Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Fresh Knowledge Infusion

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
After Janick tried to pull a prank on Shusugaunt, in an attempt to build up her dossier for flag rank, using a mixture of copier toner and ion bomb filling, as well as a young idealistic anarchist as a henchwoman, it felt good for Janick to be back in ORC-land, where another potential client was coming to her for some reason. She heard the name [member="Kimiko"] being thrown around when Janick was but a beginner as an alchemist but never heard about her since. Before there even was a Griet in ORC service. But maybe, like one of the clients she previously had, the Force had, in fact, sent the client to her to learn from the witch. What would cause the Force to send her to me? I'm sure the Force has its reasons to send her to me, and I can teach the client a variety of dark-sided items just fine, just that, however tempting it is to just use Memory Rub to teach her, perhaps it won't be satisfying to her to just have the knowledge infused into her, so I'd rather ask beforehand before deciding on knowledge infusion and what to teach through that route, she thought, while the castle's doorbell rang, facing another rather youthful, Force-using girl, as a client.

"Welcome to the Utai Magic Circle. What can I do for you today?"
Never in her wildest dreams did Kimiko imagine finding herself on Utapau, much less within the castle foyer of someone she had heard many tales of. Some whom she hoped could help her.

Her hunt for the woman named [member="Janick Beauchamp"] had brought her here and there was no turning back. She had heard accounts of the teachings and training her and her company could achieve. Most of it in alchemy, which did not sit well with the normally practically minded Kimiko, but she was running thin and could use the help.

The other patron, a younger-looking girl it appeared, hadn't said a word or so much as glanced in Ki's general direction before being approaching the doors and being summoned within. It was quiet, lonely, and nerve-wracking sitting there by herself for what felt like a eternity.

But, she finally reappeared and scurried for the exit in silence, leaving Ki perplexed as to the business that just transpired.

Ki shook her head and steeled her nerves before approaching the doors herself, raining a hand and repeating what she saw previously...

" name is Kimiko. I am looking for a Miss Beauchamp?"
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"That's me. Sorry for the wait. Before we begin: if you do not have any objections, I will infuse the knowledge of Memory Rub into you. Memory Rub is there to make future teaching easier either by infusing knowledge into someone or by correcting/erasing faulty knowledge from someone. Or, if you don't want to learn Memory Rub, but still want to learn Drain Knowledge, Drain Knowledge will go first. I do not blame you if you don't want to learn either power, but I have good reason to teach you Drain Knowledge before the final three items on the agenda"

What kind of person not knowing what it was doing in covert ops would have its position compromised only well after the main objectives were accomplished, when exfil was the natural next step? Definitely not the same kind of person that would screw up an insertion. Yes, it's true that I had little information available on today's Venefica other than being an alchemist living as a recluse: however, COTBR-era Venefica belongs to another epoch and the info may as well be outdated for covert-ops purposes. Then again, I only made it back here safely because Griet was able to save our bacon on Shusugaunt, she thought, while the last words from the Sith prior to Griet picking her up rang in her mind. You truly have no idea of what you're doing. And then she was looking at the somewhat shorter [member="Kimiko"] in the Force for clues as to what Janick could potentially teach her. And there was a poodoo-load of stuff Janick could teach Kimiko, but she feels she should rather prioritize what's usable in battle although Memory Rub and Drain Knowledge are there to make future teaching and learning easier respectively. Yes, she readily acknowledged she couldn't teach all of that without risking to overload Kimiko's brain, since she knew that a person's brain had its limits. But Janick would readily let herself be the guinea pig for Kimiko to learn Drain Knowledge on, because she was used Drain Knowledge on so many times that she knew her memories would remain intact by using it on her.

"After, we will cover pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, Force-lightning: I think that's enough for the day"
The overflow of apparent options caused the woman to take a pause and think about the offer. Both techniques were steeped in the Dark side of the Force, which mattered not. The other thoughts of opening up your own mind to something along those lines frightened and excited Ki a bit. This woman was offering up something along the lines of data-transfer, but from mind to mind...

...Oh the possibilities!

