Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Good Meeting

With a recent line of products being developed under his own projected, nicknamed "Iron War", the technology of the One Sith military had significantly improved. Knowing full well of the various enemies that had sprung up, and with the recent fall of a former ally, the Primeval, the One Sith never faced more dangers in its history, and Krayzen needed to do whatever it took to protect it.

The Anzat entered One Sith space, and landed on a hangar. It was there that he met One Sith officials.

"Sir, welcome back to Coruscant."

"Thank you commander. Shall we proceed?"
The Anzat liked being on Coruscant. The pure dark side energies that he felt here reminded him of his time in Yanibar, where he helped his fellow dark siders seize the Zeison Sha Temple, and set it ablaze. At that time however, it was before all war had occurred, and he hadn't joined the One Sith. The Anzati powerhouse remembered those days to show how much he had progressed. Now, he stood as one of the top officials in an ever expanding military, and he would do his best to protect his fellow OS soldiers. That was why he was here after all.

Like he always did, Krayzen had his mental barriers activated. Having them would allow him to use it when he needed to, and it was a skill he practiced all the time. If he ever went through the unfortunate occurrence of being captured, the Anzat knew the mental barriers would help him, and considering the fact that he had gotten most of his more 'notable' powers two centuries ago, it made him have a variety of powers that can help him.

Krayzen got on a speeder, and went to the building where the meeting would be held; oh, this would certainly be a good day for him.
When the Anzati got out of the speeder, he was armed with his regular armament, which included a Sil-50 sonic pistol, a FGW5 Flechette Pistol, a lightsaber, etc. He so soldiers perform a military salute, and Krayzen did the same, nodding at them. The building had expanded from the last time it was here, and it had multiple safe measures to protect it as a hidden research facility. The Anzat moved in, entering the building, and seeing the various One Sith scientists/engineers/designers at work, each of them working to improve the quality of tech that the One Sith had.

"My Lord, we have finished some designs, and we are eager to show them to you my Lord; our scientists have been hard at work, and they are hoping you will like the fruit of our exploits."

"Excellent; I look forward to the presentation." Krayzen stated.
Like the cautious man he always was, Krayzen slowly reached out to the force, making sure to see if there was any hint of disloyalty among the people that were here. If he was being honest, this men were among the most loyal One Sith subjects he had met, but even the most loyal person could become an enemy. Various Jedi who had joined the Sith cause were the best exemplification of that. As he slowly expanded his sensor range through usage of the force, he did not find anything, but that didn't mean that this was his only tool. A capable man had various tools at his disposal, and Krayzen certainly had that.

The Anzat entered the room, and he so other department heads meet, each of them eager to show their representation. "Sir, we have a number of designs. Some include an anti-starfighter frigate akin to the Lancer Frigate of the Old Empire, a new rifle, a new turbolaser, as well as a new hyperdrive."

One of Krayzen's eyelashes then went in an upward movement. A new hyperdrive? He had given some input(a lot) of input on it, helping design it with his fellow One Sith members, but he didn't expect it to be developed this quickly. Krayzen then got slightly excited, wondering what the design would be.
The Anzat first looked at the gun. It used ablative propulsion principles, and it propelled the slug at high speeds, making it highly useful against various types of enemies, both in the ground, and in the air. Krayzen would make sure to keep an eye on that project.

The Sith Warrior then looked at the anti-starfighter frigate. It featured the same stuff that frigates were known for, including quad laser canons, a few turbolasers, etc. Krayzen would also keep an eye on this project, and watch out for its development as well.

The Anzat then so the creation that he liked, the new hyperdrive. It seemed to be able to be fit only on ships larger than starfighters, but it probably required a larger power draw as well. "Why should I choose this hyperdrive." the Anzat asked, curious to here a response.
"The quality of One Sith Naval devices is..... lacking." the scientist stated, lowering his voice in the last word in order not to annoy the Anzat. It was the truth, at least for now. Krayzen intended on making One Sith Navy to be the best navy in the galaxy, or at least be able to rival other rivals, like the millennial old GR Navy.

"We have decided to develop this in order to build up a recent line of designs that have occurred for the One Sith Navy. Designs like the OU Device, and a Hypervelocity canon, among others have offered a variety of weapons that we can use offer us a variety of devices that we can use for our navy, and we believe that the One Sith. The most notable feature this design has is its HIMS device, which I'm sure you know what it is capable off. "

Krayzen then heard him speak, and speak, going on about the mechanics that he already knew about. What he liked however was the speed of the hyperdrive. .6 would make it one of the fastest hyperdrives in the galaxy, and Krayzen didn't mind that. A small smirk appeared in his face; wait till [member="Isamu Baelor"] hears about this. he thought as he looked at the design.
The Anzat then once again looked at the design, nodding in respect to what they had come up with. Krayzen knew he was most likely going to choose it, but he also needed some questions answered. Truthfully speaking, all the questions were just being used to drive the conversation; he only did it to show them that he kept an eye on things, but then again, they already knew that.

"I have some questions." Krayzen stated.
"Yes, and yes." the scientist stated, answering some of the questions the Anzat had asked. Their discussion then range specifically on the material; after that, Krayzen and the head scientist conversed with each other about other things to continue their discussion, simply because the questions Krayzen asked were typically....well... easy questions.

After the presentation was finished, Krayzen nodded, signalling his approval at the work they had done. He liked giving his own personal touch to the designs, and that was something he found to be extremely good. "Excellent work; I shall talk with my colleagues about increasing funding for out program." the Anzati stated, nodding at the head scientist.

