Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Game of Hide and Seek (CSA Dominion of Dressel Hex)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
~Breehara, Dressel~

The grasslands on the continent of Breehana were the perfect spot for a game. Weeks ago, the Dressellian government had reached out to the CSA in a bid to gain ties and build a relationship. With the Galactic Empire directly south of them and the CSA directly north, it was clear to see that they'd soon be surrounded and that their sovereignty would be at an end. However between the two large governments, the CSA was rumoured to allow them to govern as they were, with no real changes. In some ways it was like the former Republic days. They'd have a representative to work on Commenor and to keep their interests in the forefront. It was far less oppressive than an Imperial system. Yet the CSA was an Empire of it's own. Only time would tell if they would be different.

So it was decided that a game of sorts would be played, among political talks, negotiations and socializing. Invitations were sent out to not just government officials, but to regular citizenry as well. However the usual array of security and military personnel were on hand. With the GE having been engaged in battle recently, it was better to be safe than sorry.

An encampment was set up for everyone to relax. It was also the staging ground for the start of the game. A gentle fog was rolling in, predicted by the weather forecasters which added a perfect element to the game. It made seeing very difficult.

Kay had not just wanted to officiate the game of hide and seek, she wanted to partake in it as well. Afterall, there were many times that she had been hunted and caught. It was better to try to avoid capture. She was dressed in brown robes, all the better to hide herself with. Much to the dismay of [member="Macoda Haberon"] , she had insisted on taking part. As long as he was nearby, she knew that she was safe.

Now the time had come for the game to start. Kay smiled as she stood next to the Dressellian Head of Council, the two of them in front of the growing crowd of assembled guests.

"Greetings honoured peoples of the Systems Alliance. It is our great pleasure to have invited you all here for a game in comradery. I am Nar'vok, Head of Council on Dressel and here beside me is the Lady Kay, High Queen of the Systems Alliance.

Now I won't bore you with some great speech. So here are the rules: There are no teams. It's every man or woman for themselves. However, joining forces with another to prevent being caught is permitted. Drones are monitoring everyone from above, so that when someone is caught, it will be discovered. I have three Dressellians that will be on the prowl. A person is caught when their beacons are turned on. All of you are equipped with the beacons on your backs. No fiddling, meddling with them or removing them. If you try, they will be activated and you will lose. No weapons are permitted either. Last man or woman standing wins the game. Now you will all have twenty minutes from the start to secure a spot for yourselves. And there's no need to remain there. You will all have the choice to move to a different spot throughout the game. Remember, your goal is to try to not get caught. Prizes will be awarded at the end. We start in ten minutes. Good luck to you all!"

Kay smiled and eyed her security. Hopefully they won't cause her to lose. But there was a high chance that they would.

On the plus side she had her son [member="Caedyn Arenais"] here. There was no doubt in her mind that he'd be good at this game. She looked forward to competing with him.


Objective A - Hide and Seek. Come join in the game and try to outsmart your opponents, as well as the Dressellian trackers.

Objective B - Camp. Tents are set up with food, beds and the like. Take the time to eat, drink and be merry.

Objective C - Politics. Make contracts, build ties with the Council of Dressel.

Objective D - Do your own thing :)

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais had never stood upon the world of Dressel before, though today he was doing so to give his Mother some of his time and company; life within the Je'daii Order had taken off in full flight and it had become a life that he were thoroughly enjoying, yet things back at home weren't very stable and while his Sister Lori hadn't yet learned of the hard truth, Caedyn had overhead as much through their guests at the last big Commenor Shindig. As if to reinforce that something was off, their father had most always accompanied the [member="Lady Kay"] in almost all of her travels and business dealings.

Today however Caedyn stood within his Stav Kesh Attire representing both the Je'daii Order and the Temple of Martial Arts and physical endurance that had become his primary path in life. Though young, he had grown a little taller since his last visit and thanks to the added weight of his training gi, he had too built on a bit of muscle while still showing that humble and compassionate sense of who he was; wanting never to let go of his admiration for life and all things peaceful.

Honestly, when it came to playing games, it had been a looong time since Caedyn had last dabbled. Not since being on Commenor, their homeworld and playing outside the estate with [member="Loreena Arenais"] had he been introduced to a time of such frivolous entertainment. Training and education within the force had become the forefront of all priorities; he was a little curious how his Mother would react to seeing him and learning about his life thus far. Standing beside her, she'd been most pleased that he had agreed to come, yet the visit hadn't taken off into conversation so much as they were busied dealing with political influences, even Caedyn at times being awkwardly forced into conversation over a life he hadn't shared since his younger days...

