Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Cultural Experience


Adumar was a temperate planet located near the edge of Wild Space. Theirs was a culture obsessed with blastsword fighting and starfighter combat. Adumar fielded, arguably, the best pilots and duelists in this section of the galaxy and some would contest that galaxy as a whole considering their reverence of skilled swordsmen and pilots. Once the Mandalorians had regained Ord Canfre they had split off towards Adumar to regain contact with what had been one of their most far off colonies. Unlike the fighting they'd encounter previously Adumar was not in the throes of the enemy however they too had suffered from the loss of millions of their citizens the same as the rest of the galaxy...

When the Mandalorians arrive on Adumar it is not for war. A Fleet from the Mando'ade is welcomed by the populace of Adumar as efforts are underway to understand the galactic event that has stretched in all directions and touched everyone. A festival is underway as well with several events that the Mandalorians have been invited to join in as Adumar and its peoples are pleased to have regained contact with the Mando'ade. This is a good opportunity for everyone to partake in some activities and forgot about the events sweeping across the universe.

Potential Objectives
1) A Starfighter race is to take place from Cartann to Yedagon City. The fastest time will be awarded the victory.

2) Blastsword dueling is a reveried activity on Adumar. Dueling with the locals for sport couldn't be a bad thing. Could it!?

3) Politics. Adumar is known for its export of Starship Technology and Weapons. Anyone wanting to make connections in this field will likely have no shortage of opportunities.


"Prepare to disembark."....was the command Garrus offered as he took his place in the Drop Ship ready to depart the Kandosii-type Dreadnaught that he kept as his Command Ship in the fleet. Looking around Garrus noted several familiar faces however he'd have gumbled out..."Where is Falcon?"...his nephew had a knack for being late when he was expected, just look at Ord Canfre, however the Warrior likened that to having Strider Garon, his Brother along with similar genetics. As he took a seat Garrus would signal for the pilot of the Drop Ship to begin priming the engines of the vessel as it prepared for lift off and the journey down through the atmosphere of Adumar to its destination in Cartann City the laergest metropolis on the planet...

...there was a sudden jolt as the Drop Ship made lift off and left the hangar of the Kandossi-type Dreadnaught. In some way Garrus was content with the fact he could relax however another side of him longed to be knee deep in the bodies and blood of his enemies as he waded across a battlefield again. All in good time he told himself however seeing as a mans life could not be totally dedicated to war if he wanted it to be worthwhile. The Drop Ship would begin maneuvering through the black on its way towards the atmosphere of the planet. Several Drop Ships had already made it to the surface and others were following. Adumar, Garrus had been told, knew how to put on quite a show...
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Falcon Gyndar"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Xander Carrick"] @Ijaat Akum [member="Ariella"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Armor needed repairs badly now. Velia just stared at the damaged sections. Her alternate persona was done for now. The repairs had to happen before Val could be seen again. So the story was simple. Val sent Velia to assist on other matters while he helped elsewhere. As a Vella in the clan Vizsla, she reflected somewhat of being a blacksmith like her father was. The armor that needed repair and weapons around her room showed that actual hands were involved with their creation compare to the mass produce items others might have. They were not special but they had held a special meaning to her.

Velia took her gaze from the armor and went for her sword and a single blaster. Catching a ship to the surface, she did not know what to expect. Wondering if running and jumping into things would be an issue with others, then the squirrel moment came and she was off running towards some type of trouble.

Falcon Rekali

Where was Falcon? Well, funny thing. After being snatched from reality by some unseen hand and crawling out of the Nether, he had been trying to nail down a conversation with his wife ([member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]) that lasted more than a couple of minutes, been attempting to get at least the one of his children that were present and accounted for ([member="Aton Gyndar"]), settled into the doing of what needed to be done, and last but certainly not least was trying to ascertain a direction in which to track down his daughter, [member="Mira Gyndar"].

Aton was settled back in on Yavin, for the time being. It was the one thing that was assured out of the above items. So where was Falcon Gyndar? Why, slipping onto the dropship just before she closed up and took off. Just after [member="Garrus Garon"] had asked after him, looked at every face aboard, and looked away, and "I'm here. Apologies," and unsaid 'try having a wife and children in the midst of the Rapture,' which was entirely appropriate for a man of his former line of work to reference. Sometimes they understood the little phrases that came out of him, sometimes they didn't. The name of his personal vessel was one of the last vestiges of his former life, a very nerdy archaeological in-joke.

He slotted into a seat, and looked to Garrus. More than his wife, his children by blood, the Mando'ade were more family than he could ever have wished for, blood or otherwise. He was more than okay with that.
[member="Garrus Garon"]

Ordo sat in the hanger with some of his surviving friends from the Adumar red legion. They were some of the best rocket jockeys he had had the privilege to fly with in his tenure among the navy and it was good to see them alive.

His eyes narrowed as he looked across at the three other men as they sat around double stacked foot lockeralockers. His nostrils flared as he looked for a tell on the other men's faces.

"Got any...queens?" He said holding his cards high and near his chin.

"Go aiwa bait." the men replied.

"Damn." Ordo said as he took a card and waited for the next man's turn.

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