Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Feast For Crows [GA vs OS Invasion of Lujo Objective 5]

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
The Galactic Alliance have struck out at The One Sith. Their forces have invaded the planet of Lujos, with the intent of taking it. While Sith and Jedi clash across the planet, and fleets battle above the sky, the One Sith Army prepares to face an enemy at their doorstep. The Galactic Alliance now marches on the One Sith military installation, Torrington Base. Hand of The Dark Lord, Isamu Baelor, leads the defense of the installation. Forces under his command, veterans of Contruum and Balmorra, march north to intercept the Galactic Alliance army.

Objective Five: A Feast For Crows
Aims: To write a fair, and balanced, battle between OS PC characters, and a GA NPC commander.
Open/Private: Private
Category: NPC Troop battle
Leaders: [member="Isamu Baelor"]
Description: In an attempt to wrest control of the planets surface, the GA have launched an assault on the main OS military base on Lujo. Hand of The Dark Lord Isamu Baelor readies to push back against the Galactic Alliance, and their commander. Will OS forces route the attackers? Or will the GA break through, and take the planets surface?

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad Von Grimmelshausen"]

*Map will be continuously updated​

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Day 1: Command Center

The battle was looming overhead. The Galactic Alliance was at their doorstep. Torrington Base was soon to be set upon. If the installation fell, military command across the planet would crumble. Hand of The Dark Lord, Isamu Baelor, and a force of veterans from Contruum, and Balmorra, took to defend the threatened base.

The command centre was plagued with bickering. Each officer thought they knew how best to deal with the encroaching Galactic Alliance threat. “We should dig in, and wait for reinforcements.” The overly cautious Maj. Andras suggested. “No! We should march on them immediately.” Lt. Col. Revil argued. “They won’t be able to resist our power.” He said, boastfully. "We shouldn't underestimate them!" pleaded Maj. Ramius “They’re a pretentious band of terrorists. They're no threat.” rebutted Col. Schynder. With no conclusion in sight, the meeting threatened to devolve into a circus.

“ENOUGH!” Isamu exclaimed. The Grand General’s authoritative voice cut through the childish bickering, and brought those in attendance to silence. “The Galactic Alliance is spurred by righteous fury. They’ll risk anything, and everything, to defeat us.” Isamu said, grittng his teeth. He subtly shook his head, and continued. “No. Underestimating them would be a foolish mistake.”

The Hand of The Dark Lord reclined in his chair, his mind mulling over the options. “Until our fleet has dealt with the Galactic Alliance fleet, we cannot receive more reinforcements.” He mused. “Nor can we, or shall we, hide behind these walls.” The Grand General paused for a brief moment. “You” he said, gesturing to a NCO. “Bring up a map of the area. Include the last known location of the enemy forces.”

The lights of the command room dimmed, and the holo-display came to life. The map hovered above the centre of the table, and its blue light illuminated the faces of the officers. Red blips on the map indicated One Sith forces, while yellow, the Galactic Alliance. “Their forces are spreading out.” Isamu said, gesturing to the map. “Their intention is to surround us.” A confused look washed over the face of Major Andras. “How do you know that, sir?” He asked. Isamu scoffed at the question. “Because that’s what I would do.” He bluntly stated. “We have a mountain to our back. No place to retreat. If they surround us, we are finished.”

The Grand General contemplated the situation, but there was little choice but a counter-attack. “I will take a third of our forces, and intercept the enemy on the left flank.” He said. “Lieutenant Colonel Revil, and Major Andras, you will support my forces. Colonel Schynder, your forces will hold the centre.” Finally, Isamu turned his gaze to [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"], his most capable underling. “Brigadier General von Grimmelshausen. You, and your apprentices, will take command of the right flank. You will not allow any of the Galactic Alliance force to break through. Understood?”

The squabbling among the officers did not interest the Brigadier General, to pay them any mind was to waste one’s time. He did not care much for what those below him thought of him so long as they had respect for him. He only cared for what those above him had to say.

Soon enough the bickering between fools was put to an end by the Grand General [member="Isamu Baelor"] with an exclamation of “ENOUGH!” bringing the entire room to a silence after which the man laid out his plan and gave out his orders.

Once he was finished explaining his plan, the Grand General turned his gaze to Konrad. “Brigadier General von Grimmelshausen. You, and your apprentices, will take command of the right flank. You will not allow any of the Galactic Alliance force to break through. Understood?”