She could definitely use this to her advantage. Teaching any future disciples and her own kin-folk would be extremely easy. Her answer was obvious.

"I-I accept your offer!" she blurted a little to excitedly, tails wagging behind her.

[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Alright, the infusion will proceed"

Now that I have the assurance that Ki is smart enough to make the infusion of Memory Rub knowledge worthwhile, it's now showtime! she thought, while keeping a close watch for signs of mental discomfort or pain in [member="Kimiko"]'s mind. And then the visions began flashing in both ladies' minds while Janick used the Force to upload the information from her brain to Kimiko's and the student will soon realize that, in both Drain Knowledge and Memory Rub cases, one can see visions flashing of the alterations made so long as said alterations do not involve memory loss, accidental or intentional. So what's flashing in Kimiko's mind right now is how to use the Force to insert knowledge files into someone's memory, and also how to alter the procedure for editing someone else's memory files, with edits including, but not limited to, deleting a memory file in a person or editing it. Ki also learned by infusion that the hard part of performing Memory Rub-based alterations other than insertion was sorting through the sometimes mountaineous amounts of knowledge people held, which was also a pitfall of Drain Knowledge. At the end of the infusion, Janick was feeling strangely pleasured by the realization Ki's brain was, in fact, very attractive to her, much as she would virtually anyone at Ki's intellectual level or higher (like Griet), and also because she saw in Ki a lot of potential in her brain curves. In addition, Janick was feeling that both brains were lighting up because of the fast rates of data transfer between the two of them. That, even though she knew most Memory Rub/Drain Knowledge practitioners would never talk about either power in computing terms.

"How does it feel to have knowledge infused into your brain? It's probably something your future students will feel, too. Next will come Drain Knowledge, which, in fact, involves downloading information from someone's mind, which I feel is complimentary to Memory Rub, and shares many of the same caveats. While our mental datachannel is still open, try accessing my mind to download information related to any of the following, at your discretion, into your mind: Force-lightning, pyrokinesis or cryokinesis"
The whole process felt as if it was spread over days and months of hard rigorous training and research, when in fact it had only been mere minutes. It wasn't painful, nor pleasurable, it had the feeling of a good middle ground as images and 'memories' flooded her mind. Coming out of the interaction seemingly out of breath, and with the slightest taste of mint for some odd reason. But, unharmed as was promised. It felt invigorating, all the knowledge and expertise from the woman who had offered the services.

She looked at Janick, eyes wide and full of wonder,"Th-that was quite the experience. I've never felt anything of the sort, and you can do that on a whim? With anyone?" she blinked several times at the rest of the statement,"Now you want me to take from you?!" she was bewildered, slightly overwhelmed looking at her teacher.

[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"On second thought, it's instead a choice between Force-lightning and a bundle of pyro/cryokinesis; typically I'd prefer pyrokinesis and cryokinesis to be taught in the same session. While it's the larger of the two data packets, you'll get both skills if you choose to download that one. Don't worry about causing me to accidentally forget something: my memory is really good, plus given the speed at which you received the infusion without getting headaches, you can copy-paste from me at that speed or even faster still, if your brain is fast enough"

Painless? It was clear to Janick that [member="Kimiko"]'s brain could, in fact, withstand the high mental data transfer speed Janick can achieve by infusion; Drain Knowledge is subject to the same caveats, so Kimiko can download either data packet at that speed from Janick and not get headaches. Because, in fact, pain occurs when the speed of infusion or alteration is faster than the target's ability to process it. And hence Kimiko knows not to infuse, alter or download memories faster than the slower of her mental speed or the target's. But between Force-lightning and pyro/cryo, she could feel that the White Fox has different considerations, such as the non-combat uses of each power (powerpack recharge, and other burst uses of electricity in the case of Force-lightning, cooking, welding, HVAC in the case of pyro/cryo) but she is fully comfortable with Ki downloading any of those two data packets. And she could always download both data packets if she feels she hasn't overburdened her memory or her Force-batteries by downloading the first one; however, she prefers to not have a Drain Knowledge user download too much at once if the aim is to drain for learning, as is the case here.

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