[member="Lady Kay"]


King of Pumpkins
Arriving a little late at the camp, Rex could see that [member="Lady Kay"] was here already along with a few other government officials. Do I have to He thought Yes, you need a break from everything. His mind seemed to say. Sighing he walked up to the main group until he spotted [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and saw the poor young man being forced into awkward conversations walking up to both of them "Greetings Lady Kay and to you Cayedyn." Then quietly looking around to make sure that [member="Stardust Raxis"] or [member="Darben Skirae"] hadn't appeared yet. "Lady Kay you don't mind if I borrow you son, I am quite interested to hear about other force using groups in the galaxy, especially those of a Gray or Light aligned persuasion." What Rex was trying to say very subtle is Cayedyn do you want to get away from this for now because it is just going to be politics for a while.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Peddling ergonomic assessments

Everywhere the CSA went, so did the Sith Inquisitor. Being this close to a decaying Galactic Empire was, to him, a little unsettling but by no means a deal-breaker. The Jawa, once again, sought for new clients eager to use their services, court-ordered or not, for ergonomic assessments. Now, this client was not unlike the old one, but it was a little different, in that the client, the Stone River Textile Mill, hired the Sith Inquisitor not so much because they were court-ordered to do so, but because the regulatory agencies gave it 35 weeks to implement the changes or else the plant would be seized from them. A little harsh, but sometimes drastic methods need to be employed; he knew, however, that there was only so much that one could predict when dealing with ordering equipment or installing it. And yet, the client gave them a CPM/PERT network to determine how to go around performing all the steps, admittedly a little broad, of complying with the changes the local inspectors ordered the Stone River Textile Mill to do before they could operate again.

"Let's see, Tiffany, the regulatory agencies gave them 35 weeks to modify, relocate and/or replace the machinery? That seems a bit much, but they are at the early stages of the work"

"They hired us to help with two different stages, related but done independently, determing what changes must be made on equipment that does not require replacement and planning the new physical layout, the latter will be the basis for the remainder of the project"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As Nar'vok left to go into the observatory tent and prepare the drones to keep watch over the whole event, Kay wrapped an arm around [member="Caedyn Arenais"] ' shoulders while they spoke to other dignitaries, answering a slew of questions. Thankfully none had touched on Deneba and her husband. Hopefully that would remain to be the case throughout this whole affair. Their family needed time to process it. As of this moment, Kay had still to talk to their children about it, to open up and find out what they thought about their father's actions and of him being locked up.

[member="Rex Taff"] soon arrived, a recent citizen that she had recognized from Antar IV. She bowed her head to him in greeting, raising a brow slightly at his request. "Greetings, Rex. And you may borrow him if he'd like to go." Kay removed her arm from her son's shoulder. "Just be sure that you're here for the start of the game. I want to see who can last the longest between us." She smiled and then let the two go off together, if they so chose.


King of Pumpkins
"Thank you [member="Lady Kay"]." Rex replies with. Looking at [member="Caedyn Arenais"] "So, tell me of the Je'daii order, what part of the force does it believe in?". Gesturing for the young man to join him for a walk. Still making sure [member="Stardust Raxis"] or [member="Darben Skirae"] haven't appeared as he hasn't spoken with either since the bank incident, which was strange considering they still had one of the bank robbers in custody. He wondered how much Lady Kay knew about what happened there.

Caedyn Arenais

Looking between his mother and [member="Rex Taff"], Caedyn had barely got a word in with the [member="Lady Kay"] before he was being pawned off on someone else he didn't know for want of information regarding the Je'daii Order. Looking back at his Mother, he gave her something of a 'wait what...' expression, though the decision had already been made for him and now he stood with this Rex person in front of him feeling a little dumb-founded. Despite his somewhat abrupt fate being thrown upon him, his thoughts immediately fell to his Master [member="Asha Hex"] of whom would have always enjoyed to teach or enlighten others as to what they did; Caedyn simply wasn't entirely certain he knew enough to adequately explain it to a full grown man seeking answers from he, someone who couldn't yet be considered an adult himself.