"Yes sir," Konrad nodded in acknowledgement of the order and turned to address the two apprentices he had brought with him, [member="Froste"] and [member="Oodar Zelko"]. "Tymon, you will command No Mercy, and Zelko, you command Brave,” he ordered. “I will lead Der Jager.

Once he had finished giving out orders of his own, the Brigadier General handed a small box containing a HoloLink to each of his apprentices. “These are HoloLinks. They have a pre-installed commlink function which we will use for communication. The range of the commlink is 50 kilometres so ensure you stay within range when possible.

After the Brigadier General said what he needed to say, the man left the base to make preparations to lead his unit, Der Jager. Der Jager was a smaller unit in comparison to Brave and No Mercy but that did not necessarily meant it was any weaker. On the contrary, it was equal in strength if not stronger. What the unit lacked in man power, they made up more than enough for in skill and experience. After all, they were a unit who underwent Konrad’s special training and survived.
Oodar stood by his master, Konrad , when the order was given by [member="Isamu Baelor"] he was to cover part of the right flank. Oodar bowed his head to his superior and let out a simple ''Thank you for the honor, sir. In battle, I will prove myself worthy of promotion.'' Oodar then listened to [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"] tell him which unit he was to lead. The Brave was to cover the middle of the right flank, with Der Jager on its left and No Mercy on it's right.

Oodar took the hololink and then made his way to the area in which Brave was being prepared for battle. Once he arrived he gathered the Captains and Lieutenants for a pre-battle meeting.''Due to the current naval battle, all our battleships are tied up, rendering us unable to receive reinforcements. The mountain behind us makes retreat suicidal if not impossible. Instead of waiting for more troops, we will prepare for battle. Should the naval battle be resolved, we will be first priority due to the importance of grand general. We will oversee the middle of the right flank, Konrad with cover us to the left and Froste with cover us to the right'' Oodar pointed out these positions on the holo-map in front of them. ''Should we reach the base before our comrades, we will take it if their defenses are sub-par. However, if their defenses are formidable, I will not lead a suicide mission. I intend to lead Brave out of this battle with as many men and women as it entered with. Should we breach the base, bring anyone of Major rank or higher back alive, these men and women have information we need. Not much is known about the infantry units of the Galactic Alliance, they could outnumber us 10-1 or we could outnumber them 10-1. I personally, do not expect an easy fight, prepare for a tough battle. Understood?'' one by one the Captains and Lieutenants nodded their heads. ''Lieutenants, relay the information about the capture of high priority targets to your warrant officers.''
Cole stood tall when he was next to the Brigadier General. He did not want to sloop and potentially cause the Grand General to become upset with his master. The Grand General had given Konrad a command, and in turn Konrad gave the apprentices their commands. His fellow apprentice, Oodar, was to command Brave, and Cole was to command No Mercy. Then, their master gave them HoloLinks for communication. The trio then disbanded, heading for their respective units.

Cole had not worked with No Mercy before, so he was unsure what to expect. He assumed the leaders of the unit would want to know what to expect, and it would be best if they did know what was going on. Due to this, Cole called the captains together for a briefing before they began to move. "If you do not already know, I am Cole Tymon. An Acolyte of the Sith and a Major of the military." Cole paused briefly, but began again before any of the captains could say anything. "However, names and titles do not matter so much now. As I'm sure most if not all of you are aware, the Galactic Alliance is preparing an attack on us as we speak. Of course, they will accomplish nothing, but only if we perform our duties here today." Cole brought up a Holomap with the positions of the units. "We, are here. The right-most unit. To our left is Brave, to their left is Der Jager. Our three units are to ensure the Galactic Alliance cannot break through the right flank. And this job will be done correctly. I am not returning as a failure, and neither will any of you. We will succeed or die in this, and I would very much prefer to succeed. For now, we wait for new orders. Send the information of our mission down the line to your men. I want them to know what they are fighting for." With that, Cole shut off the Holomap and dismissed the captains, leaving himself alone to await new orders from his master.
Gunther Creed
1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment, "Centurion"

Location: Torrington Base

Objective: Receive Orders, and Defend Torrington Base.

@One Sith
[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]

@Galactic Alliance

A new day, a new enemy. Gunther landed on the planet in one of the last transports before the naval battle overhead cut off their reinforcements. Gunther was transferred to the front line and under a new superior rather quickly. Not that it was a hindrance to the Iron Fox, the moment he touched down Gunther assembled 1st Battalion and coordinated with the base officers on where to settle in, at least for the moment. They would soon be moving out to deal with the impending alliance attack that loomed overhead.

