Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A faction for a Force Sensetive

Hey, I'm relatively new, so i decided i'd try and find a faction before making a template and jumping into RP.

The character is Force Sensitive, and i'd theoretically like that to be trained, however they also use normal weaponry. They do not lean towards the dark side, however they do not wish to follow the Jedi Code, and would probably be considered gray.

Any factions that would consider this sort of character, making them a soldier themed Force user?

Let me know!
[member="Jao Bastin"]

You've got the Galactic Alliance, which include the Jensaari and other independent Force Users. It's mostly a militant faction focused on fightning Sith, so the Force Users regularly augment the military when the faction goes to war.

Over in the Iron Empire, there's an gray order of Force Users that includes both Jedi, Dark Jedi, and Witches in its ranks but has no central or unifying dogma, aside from their oaths to serve the Iron Emperor. It's an Imperial Remnant faction that is focused on storytelling and character development (centered around a Game of Thrones theme). The Force Users operate in concert with the military and security bureau, but is a separate entity.

The Outer Rim Coalition is another faction has has an assortment of Force Users that include a diverse array of types, without having any centralized dogma but instead of taking oaths to an emperor, they kind of act on their own on the wild frontier of space. So a soldier archetype would be handy if you want to be a lawman where no other law exists.

Whatever faction you decide or pick, good luck and happy RPing :)
[member="Jao Bastin"]

We're trying to do a neutral-dark republic thing with the Shrouded Republic. We've our own order of Force Users which do not follow either the Light, or the Dark Side, but rather focus on the destruction of the Force itself, out of a belief that it is the source of all evil. If you're interested, check us out.

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