"I...-Uh..." He fumbled for his words a moment, his eyes glancing over Rex a little curiously, uncertain as to how the man new of his origins leading out of the Je'daii, let alone why he'd be interested in them. His instincts called for an easy going explanation lacking any real detail that might displease his Master, just in case; "The Je'daii don't look at the Force as though it's split into parts, they respect and honor the one whole Force while dedicated themselves to various aspects of training..." Caedyn spoke with purposeful clarity, "People are allowed to practice and train in the force as they feel it best suits them, but we don't accept violence and only want to help other people".

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Klesta"]


King of Pumpkins
Looking at [member="Caedyn Arenais"] listening to what the Je'daii order. "Okay so the Je'daii order are a gray force using group, that don't believe in hurting people, but instead helping people, interesting I may join one day if I am allowed to." "That is actually very close to my own philosophy on the force, except I acknowledge that there is two sides to it the dark side and the light side, but the people who use the dark side are not necessarily evil nor those who use the light necessarily good." Then as if pondering something, "I must ask how do you feel on the force?" "I must say I am sorry for taking you away from [member="Lady Kay"], but I would like to perhaps get to know more people close to my age, such as yourself." Then thinking a bit longer "Don't doubt yourself say whatever is on your mind, trust me I used to be a soldier anything you say stays between us." "And if you would permit it I have something I don't feel comfortable telling Lady Kay myself quite yet."

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn blinked back at [member="Rex Taff"] not entirely understanding what he meant by a Gray Order, "The Je'daii aren't gray..." He began to answer the man though he paused finding himself uncertain of how to appropriately explain himself; "My Master says that the Je'daii were the first Force Users way back in the beginning. The Jedi and the Sith both came from the same origins within the Je'daii Order. Followers of Ashla are what you might say are lightsiders...-Followers of Bogan are the Dark, but that's not how the Je'daii see the Force. It's not split into two, it's one whole force....-We seek to respect it in all shapes and forms..." It was difficult to explain and describe something that Caedyn himself was only just beginning to learn about and understand, yet his Master was arguably one of the most educated and prominent members of the Je'daii Order today, so he felt somewhat responsible in the way he might handle these questions.

"The Jedi fight for what they believe in, so does everyone else...-The Je'daii Order aren't warriors though. Some train in Stav Kesh...-A place of martial arts and mastery of the body and mind, yet we study the Force. We respect it and learn..." there were several pauses in his answer to the man, moments where he questioned himself but in the end, the best way he could inform Rex Taff was to introduce the man to his own Master, [member="Asha Hex"]. "If you want...-I know someone who can talk to you about all of it better than I can. I'm just a Learner still...-My Master knows everything about us".


King of Pumpkins
Noticing that [member="Caedyn Arenais"] had not asked about, what Rex was talking about he decides not to tell him eventually someone would have to tell [member="Lady Kay"]. Nonetheless the young man was trying to answer his original question still "what you are trying to say I think is that you respect the force as a whole." Then hearing the end of it, "I think I would enjoy talking to your master." Then looking at the young man "However my own master was a Dark Jedi who taught me in all the ways of the force, very nice woman, and given I have joined the faction that she is the most a part of the CIS, I feel like your master may not want to meet me." Then thinking some more "Perhaps I should allow you to get back to Lady Kay, if you wish to know anything about me, you can just ask."

Leaving the young man, Rex goes and tries to meet some of the political people floating around, making small talk, before completely giving up. Sitting down in a small area, he goes into a meditative state waiting to feel someone else appear or someone to disturb him.

Twelve Hours Ago

Although it was still dark, Avner Obasi was wide awake, packing the black duffel bag sitting on his bed. He’d decided to stay the night in a hotel rather than his ship, since he’d just finished a long freight mission and figured he could treat himself. It was the little pleasures like that Avner had slowly started to let himself enjoy. He might have stopped being a covert operator professionally, but he still dragged the minimalist habits ingrained into him.

A few shirts, pants, some toiletries… that was all he needed. The last few items were being placed meticulously in their predetermined section of the bag. His A180 blaster pistol was sitting next to the bag – he’d wear that in a holster on his hip to be obscured by his jacket. He picked up the weapon and checked it. Just as he was about to place it in the leather holster on his hip…

There came a knock at the door. Avner frowned – just who could be here at his hour? Certainly wasn’t room service. That feeling of healthy paranoia and apprehension that he’d honed over the years started to come back to him. Stepping on the balls of his booted feet, Avner silently crept over to the door. He peered through the tiny peep hole that afforded him a limited view of the outside. Brow knitting together in confusion, Avner opened the door.

