sriluur the masses of recruits, mercenaries, slaves and various lethals animals caught to function as training for the army that was forming up. the masses threw themselves together in a huge, chaotic and bloody massive training session. On a far hill the leadership and trusted Cartel members were invited to watch it all. On the far left stood three battallions of B1-battle droids ready to engage. They were there for testing purposes and if anything went wrong to protect the command hill from any danger.​
In the center the most professional mercenaries had been drafted to function as the elite force. They seemd to be doing very well holding their position as they were surrounded by slaves who kept the most fearsome beasts at bay. Although some slaves turned on the elites in an effort to get away from the slaughter most of them had understood that the only way out of this was to battle the beasts and maybe live another day in another training excercie.​

To the far right cages filled with specialy treated Knuur addicts were being prepared to be be unleashed on the battle field. Sempra Besadii Dhakun pointed and explained it all to those around him. He was especially excited to see how the Knurr addicts would fare.​
The command hill was surrounded by tents, food was being served and plenty of drinks was apssed around for everyone attending. It was actually a rather comfortable position.​
"Enjoy the show most valued guests! And do point out any weaknesses or points of approvements." he encoured seated in a huge pile of cusshions under being tended by his slave entourage.​
"If you wish to throw yourself into this, be sure not to destroy them all. We got plans for them after all." he added with a played concern.​
"We also have a VIP medical tent set up if the need arises."
[member="Xander Black"]
[member="Flora Burn"]
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Boo Chiyo"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
[member="Momma the Hutt"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Maete Noelv"]
[member="Maete Noelv"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Tenel Daggoth"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Alatar Istari"]
[member="Tiro Vanek"]
Jemba was surrounded by a series of portable hotplates, ovens, deep friers, fridges and freezers. He had set up his own little kitchen near the command tent. There were about five 'assistants' running around in the makeshift kitchen assisting Jemba, and various other 'assistants' floating around guest taking or delivering orders.

The various flavors of herbs and spices, different roasting or cooking meats and cooking vegetables wafted through the air. The food varied from Klatooine paddy frog to roast gorak, fried nerf sausage and Sempra's favorite meal chuba stew.

There was a meal here for every nationality. All specially made by Jemba and his assistants. The occasional 'whack' sound could be heard as Jemba hits one of his assistants with a wooden spoon.

"Make sure Sempra gets his stew!" Jemba yelled to one of the assistants, who hurried to offer Sempra a very large bowl of the stew.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
He was at the forefront of the tent, a glow to those craven eye's a twitch of his sharpened digits, it was an incline a sharpness that only the precise movements of a machine could accomplish, he held aloft a chalice empty save for some sand that shifted through it. "A toast to [member="Sempra the Hutt"], the saviour of the Cartel." he raised it before putting it on a tray with a solitary 'thunk'.

He turned to watch the 'training' or more aptly the war-crimes, he wondered what the smell and taste of constancy of the air, it was all too foreign to him now that he lost most of his sense's. It filled his present until a slave approached him and took his order, there was a stare that past the two, he couldn't eat or drink and he was sure someone put this slave up to it. "I'm fine thank you."

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Cadan almost let out a small giggle when the waiter asked Flannigan for his order. Quickly he hid the smile by turning and placing a cigar in his mouth. Then a thought struck him. With a drink in his hand and a cigar in his mouth he approached Flannigan. "Cap'n, care for a cigar?" Cadan went to pull one from his top pocket with his free hand. "Oh, wait, nevermind."

Quickly Cadan thrust his cup in the air. "To Sempra!" He shouted.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Lady Zenva, as she chose to portray herself today, lay reclined on a divan of rich Lashaa silk. A glass of dark red wine rested on a small table set out just for her. One of the scurrying little server slaves has just taken an order for her, blood sausage. The thought left her smiling, her serrated teeth gleaming in the sunshine. It was rare for the militant matron to indulge herself in such a manner, but when your newest employer was a Hutt how could you not? The Hutt knew lavish and luxury like no other. So she would enjoy herself today, enjoy the company of some of the best pirates the galaxy had to offer, and yes even enjoy the chance to mingle with the Hutts she worked for.

Zenva straightened the seem of her gown something she had chosen with her host in mind. It was no small secret Hutts enjoyed surrounding themselves with beautiful things, and when that beautiful thing killed in your name? Ha! How could they not appreciate her attire.

A toast was cried out for [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and Zenva added her own voice to the choir, "To lord Sempra." Simple yes but a show of support all the same. Behind the matron, her eight elites snapped a crisp salute. These days it was unheard of for Zenva to travel unescorted, not since turning her back on the so called bloody Red Ravens in favor of the Cartel. Zenva returned to her reclined position, settling in to watch what was supposed to be a battle. She was still skeptical of how this could be a battle. Slaves and drug addicts attacking trained, or at least semi-trained mercenaries. This was going to involve a grand amount of blood and screaming, but not much else. Seems Sempra had invited her to dinner and a show, how sweet.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Sempra glared hungrily at the scenery in front of him. His eyelids half closed he let out a pleased sigh. This was a display of power and strength that he had longed for. He knew the slaughter was not something that in itself impressed, but rather amused the specators.