Gunther was confident in their chances though, they were entrenched in established defenses with plenty of cover, with a mountain at their back. The mountain was both a hindrance and a boon, they wouldn't be able to completely surround and flank them but they had effectively backed themselves into a corner so if the battle turned to the Alliances favor, things would get worse for the trapped Sith. Gunther wore his clean and pressed, sleek grey uniform, everything was set perfectly in place from his hat to the cuffs on his wrists.

The Major entered the war room of the command center about halfway into the meeting, quietly taking a position on the side analyzing the tactical data and plans that were being brought up. Gunther nodded in agreement at the Grand Generals assumption that the Alliance would split their forces up, it was the most efficient maneuver they had if the Sith stayed inside the base. They'd be able to surround the base and shell it from three different sides, and heavy casualties would follow. But Gunther didn't feel that evenly spreading out their forces and meeting the Alliance in a head on assault was the best decision.

As the other officers began to leave the chamber, Gunther walked around to where the Grand General was sitting and promptly saluted "Sir, Major Gunther Creed, 1st Battalion 2nd Regiment reporting as ordered." Gunther said, handing the man his sealed transfer orders. "Permission to make a suggestion to the battle plan, sir." Gunther added, stopping curtly and waiting for the generals permission to continue, if it was not given he would not continue.

Gunther then turned to the holographic table showing the current battlefield as it stood, with the alliance and Sith spread out on each side. "The Generals plan of counter attack is excellent, the enemy will not be expecting us to meet them out on the field. Let the enemy come toward us first before moving out to meet them, this will let us first draw them close enough to be in range of Torrington Bases artillery and outer defenses." He said. "But what I also suggest is that before they do come in range, pull the armored units from our central force here, and transfer them all to either the left or the right flank. The Alliance will spread their armor out evenly among its three formations and by stacking a concentrated amount of armor on one of our flanks, we can blitz their flank and swiftly overwhelm them, and then hit their central formation from the rear. The central force will have the support of our artillery as well as Torrington Bases defenses, sir," He finished.
Quincy stood in the background behind a stale black cloak to hide her appearance. She never raised her voice nor did anything to draw attention to herself. She listented intently to [member="Isamu Baelor"] as well as the rest of the other sith around the map. She had no idea what to do and only was standing there waiting for instruction on the battle. Under her cloak she had her lightsaber that was given to her by Darth Ferris. It was a rather ordinary, almost plain saber that she didn't really like other than it being a saber.

[member="Heinrich Marr"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
Major Danis Tusk stood at the back of the briefing room in the command centre, his arms folded as he watched the various opinions being thrown around the room. He looked towards the Grand General and cleared his throat. All eyes looked at him and when he felt he had the room he took that a permission to speak. ''I agree with the Grand General that they will look to surround us, it is indeed their best option of victory.'' His eyes scanned the room. ''It's quite possible that they know we know that, however I believe it may serve us best to, at first, to appear to be on the back foot. Appear to be unaware of their intentions and therefore seem as if we are unable to defend against it.'' Tusk noticed some questionable looks appear on some faces, he continued unfazed.''I believe Major Creed said it correctly when he suggested we let the enemy advance in the field, enough to let them think they have gained ground on us. Allowing them the illusion of control will mean they deploy a huge chunk of their forces in the central area and in turn allow us to strike them effectively.'' Tusk pointed at the map. ''I further agree with the Major in his belief that they will not be expecting us to meet them head on in the field. They will feel they have the ground and the numbers to succeed in a full on attack on the land and may assume we are left with no option but to camp and defend Torrington Base.'' Tusk began walking around the table, pointing to the centre of the map. ''That's why I suggest we sent a battalion to meet them head on in the middle for an all out dogfight. I admit it will involve heavy casualties but drawing fire from their forces in the middle will allow for forces on the flanks to inflict more damage in a surprise attack.''

Tusk looked at Major Creed. ''If the Major will agree with me, I suggest his unit and mind meet them out on the middle. We could essentially split their numbers, draw their fire in two separate directions while our forces on the flanks gain their ground and prepare to attack.''