Standing there was a man who looked as if he were late for some sort of appointment. The nervous twitching of his left hand, a quirk in his neck… but there was more that told Avner something was wrong. The bloodshot eyes framed by dark circles, the disheveled hair…

“Viktor,” Avner said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” he asked the questions in quick succession – he was never a man that liked to beat around the bush.

“I’m resourceful, Avner,” the other man said. “You always liked that about me.”

Viktor, although somewhat a slimy human being, was never a threat. Avner stepped aside and let him walk in, sliding the door closed behind him. “What do you want?”

“I have information,” Viktor said, nervously looking out of the window, putting his hands on his hips.

“About what?” Avner asked.

“The CSA,” he said, looking back to the old soldier. He knew that’d pique his interest. Viktor could only guess the packed bag meant that Avner was going to get off-planet before the CSA planned to get their hands on it.

“Why come to me?”

“Because you’re the guy who always does the right thing. And I know you have no love for how Commenor is being run right now.”

“Spit it out, Viktor.”

“Alright, alright. You know when the Yutan government was attacked by Sith and the CSA swooped in to save the day?”

“Yeah, of course – it was all over the news.”

“The CSA set that up.”

“Come on, Viktor,” Avner said incredulously.

“I’m serious! The CSA set it up for all the stuff Yutan put them through in order to join the Alliance. I’ve got proof!” Viktor reached into his jacket and pulled out a datatape. Avner made a reach for it, but Viktor stepped back. “No way. Get me off planet, and then I’ll let you take a look. Not before.”

It was almost too ridiculous to believe. “Who set it up, specifically?”

“Lady Kay herself, man. That’s why I need your help – they’re gonna send their internal security guys after me.”

Avner frowned and looked out of the window. The very first peaks of light were starting to light up the sky. He looked back to the man who’d been an informant for him on multiple occasions – his intel had always worked out. “If you’re just trying to get a ride out of me because of some debt, I’m putting you in an escape pod and launching you into empty space.”

Viktor raised his hands in mock defense. “Fine! But you’re gonna thank me after you see what’s on this tape.”

Avner huffed a sigh, then reluctantly picked up his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Alright, let’s go.”

[member="Lady Kay"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Peddling ergonomic assessments

"Welcome to the Stone River Textile Mill. State the purpose of your visit" the security guard asked Klesta.

"We are the Sith Inquisitor, an ergonomic assessment company. We have been hired by the management of the mill in relation to safety issues"

"This way" the security guard pointed the duo to the boardrooms where the people responsible for the physical layout and determining the safety changes respectively were meeting.

Admittedly, billing would be a little different from a run-of-the-mill ergonomic assessment. Yet, since ergonomic assessments required the same sort of expertise Thank the Force that he didn't bring Xi Charrian assessors with him; the staff wouldn't understand the Xi Charrians' clicks. And he would need some effort to understand the insectoids' clicks. But now was not the time to bill the Stone River Textile Company, even though, from the mill's standpoint, professional consulting was going to be a precious aid to them. When Klesta entered the boardroom, he found one thing on the screen: the layout of the space they have to get the changes implemented to the mill. They went for a complete overhaul of the place, he thought, while realizing that there were two major constraints: the warehousing space was to be closest to the shipping (and reception) doors, and they had a set amount of space to do it all, and, if necessary, moving stuff around if it makes operation of the equipment safer and maybe more efficient on top of it being safer. The team began to draw equipment locations on the electronic blackboard.

"Let's begin with the size of the equipment to be replaced. Please draw their locations if you have an idea"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] was led off by [member="Rex Taff"] for a bit of a conversation. One of these days she was going to have to spend a couple of days with her son alone. No functions, no meetings. Just the two of them. The only reason that she tended to invite him to these things was that it seemed to be more of an excuse for his Master to let him visit, other than just a mother missing her son.

With Lori it was a different story. Jaster had told her that she'd be very busy with her training and wouldn't have much time to visit. And if Lori was going to have a chance at being able to protect herself from hunters, assassins and the like, then she needed it.

She waited for Caedyn to return. It had already seemed like his conversation was over. They were about five minutes away from the game starting and she wasn't sure if they were going to team up or not.

One of the Dressellians began handing out the beacons for the contestants to fit onto their backs. Kay slipped hers on and secured it with a buckle over her chest. It was similar to wearing a backpack, only far lighter. Her eyes drifted over to the fog as it began to thicken over the field. Lori sure would've loved this. Maybe even Veiere too.