Krayzen then began to leave, and as he left, he telepathically talked the commander, whose unit guarded the building to continue monitoring activities here. He then left the building, and went to his speeder.
As he drover on his speeder bike to the hangar where he had left his fighter, Krayzen so the old remains of equipment that had belonged to the usurpers during the civil war on Coruscant. It was here that Krayzen had proved his efficiency, and along with other battles, Krayzen had showed that he deserved to be promoted to Lieutenant General.

He then reached the hangar, and prepared to leave. "Welcome back sir." a soldier stated, doing a military salute to show his respect. "How was the meeting sir?".

"It was very productive commander; we are making some real progress, and I believe we are continuing to make the One Sith better." Krayzen stated.
The Anzat then entered his starfighter, and nodded at the human, and then prepared to leave. He activated the engines, and after the hangar doors quickly opened, the Anzat decided to leave. The starfighter slowly got out of the hangar, and then moved at an upward vector, approaching orbit in order to leave the planet.

After a few seconds, Krayzen was out of the planet's gravity well, and he prepared himself to leave. He imputed coordinates in his OU Navigation Computer, a device that he had made. After that, the Anzat prepared to leave, and headed for Anaxes to meet Isamu for some business.
A Few Month Later
Months had passed since the initial meeting, and Krayzen had been busy conducting fleet deployments in a variety of sectors. As he sat in his chair, looking at the One Sith map to monitor deployments to fight various opponents, it had passed the Anzat's mind that today was the day he was going to go and see how production of the hyperdrive is ongoing.

Someone then knocked, and after Krayzen stated they could enter, they began to speak. "Sir, today is the day you are supposed to go and meet with the researchers."

"Oh." Krayzen stated, indicating that he had forgotten. "I was unaware of that; thank you for informing me." the Anzati stated.
Krayzen started to get ready, wanting to maintain his record of arriving on schedule. He didn't think it would be good for someone of his position not to arrive on schedule, and Krayzen also wanted to set an example to future leaders, no matter how minor it was.

"Alright...., lets see. Armaments; check. Armor; check; ammunition; check." Krayzen stated, wondering why he was doing something like that.

The Anzat then moved in, walking toward the bridge.

"Prepare the fleet to go to move in. Jump in hyperspace at 3...2....1.."
After their brief jump to hyperspace, the Anzat so a defense fleet.

"You guys know the drill; send transponder, and IFF tags to the defense fleet, and coordinate fleet movements here. If there is anything wrong, call me. " Krayzen stated.

"Admiral; has my shuttle been prepared?"

"Yes sir, it has."

"Excellent; have the pilot meet me in the shuttle please."

After speaking, Krayzen then went to the hangar, and entered the shuttle; he then left the ship, and went to the location he was supposed to go to.
Krayzen's shuttle then went down, the Anzat finally landed. He then got out, and went to the building where they were supposed to meet. Business was now about to begin.

"Nice to meet you again." the Anzati stated.

"The same with you sir; shall we begin?"

"Yes." the Anzati stated.

They then went on to discuss about ship modifying their hyperdrives from the standard to the Baelor Class. The Anzat also had them discuss the limitations of the design, including its size limitations, and the large power draw. I should work on a new generator some time Krayzen thought, making a mental note of that.

After the meeting, Krayzen left, and proceeded to go to his shuttle. They said their goodbyes, and the Anzati left.
The Anzat then got to his shuttle, and the shuttle then went to a frigate. It was a Lancer frigate, and the only modification it had was that it had the Baelor Class Hyperdrive.

"Let us begin conducting test runs; constantly give updates to the scientists on this test run. Also have them communicate with us on the many other test runs that are occurring. " Krayzen stated.

"Alright, prepare to jump to Coruscant."

Instantaneously, the crew started working inputting the coordinates, and they soon jumped to hyperspace.
Soon, they arrived on Coruscant, and nothing bad had happened to the hyperdrive. It's fuel system were functioning, and it was fully integrated to the OU Navigation Computer that he had designed, making it highly effective.

"Sir, all systems such as the coolant, and fuel systems report to be functoning. We are transmitting test results to the scientists. Other tests report to be also successful as well. "

"Excellent, shall we continue."

"Yes sir."

"Prepare a jump to Anaxes."
Once again, they conducted a jump, this time to Anaxes, the Anzat asked for the reports.

"Once again sir, all systems are operating functionally; per a scientists' orders, the placed a interdictor cruiser near the hyperspace route were using to travel to Anaxes, and the HIMS device worked perfectly. Engineers reported no failures."

"Excellent commander; prepare a jump to Panantha." Krayzen stated.
"Alright; have us return to our previous destination; I have some things to discuss with the scientists."

The captain nodded, and they instantly imputed the coordinates, and they soon jumped to hyperspace.

Soon, they had reached the planet, and began to descend in a downward vector. "You are cleared to land. We have your IFF transponders."

They landed, and Krayzen then decided to go meet the scientists.
The Anzat got to his speeder, and drove at speeds that neared 300 km/h; he wondered if he should remove the shield that his speeder bike had, but he then decided not to, seeing it as a useful feature if he were for some reason targeted. He soon arrived, and got out of his speeder bike.

"Sir, welcome back. We were informed that you wanted to meet us."

"Yes; I would like this design to have an ostrine cooling system to be able to help with the heat. Also change the composition of the hyperdrive to also include Dallorian Alloy." the Anzat ordered.

The scientist nodded, and they had finished the meeting.
Krayzen then got out the building, and once again went to his speeder. He then pushed the throttle forward, going at speeds of 300 km/h like he had done before. The speeder bike was a prototype, but it would soon feature mass production if things would be going as planned.

He soon arrived at the ship, and he then entered it. They soon began to move at an upward vector, approaching the orbit in order to leave. Soon, they were out of the planet's gravity well, and ready to jump to hyperspace.

"My Lord; we are ready."

"Excellent, conduct the jump in 3....2.....1...."

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