As [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] raised the toast and others fell in Sempra inclined his head in response. He took note of [member="Cadan Tazi"] as well. The Pirate captain had proven very useful over and over again.

In fact, all those present were supporting a vital part of the future cartel. More important then perhaps they themselves understood at this time.

He turned to one of [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] s servants.

"Bring me some snacks." he ordered as he cast an eye at [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]. She was a pleasing sight, a deadly beauty, and he did not hide the fact that he appreciated her gesture.

After a while he returned his gaze toward the battefleied he decided that the first step of this had served its purpose. He clapped his hands twice.

Right away huge gamorean guards stepped forth barking at the slaves to step back. At least a third of a battallion droids was activated and marched forth destroying the wild beasts spread out.

As slaves were colleceted in a huge circle and the beasts were put down by the droids Sempra turned toward those who had chosen to come to his summon.

"You have now wittnessed the raw cruelty that our army possess. Nothing will be impossible for them. Because their lives are worthless if there is not a war to engage in." he explained.

"Now, the droid army of [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] is impressive." he said with sincerity. "I would now like to present our next step. One might say it is an evolutionary revolution." he said with a sly grin spread across his face.

"But first, please see to your leissures, and consider what our army must prove to become a power worthy of the galaxy."
Jemba's eyes were constantly scanning over the guests. Sempra was constantly fell under his watchful stare. He saw the order given to the servent to bring snacks. Jemba quickly intercepted the servant. "I, myself shall deliver what ever Lord Sempra wishes for." He said with a dismissive action to the chef.

Jemba moved around the kitchen and collected a large bowl containing crunchbug's and a plate with zoochberry dumbling's on it.

Jemba moved easily towards Sempra, waiting for him to finish his speech before speaking. "My Lord Sempra. I have brought you some snacks."

He offered up the tray as he bowed down.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
He ate with relish, the saliva rolling freely and moving with abundance down the Hutts upper abdomen. The mouthfuls of [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"], cooking melting in his mouth. "To Sempra." He said absent-mindedly, he was too busy eating.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
The giant would make his presence seen as the heavy set steps of his boots echoed the region and the familiar sounds of muffled breathing emitting from the helmet of old. Taking simple steps to make his way towards [member="Sempra the Hutt"]'s seat, once close enough he would bend to one knee and bend his head forward.

"My supreme mogul, permission to speak freely."
Tiali sits comfortably at a table quite relaxed, he holds a drink in one hand the other rests on his leg. As a servant for Jemba walked past tiali would call them over "Hey, can you get that Jemba guy to make me and my friend here some good food. Thanks." he says assuming the servant will do it.

"Anyway [member="Thraxis"] how have you been?" Tiali looks away at all the assortments of militia the Hutt army has, but still has an open ear to Thraxis.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Thraxis would look to the hazey blur, it had been well past his 7th drink and the effects were really starting to kick in, he heard the haze speak some words, he made out his name and food, "Yu kno, I hade a fiend wence whoz was a cheif, his name was [member="Carlos"], I think, I ruved him ike a borther." he attempted to spew out, though it was likly all he spewed out was some garbled words.
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
The disfigured figure nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

Quickly he returned with some tacos for the duo to eat. "Will there be anything else me lords?" The servant gave a deep nod as he asked the question. The fearwas obvious in the servant, he seemed worried that the food would not be adequate.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
As the air started to heat up, mid day was approaching, Sempra ordered for slaves to spread out with fans. Manually they tried to keep the attending cartellers cool in the heat.

Sempra looked to the giant kneeling in front of him.

"[member="Alkah'Kahtel"] I am told by [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] that you are immortal. Such things are sometimes claimed but so far, without exception has proven to be false." he said and turned to [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] accepting his snacks with a pleased nod to the chef, extraordinair.

"How would you yourself describe this claim?" he ended with a curious expression to [member="Alkah'Kahtel"].

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
The giant would look up towards the mighty being known as [member="Sempra the Hutt"], the sounds of heavy breathing emitting from his helmet still and for a moment there wouldn't be a word passed between the two. Choosing his words carefully, he begins to speak aloud.

"My kin live for thousands of years, we lack many organs that others have and unlike most in the galaxy we can regenerate out body mass. Though what [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] claims may seem like immortality, I have seen my kin die of diseases from the mind."
Sempra listened intently on the monster before him. He had himself seen centuries pass and in the old hutt cathalouges of old were well kept secrets, such as species that outlived even their own kind. If [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] was such a creature he was indeed a most worthy protector of the aspiring new cartel.

"It pleases me that you have chocen to recognise the cartel as your new home. Welcome to the clan. Might I ask what you consider our army lacks?" Sempra motioned toward the ocean of parading groups of slaves, droids and enforcers before them.


Self-Imposed Exiled
For a moment the giant would lower his head and let out a deep throat sigh, the fume of air forcing its way out of the helmet's visor would be noticeable and would easily show his thought on speaking, though raising his head to face the mighty [member="Sempra the Hutt"] once more and speak accordingly.