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] [member="Gunther Creed"] [member="Froste"] [member="Oodar Zelko"] [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"] [member="Isamu Baelor"]

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
The meeting had come to a conclusion, and the officers funneled out of the command center. Battle loomed over the horizon, and Isamu prepared to take his leave and join the Blood Warriors, but was quickly interrupted. Two officers approached the Grand General, each intending to speak with the Hand of The Dark Lord.

The first officer, Major Creed, dug into his pocket, and handed Isamu his transfer papers. and requested to speak his mind. “Go on.” Isamu said. He wasn't adverse to his soldiers speaking their mind. Major Creed laid out a suggestion for an alternate battle plan, which under different circumstances, may have worked. In this situation, it did not. “We’ll do no such thing.” Isamu said, bluntly rejecting the Major’s idea. “Weakening the center would be a foolish gambit. If it crumbles, we're finished.” He was charmless, and some would consider boorish. However, he was the Hand of The Dark Lord. His word was final.

The second officer, Major Tusk, spoke up and he too suggested his own ideas. These suggestions fared little better with the Grand General. Much of it was based on the assumption of how the Galactic Alliance would react in a given situation. Their commander was still shrouded in mystery, so any assumption would be an uneducated guess. After hearing the Major, Isamu replied. This is what I intend.” he said. “You will take command of No Remorse. Major Creed; Centurion. Both of you will support High Colonel Schynder in holding the center, and you will hold the center. Understood?” Isamu ordered.

Before the officers cou, Isamu gave one last order to them. “Take the Sith with you” He said, motioning towards Quincy Evelyn Sharpe. “Perhaps she may be of use. Dismissed” With that, the meeting was done, and preparations were to be made. Isamu took leave of the command center, and joined with the Blood Warriors. When the Galactic Alliance arrived, the brave sons, and daughters, of the One Sith would be there to meet them en force.



Objective: Crush the Galactic Alliance, and scatter their ashes to the wind!

Torrington Base sensors have detected three separate Galactic Alliance forces approaching. It appears they intend to surround the base. One Sith forces will divide into three groups, and intercept the enemy.
  • Hand of The Dark Lord, Isamu Baelor, will take command of Blood Warriors, and intercept the Galactic Alliance forces North West of Torrington Base. Lieutenant Colonel Angelo Revil, commanding Verserk, and Major Andras, commanding Real Hazard, will support.
  • High Colonel Schnyder will take command of Chaos, and intercept the Galactic Alliance forces North of Torrington Base. Major Creed, commanding Centurion, and Major Tusk, commanding No Remorse, will support.
  • Brigadier General von Grimmelshausen will take command of Der Jager, and intercept the Galactic Alliance forces North East of Torrington Base. Major Zelko, commanding Brave, and Major Tymon, commanding No Mercy, will support.


OOC: Post order only matters among your group. You needn’t wait for those defending the other areas to post.

[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"] | [member="Oodar Zelko"] | [member="Froste"] | [member="Gunther Creed"] | [member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] | [member="Danis Tusk"]
Gunther Creed
1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment

Location: Torrington Base

Objective: Destroy the Alliance

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
[member="Danis Tusk"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]

@Alliance Forces

Gear: Infantry Armor, BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Mohc Combat Blade

It had been two days since the meeting in the Command Center and the Grand General sticking Centurion in the center with this High Colonel. Orders were orders as always and Gunther didn't even react when they were given but what he did do was leave the tent and immediately armor up. It was a personal trademark of the Major, as an officer he didn't have to enter the direct combat with his men on the front lines, in fact most didn't because it was a one way ticket to the grave. But Gunther Creed was not a cowardly man, many times superiors called him courageous, his calm and coolness under fire unlike anything they've seen, 'The Iceman' they nicknamed him and it stuck.

Anyone trying to find the Major that day outside of Centurion would find that he looked exactly like his soldiers, Infantry Armor Mk. III painted black with a single red stripe running on the left and right sides of the armor down the arms, chest, and legs, a dark helmet sitting atop his head. Gunther always carried a blaster rifle, a pistol, and his blade into combat. Scanners detected movement and the entire battalion readied for combat almost immediately, as if they were not already. Centurion had the support of two IW-02B Tannhauser Heavy Artillery, and four assault walkers.