[member="Klesta"] [member="Avner Obasi"]

Caedyn Arenais

[member="Rex Taff"] had slightly confused Caedyn, the man whom had a decade on the boy himself soon turning to wander away, though liking the suggestion of meeting his Master, Caedyn still wasn't entirely certain what sort of outcome he had found in the rather brief conversation they had shared. Politics around Force Order's and such weren't something that he had ever been introduced to. [member="Veiere Arenais"] had sought to keep him well out of the limelight of the Jedi Order, so to encourage a sense of non-bias towards peoples whom he would come across and be at a difference with. His Mom on the other hand, [member="Lady Kay"] didn't speak a whole lot about the Force at all and preferred to hide it; her Children knew better of course, but it was her secret and they had been asked to keep it safe.

Wandering back over to Kay Arenais, he gave her a sort of half frown and a shrug of his shoulders as if to emphasize his uncertainty; "I think he wants to join the Je'daii" Caedyn elaborated in a very short sentence before falling quiet once again in wait of what was to follow. A game of hide and seek, his Mom had told him, though it seemed a little strange to see so many adults playing a game that he had always thought was best for children. Speaking of which, he still found himself struggling to find anyone even remotely close to his age.


~Thirteen Hours Ago~



Einon swung a second punch at Duchov's face. He flexed his fingers and shook out the pain from his knuckles, fully prepared to take another swing at the man. "Who was he?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't believe you." Einon shoved Duchov against the lockers, holding him there with his forearm across the man's chest. "The more you piss me off, the worse the charges will be. Theft. Espionage...Treason."

Duchov's eyes widened. This wasn't what he had signed up for when he took this little side job. The task was simple. Gather a certain date and time of footage from one of the street cams for 30,000 credits. It didn't take him long to do it either. Once it was copied onto a datatape, he forwarded it to the contact. The credits were transferred to his account an hour later. A small crime at best. Nothing worthy of the kinds of punishment that treason would bring. "Give me access to my terminal and I'll show you who he is."

Einon stared at him, eyes narrowed as he studied the man. After a few seconds he released Duchov, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him over to his desk. "Do it."

With a flurry, Duchov accessed his files. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead while his fingers flew. Within moments an image popped up on the screen, one of himself and Viktor chatting. It was all recorded through the camera lights within the room. "That's him, I swear!"

Einon clenched his jaw. He nodded to the two security officials with him. They quickly grabbed Duchov by the arms and hauled him away. The face of Viktor was soon deleted as Einon plugged away at the terminal. He then picked up his commlink. ~Symonns, we've got a breach. Upgrade to Delta One. Every transport, every shuttle, have it checked. The little womprat will try to escape.~


Within seconds security officers started to flood the space ports. They knew who they were looking for. And they weren't planning on letting him leave the planet.

[member="Avner Obasi"]


King of Pumpkins
Feeling no one else coming, he decided he should tell, what happened. Going up to [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and [member="Lady Kay"], whispering to Kay "After the game, I need to talk to you about something important my lady, it is about Darben." "enjoy the game both of you" He says with a smile, walking back over to where he had sat before, quietly contemplating his past and the bank, as well as his actions.
[member="Einon"], [member="Klesta"], [member="Avner Obasi"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay took hold of one of the beacons as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] approached and then held it out for him. No doubt he wouldn't want her to put it on for him. She was certain that he was independant and didn't want her to coddle him, no matter how much she had wanted to. He was her dear, sweet boy that was growing up before her eyes. And something was troubling him, more so than just being here during a semi-political function. "Are you okay? You seem a little....well you have me concerned."

[member="Rex Taff"] then approached. Kay listened to him as he whispered to her, raising a brow as he mentioned [member="Darben Skirae"] . But before she could ask any questions, the man walked away. Well that was very odd.

She gave Caedyn a very puzzled look. Was this going to continue to be a weird day? She had no idea.

"Just a few more minutes, folks. Everyone be ready to start. And remember, you'll have twenty minutes to hide yourselves. It seems like plenty of time, I know. But it'll go by quickly. Trust me."

Kay looked to her son. "Did you want to team up?"
The space port wasn’t far – only about five blocks from the hotel. Avner’s head was kept on a swivel, noticing the increased amount of security force presence in the city as opposed to yesterday. Maybe it was because of the Queen of Commenor’s visit, but Avner’s intuition told him otherwise. He had Viktor keep his head low as they moved through alleyways to hopefully get to the spaceport before it was locked down.