"We lack animalistic brutality, which many say is brutish and should not be used but I have seen it work countless times in my youth. If it would please you, I could obtain us a tribe of loyal and brutal warriors."

A moment would pass before the giant let out another sigh, it would seem in a way that he may personally be against the idea but pressed forward as his loyalty and honour pressed him to.

"The people I think of believe in a life-debt, I can easily abuse such a belief to obtain a tribe or two."
Zenva's attention was drawn to the creature knelt before her Hutt employer Sempra. She listened silently as the two behemoths spoke, intrigued by this supposed immortal creature. It wasn't long before her interest began to wane for she knew what the brute was, a Gen'dai. Formidable, yes. Immortal, hardly. She had seen them before, seen the destruction they were capable of, and it was indeed impressive. As the pair continued to speak her interest was once more peeked as the Gen'dai spoke of brutal creatures that traded loyalty in the form of life-debts. The matron was intimately familiar with the creatures, The People of the Trees, Wookie. Zenva had been owed a life-debt by one, her honor brother @Foebacca. It had been paid for years but the pair had found one another again and returned to working side by side, protecting each other, watching over each other.

This Gen'dai thought to abuse this honor, this great and intimate display of trust and loyalty, and for what! A fresh pack of cannon fodder to feed the Cartel war machine! How dare he! Zenva spat a curse in her mother tongue of Zabraki and slipped her legs off her divan. The moment her high heels touched solid ground she rose up from her seat, her yellow-red eyes locked on the Gen'dai's back. Her meager high of five feet and nine inches, made only slightly more impressive by her three inch heels, stood straight as an arrow as she held her right hand out to the side. When she spoke her voice was low, not intended for those gathered but for her elites behind her, "Blade." Was all she said and her venomous tone had the nearest elite jump to obey. Without question the male handed over his vibro-dagger.

There is a Mandalorian by the name of Jaster, he had seen Zenva's hateful scowl and described it as a glare of pure death. She wore that same glare as she stepped out of her high heels and started toward the Gen'dai. The soft pads of her feet made no sound as she moved swiftly toward the brute. Thoughts of blood shed filled her mind but she restrained, briefly.

"Lord Sempra, do not agree to this thing's suggestion. It is foolish and the risks involved outweigh the potential gains. If this beast suggests to abuse a Wookie life-debt he is a fool. The People of the Trees are not stupid. If they come to realize their trust is being mistreated they will turn against you. Your own tools of war would become a vicious tool of destruction aimed at those who abused them.

Zenva came to a stop some three meters behind the Gen'dai, her blade gripped firmly in a white knuckled fist.

"If you desire fierce warriors, call upon the Zabrak. If you provide the funds I will personally raise up thousands of Zabrak warriors to answer your need for unbridled ferocity."

Zenva fixed her glare on the Gen'dai, daring him to speak against her claim.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Once [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] had finished Sempra pondered about the offer. It was good to see that this large monster also held a cunning trait, that made him more interesting and also far more dangerous. He was about to reply as [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] approached them and aired her oppinion. It seemed he feelings for wookies were fiery. Also an interesting trait he continued to himself.

"If we are talking about wookies they do make fine labour as well as great warriors. Was this your suggestion immortal one?"

Sempra could see how the zabrak had reasoned. He had also wittnessed her close partnership with [member="Foebacca"] - a life debt in her favour no doubt. He had recieved countless trandoshan slavers offering wookie captives and was familiar with how that worked. It was not that uncommon for wookies to escort other species around either, life debts happened now and then. But as far as he knew wookies were seldom tricked into a life debt as far as he knew. The thought was however interesting.


Self-Imposed Exiled
The giant took in a deep breath, the sight of mist filing its way out of its helmet's visor would be easily visible and for a moment you would notice his body shake intensely for but a moment, stopping as quickly as it happened and for a moment he would remain silent. With another deep breath, he would speak aloud and be quite obviously directed towards the woman [member="Zenva Vrotoa"].

"This, thing, does not care for the thoughts or feelings of a woman who believes herself above common courtesy. One should request permission from the supreme mogul to speak freely."

With another firm breath, he continues.

"I breath at the pleasure of the supreme mogul, if he wishes for these troops then I am not going to stand in his way nor should you."

After a moment, it would seem that the giant's attention moved towards [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and spoke once more.

"My greatest apologies my supreme mogul, for the interruption. The Wookie's are indeed where my thought process was heading, as for finding out their trust is mislead, allow me to not bother you with the details so it would be on both myself and the Zabrak's shoulders if it is to fail."

It would seem a light chuckle emit from his helmet, though it could also be mistaken for his heavy and quick breathing.

"After all, only her and I know of this plan, who else would inform the Wookies?"
Sempra narrowed his eyes at both [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] and [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]. There was tension here and to a certain degree that was a good thing. Inner conflict was something the Sempra encouraged, but these two was as of yet not bound to the cartel in any other way then credits. Bought loyalty was a fickle thing.

"You speak true. Yet, madame Vrotoa seem passionate about this. Do you object further upon this plan out of loyalty to the wookies or is your concern of a nature we have missed?" he asked the beautiful but fiery zabrak.

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