The Major was with the artillery platforms after the detections kept coming in, and he kept making sure he got updates as the moving alliance force came into range and it was everything he had not to grin wildly when it was announced. "Let's give the alliance a warm welcome, lock in the target coordinates, single barrage." The Artillery commander nodded, and early in the morning on Day Three, all across the battlefield a thunderous roar echoed as the Tannhauser six barrel cannons unleashed a torrent of fire that streamed across the skies and straight out, a cloud of fire and black smoke formed as the Tannhauser Cannons blasted all in a wide area into annihilation, it would be the battle horn across the field.
Gear: In Sig
Allies: | [member="Isamu Baelor"] | [member="Froste"] | [member="Oodar Zelko"] | [member="Gunther Creed"] | [member="Danis Tusk"] | [member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] |
Enemies: GA Forces

One did not require much effort to spot the leader of Der Jager Unit. The Brigadier General did not wear armour, only his uniform. Some may think he was overconfident but Konrad was a Sith Knight and trusted in his abilities to protect himself without the use of something that would waste his time to wear and slow him down. His intention was not only to command his men but in the forefront of the battlefield - he felt it was only his responsibility as their leader.

The Brigadier General may have been a tough teacher but when he was on the battlefield, the men in his unit were his brothers. Der Jager - the unit that he had been training experienced many fatalities in the progress but was full of individuals that he had spent much time and effort on to not fight beside them would be an insult to his men. In the end, everyone was equal in death.

"Hold the line and move forward," he commanded his apprentices through the HoloLink. "If you encounter anything that attempts to break the line, kill it. You are not to let anything get past us."

Having given his orders, Konrad began his advance with his men forming an impenetrable line holding this formation until they were half way across the field when an explosion went off, followed by another and another, spreading across the field resulting in many casualties across all three units. The enemies had planted land mines. Then, as the men recovered from the explosions, Galactic Alliance forces ran forward and rained fire on them. It was as if the enemies were prepared for the men. As if the enemies knew of the Brigadier General's tactics. There was only one order Konrad could give now.

Retreat! Brigadier General ordered his apprentices, suffering modest injuries. He had not stepped on one of those land mines but one had exploded in his proximity.
Oodar was caught off guard by the massive explosions that covered the entire right flank. He knew retreating would cause many casualties, he had to do something to cut their loses. ''This is major Zelko'' he would speak, rather calmly into his hololink as he ran. ''We need artillery fire on these coordinates'' he would patch through the approximate coordinates of where the company Der Jager was currently, hoping to compensate for the Galactic Alliance forces chasing them and not shoot the canons too far back from the forces, or too forward. He continued to run towards the base, picking up wounded soldiers and throwing them on his shoulder as his went. He felt inside his cloak and felt sap oozing from his side, he had been hit.
Gunther Creed
1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment

Location: Torrington Base

Objective: Hold the Line
[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
[member="Danis Tusk"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]

@Alliance Forces

Gear: Infantry Armor, BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Mohc Combat Blade

The sounds of battle rung out through the wonderous forested landscape, light shows of blaster fire magnified earth shaking explosions, streams of artillery rocketing across the skies. Most people couldn't outright tell from the Iceman that was Gunther Creed, that he did enjoy getting into combat after prolonged periods of inactivity. Adrenaline pumped through the Majors entire body as he popped out from behind the trunk of a tree and fired twice, dropping two soldiers that were lobbing grenades into their formation with clean headshots, before swiveling and dropping three more taking cover on the left side.

Something didn't sit right with the Major in this particular combat situation however, the enemy was attacking them in this loose formation, and they weren't making any substantial progress or even attempts to breach their lines. In fact they were slowly pulling back, when scanners showed a force of substantial size, why would they be retreating now? Gunther switched on the encrypted commlink in his helmet to the channel he kept open with the Captains of 1st Battalions four companies, "Captains report, I'm getting an odd feeling." Gunther ordered. Typically when Gunther felt like this it was a recipe for disaster, he rarely got these odd feelings in battle but when he did, he listened to them.

"The enemy appears to be pulling back, we've received minimal casualties Sir." Captain Alexei Markov of Second Company immediately responded.

"Third Company is reporting similar odd conditions, the enemy is retreating without making substantial progress while taking heavy casualties, we've received minimal casualties as well, Sir." Captain Rudolph Kluge reported.

"Fourth Company is seeing the same situation sir this is's almost like they're.." Captain Richard King reported before being quickly cut off.

"Their luring us forward, they want us to keep moving towards them..but why?" Gunther said, switching his channel to the High Colonels own. "High Colonel Schnyder sir this is Major Creed. There's something wrong here, the enemy is luring us forward-" It was all the Major could get out, before the High Colonel sharply cut him off.