Emerging from an alleyway across from the large, circular building, Avner grimaced. Guards armed to the teeth at every single doorway, and some patrolling along the street. There was no way they could get in now. Never mind getting in – he couldn’t even imagine the amount of security officers actually inside of the spaceport. His mind started to look for ways to come up with some sort of distraction, since there was no way they were getting off planet without his ship.

Before he could plan much further, the tell-tale fip of a radio communication signal clicking off snatched his attention. Turning, he saw two CSA security members headed directly their way, eying Viktor up. After another moment of inspection, they shouted and started running. Grabbing Viktor’s arm, Avner wrenched him away from the street and back into the alleyway. The CSA officers were only about thirty feet away from them, but weren’t gaining ground.

A streak of red plasma zipped by them, and Avner instinctively ducked his head. Up ahead, there was a door leading into one of the buildings. Taking up cover by a nearby moisture vaporator, Avner instructed Viktor to bypass the security on the lock. Drawing his A180 pistol, Avner used his thumb to switch the mode from normal fire to stun. He popped out from cover and fired, the warbling blue stun bolts went down range, hitting one of the officers. The other one ducked into cover and got onto his comm, blasting out that he was in pursuit and that there was an officer down.

“Blast it, Viktor,” Avner cursed to the man under his breath. He was not expecting to get into anything like this today.

“I told you, man!” Viktor yelled, just as the door’s indicator light went to green. “It’s open!”

The door swished ajar for them, and they headed inside. A narrow hallway eventually lead to some elevators. Heading for those, Avner glanced over his shoulder only once, seeing the dark form of an armor-clad security officer in the doorframe. Avner ducked and spun, firing. The security officer got off a shot, and Avner could hear Viktor yelp in pain and surprise. Avner continued to fire, forcing the security officer to take cover once again.

Looking over to Viktor, Avner could see that the little runt was clutching his shoulder, the scorch mark on his jacket still smoldering.

“Come on, we gotta move,” Avner pulled Viktor up and threw him into an elevator, stepping inside and hitting the floor that was just below the top. The doors closed just as he saw two more security officers enter the building.



The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Peddle ergonomic assessments

"I'm unfamiliar with the specifics of the textile industry, but blowing and weaving lines seem to be within a rather roundabout way to go around... carding and spinning?" Klesta asked, while looking at the screen.

"We want blowing to be near the unloading docks, and the finished products to be near the loading docks; however, these two are adjacent but connected by a door"

The Stone River Textile Mill did just about everything in the production of synthweave. Blowing, carding, spinning, weaving, dyeing in that order, with the resulting layout being rather "snaky" to implement to his eyes. He had to check carefully for the existing equipment and the space between each component of the "assembly line" or whatever that meant in the context of textile production, such as synthweave. And also giving the appropriate space for employees to move around, while taking into account the space required to fit safety guards onto existing equipment, and he received new information about safety guards and other safety equipment, such as air filtration systems, soundproofing, from Tiffany and the people in the team assigned to determine which safety equipment were going to be in there through his datapad. Tiffany just couldn't leave the room she was working in, with other people responsible for that aspect of the project, in the middle of a meeting to convey info to Klesta, but the same was true in reverse; it now showed that the CPM/PERT network was... flawed: there was insufficient communication between both groups.

"My colleagues - and yours - seem to talk about soundproofing as a requirement, as well as air filtration, but lighting does not seem to be an issue. Oh and why are those two groups doing their work separately?"


Einon moved quickly. Word was spreading throughout the security teams that Viktor was on the run. And he wasn't alone. Another was with him though for the moment he wasn't identified. The important thing was that they were closing in on Viktor.

As Einon reached the alleyway, a few of the security officers were already engaging [member="Avner Obasi"] and Viktor within the building. Shouting was heard as the two officers ran down the hallway towards the elevator, each trying to reach it before the door closed. But they were too late. Not breaking their pace, one headed for the stairwell whike the other stayed behind to keep an eye on which floor the elevator would stop at. He brought up his comms; "Keep going. Lift hasn't stopped yet."

Huffing was heard on the other end. "Next time!...You take the stairs....And I'll wait."

Einon entered the building then, running in an even pace, letting his adrenalin fuel him. "Where are they?!"

"Elevator's still going up sir. Just passed the third floor."

"Keep me posted. I'm going to find another way." Surely there was another elevator. Einon moved fast, running down the hall towards the other side of the building until he found what he was looking for. Another elevator. He hit the button to open the door and slid inside, hitting the button for the top floor.

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