"The only thing that's going on here Major is the enemy couldn't break out line, and they're retreating in fear. If they want to run like dogs tails between their legs, we'll hunt them like dogs." The High Colonel replied, clearly agitated by the sound of his tone.

"Sir why would they run like this, they've attacked in loose formations with minimal amounts of men when reports show a force of sufficient size-"

"The only thing thats wrong with this situation is a full of himself Major who doesn't know his place, and overestimates his own tact. Looks like the Iceman isn't as good as he thought he was, I'll hear no more of this." There it was, the annoyance in the mans voice quickly turned into anger. There were some officers who felt threatened by the decorated Major, Gunthers service record was stellar and he was a favorite among the highest echelons, this wasn't the first time a superior officer tried proving the "Titantic" man that was Gunther Creed was just an ambitious officer, and that his reputation, and ability was all smoke and mirrors. But this man was high strung, arrogant, and incredibly foolish, no doubt he earned his promotion through connections rather than tact.

The Major's suspicions were correct when rapid explosions rocked across the entire central formation with sprays of dirt, shrapnel, and falling debris from trees that just couldn't take it anymore fell to the earth, soldiers blown apart and spread across the fields. Mines, the enemy had lured the entire central command into a minefield. The minefield coupled with the High Colonels foolishness felt like a punch in the gut, seizing the breatn right from his lungs, and now men of 1st Battalion, his "Centurions" were dying because of it. "1st Battalion pull back, artillery give us some covering fire!" Gunther ordered.

The order to pull back came from the executive officer of Chaos, taking command after the man had witnessed the foolish High Colonel blown into pieces after he had stepped directly on a mine.
The command had come from his master to begin the march forward, and to not let anything get past them. It had seemed simple enough to Cole, and with the support of two men he trusted to his left flank he felt there was no need to worry. Cole did not expect any resistance to begin so soon, so he was caught off guard by the explosions. The unexpected blasts continued to go on, with seemingly no end in sight. Cole eventually brought his eyes away from the bright lights to the HoloLink on his wrist. He hesitated to bring is up to his face to report what was happening, due to his fear of disappointing Konrad. Soon enough, Cole overcame this and brought the communication device to his face. Right before he began to relay the information, he heard the Sith Knight bark the command for retreat through it. Without hesitation this time, Cole began to shout the same command out to his men. Upon hearing their commander give the order, several soldiers began to shout it down the line as well. Some men had began to run away before he had given the command, while others didn't seem to be able to run away at all. Cole couldn't worry about the punishment of would-be deserters or those who had to be left behind. He could only worry about getting as many soldiers as he could out of the line of fire, and to regroup with Konrad and the other apprentice, Oodar, to discuss what they would do next.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Pandemonium reigned on the battlefield. Under the strain of the guerrilla tactics of the Galactic Alliance, the One Sith battle line had collapsed. Friend and foe had become intertwined. Pockets of smaller battles littered the terrain. The Sith needed to reform their line, or face being wiped out.

Through the smoke and brush, a young Alliance soldier rushed the Grand General. The idealistic man believed he could bring the battle to a swift conclusion, if he could only kill the Hand of The Dark Lord. Isamu unsheathed his blade, and parried the attempted run-through. The two swords escaped the grasp of their wielders, and were flung to the ground. Isamu quickly took hold of his rifle, and clubbed the soldier in the face, sending him to the ground.

Isamu stepped on the chest of the soldier, and with the butt of his rifle, pounded his face in. Hit, after disgusting hit. Blood started to gush from the wound, but it didn’t deter the Grand General. With a few more hits, the soldier’s skull collapsed in with a sickening crunch, and he twitched uncontrollably. Warm blood sprayed from the gaping wound, splattering across Isamu’s face.

Isamu wiped the blood away, and rose to his feet. On all sides, death surrounded the Hand of The Dark Lord. All around him, his soldiers were dying. An anger boiled from deep within him, and he grit his teeth in frustration. “Enough.” He said with utmost fervour. The Grand General turned to his men. “Private Dylandy!” He shouted, gesturing for the soldier to approach.

“Broken Fist!” The Grand General exclaimed. The words shook Dylandy, who fumbled with his communications gear. Isamu put his hand on the private’s shoulder, and offered a strong nod to the flustered soldier. Dylandy took a few deep breaths to compose himself, before activating his comm. “Broken Fist! I repeat: Broken Fist!” He shouted.

Isamu settled to one knee, planting it firmly in the ground. He raised his blaster-rifle, and took aim at the encroaching Galactic Alliance soldiers. The Grand General took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger. Blaster-bolt, after blaster-bolt, hit their target. Sparks erupted from the burning, charred wounds. One after another, the enemies fell to Isamu’s weapon.

A small defensive-line had begun to form around the Grand General. Brave soldiers flanked Isamu, providing covering-fire for their retreating comrades. More, and more, of the enemy were cut down. Their guerrilla tactics faltering in the face of an entrenched enemy.

Nestled among his fellow soldiers, and shielded by enemy fire, Pvt. Dylandy relayed exact coordinates to the One Sith artillery. “Advancing south on our position, at 2-6-4” He shouted into his comm, trying to overcome the blaring sound of the battle around him. After receiving a reply, the Private relayed the information to the Grand General. “We have four Tannhauser units, and one Hellfire Lohengrin, zoned in on their location. We’ll get ‘em sir!”

A second wave of Galactic Alliance soldiers appeared over the ridge, and pushed on the battered One Sith forces. “Sir!” a soldier called out, gesturing to the new enemy. Isamu, and a number of troops, changed targets and began firing on their fresh foes. It was but an empty gesture, barely slowing down the tidal wave of enemies. All seemed lost, until the familiar cry of artillery bleared over the battlefield.

Explosions rocked the battlefield. The mighty Tannhauser rained shells down on the Galactic Alliance. Soldiers caught in the blast were torn to bits, their giblets thrown up into the air. Fiery thermo-baric explosions soon followed. Those in the epicentre were disintegrated, while those in close proximity had their lungs ruptured, and inner organs crushed. The charred remains littered the battlefield, and served as a monument to the mighty One Sith artillery. The Galactic Alliance attack had been brought to a halt, and the Sith used the window to retreat. Though, Isamu was the last to fall-back.
Gunther Creed
1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment

Location: Torrington Base

Objective: Destroy the Alliance

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
[member="Danis Tusk"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]

@Alliance Forces

Gear: Infantry Armor, BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Mohc Combat Blade

Pandemonium. Pandemonium for lack of a better term was what was occurring on the battlefield. The guerilla tactics had taken them completely by surprise, the enemy knew their tactics and somehow managed to prepare the battlefield terrain without being spotted by the Sith radar and scanners. To make matters worse the High Colonel's foolishness not only walked them into the minefield but blew himself ten feet high and scattered his pieces around the terrain leaving a void in the chain of command. They needed to reform the lines and establish a new chain of command but for that he needed to buy them some breathing room.

"Major Creed Sir, the second two Tannhouser units have set up, the four are asking for targer parameters." Captain Hugo Stein, his executive officer of 1st Company reported. Perfect. Now they had four active Tannhouser units on standby, that might just be what they needed. Gunther huddled behind the captains cover and pulled up a grid map of the battlefield on his helmets HUD "Captain I want those guns to fire on grid six six three by two-two-four, and keep them firing." Gunther said. He dismissed the grid map and nodded to the man as he opened up a new channel "All captains standby for artillery fire, pull back and reform the lines." Gunther said just as the thunderous roar of four tannhauser cannons echoed and set the terrain on fire with its explosions.

The hit and run guerrilla tactics wouldn't work well against the sheer power of the artillery being dropped onto their position. A large cloud of smoke and fire billowed into the air choking down the throats of people even miles away as the coppery stench of blood filled the air. Slowly but surely the enemy fire slowed as cover was wiped out and they were swiftly destroyed. Gunther switched his communications channel to reach the Grand General "Grand General Sir this is Major Creed, High Colonel Schnyder is dead, were pulling back to Torrington Base now."
An explosion ripped across the battlefield, sending debris into the air. Two Alliance soldiers were flung into the air and hit the muddy floor hard. With a groan, one staggered to their knees, a female. She ran to her comrade, through the thick dust cloud caused as a result of the explosion. Feeling for a pulse on her fallen friend she let out a small wail when she realised he was gone. Through the thick cloud of dust came a blaster shot, hitting her in the side knocking her to the floor in agony. Laying on her front she ran her hand down to where she was hit, she knew it was fatal, the blaster had pierced her armor and left a hole in her left side, she felt cold. She lay her head on the cold muddy floor, she saw a figure emerging from the smog. With his rifle in hand Tusk calmly walked towards the fallen enemy, a cold grin was etched onto his face as their eyes met. Walking ever so calmly towards her he pressed his heavy boot on her head and forced her head into the mud and did so until she stopped twitching.

''Major!'' called Captain Udesky, looking at the rebel under Tusk's boot then at his superior. ''We've got company, sir.'' Tusk gave a nod to Udesky and followed him to the trenches. Taking a glance across the battlefield he grunted when he saw the enemy advancing. ''Their arrogance will be their downfall'' Tusk said, addressing his troopers. ''We've let them have their fun now we need to wipe them off of the planet.'' Another explosion, closer this time sent the remains of Tusk's own men flying into the trenches, grunting in frustration he called his men into line/

Tusk began to bark his orders when Udesky approached. ''Sir, we've received information that Major Creed and his men are pulling back to Torrington Base.'' Tusk frowned then nodded to the Captain. ''Very well.'' He said looking to his men. ''Let's help the good Major and his men out by taking out these Alliance scum and provide them with an easier trip back to Torrington.'' With that, Tusk led the charge over the trench in the assault against the advancing enemy.
The Brigadier General had planned to employ the same tactic as the previous battle by forming an impenetrable line and advancing upon their enemy. However, this time things were going to end differently. Under his orders, slaves were dressed in armour and assumed the position and formation from the previous battle and marched towards the Galactic Alliance. Once they reached the middle again, where he had expected another minefield to be waiting for the men, the slaves would be cannon fodder – setting off the landmines and getting shot at. The explosions of the landmines would be the signal for the real right flank to advance towards the Alliance’s men amidst the destruction.


"Whoever is in charge of the right flank must be a karking idiot. He's using the same tactic as before." The opposing General sounded amused. "Very well, let us begin the ass-."

"No, something is off," another cut the man off. "They cannot be that stupid. There is different about the men marching towards us."

"Of course they’re not as good. Those men are probably reserves after the bloodbath of the first battle," the first snapped dismissing the second’s concerns.

Once again, 'soldiers' were blown up by the minefield and shot dead as they attempted to retreat. However, things were different this time. The 'soldiers' served only as a distraction for the real right flank.

One Sith soldiers with eight tannhausers entered the battlefield and begun their advance towards the Alliance. The Brigadier General’s unit, Der Jager, stayed close to the artillery, protecting them, and firing at their opposition with ranged weapon while the men lead by his apprentices fought on the front lines. Konrad had wanted to carefully observe his apprentices’ abilities in leading men in battle alone.

In response to the surprise attack, the Alliance’s artillery attempted to outflank the Sith which did not end is success. Every time the Brigadier General noticed the Alliance’s artillery approaching, he had half of the tannhausers concentrate on the approaching artillery while the other half concentrated on the battle. Unfortunately despite the effectiveness of this tactic coupled with the element of surprise, two tannhausers were destroyed and twenty men died during this exchange.

| @Isaum Baelor | [member="Gunther Creed"] | [member="Froste"] | [member="Oodar Zelko"] | [member="Danis Tusk"] |
Gunther Creed
1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment

Location: Torrington Base

Objective: Destroy the Alliance

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]
[member="Danis Tusk"]
[member="Oodar Zelko"]

@Alliance Forces

Gear: Infantry Armor, BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Mohc Combat Blade

While Gunther waited for a reply from the Grand General his mind was always focused on that battlefield, the other units that were locked in battle against the enemy who didn't have the same exchange with the arrogant High Colonel, Gunther only knew the man was dead after being notified of it by the man's own force after he was killed. He couldn't let the command structure of the middle fall to chaos, only to let the troopers be gunned down by these Alliance soldiers who were clearly prepared for this fight. Gunther opened up a channel to the entire central task force's commanders, all of the subordinate commanders to the High Colonel in the center would hear his words.

"Attention this is Major Gunther Creed, commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment codenamed "Centurion". High Colonel Schnyder has been confirmed KIA, I repeat High Colonel Schnyder has been confirmed KIA we are currently awaiting orders from the Grand General. Heavy Artillery fire on the enemy is halting their advance I advise that all forces pull back and reform their lines while we wait for further orders, and a new designated Commander. Stay strong soldiers, the people of depend on us."

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