Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A chance meeting



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

Eyes watch as more people go by, the crowds blending right into the scenery as Adeline drew it all into her sketchbook. With each day that had past the hunter had made this location more and more into a feeding ground, though today would not be a day for that... Today she wanted to simply draw, the rising sun making the woman squint as the fresh rays beamed down upon the square. The people around seemed to be busy, no doubt in a rush on their way to work or something else.

And so their sat Adeline, hiding her true nature. The vampiress getting to exist within a space as a normal person simply doing a hobby, sipping on a black coffee from a place she had actually grown fond of recently.




People going missing wasn't anything new.

Iris let out a sigh as she swiped through the datapad in her hands. There were more and more reports coming out as of late, specifically in this district, about missing persons. Not that it was her business. As a doctor she was going to be keeping an eye out in the clinic to see if anyone of the missing people came in. None had, but it never hurt ot keep an eye out. Otherwise it wasn't her job to look for them.

Any of them.

Another sigh and she flopped down on the park bench, clicking off her datapad to instead stare up at the sky. The colors here were still peaceful and warm at least. Maybe she should draw. She paused as she heard the familiar scribbling of someone else actually drawing and tilted her head to glance over.

"What'r you drawing?"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

She had paid little attention when the stranger had taken a seat right next to her, it was a shock that her normally voracious hunger for any and all force users didn't even kick in. Today was a relaxing one, and her focus on art rather than eating proved it.

When the stranger spoke to her it would help snap her out of the trance, ruby eyes glancing over to this new face.

"Oh, sorry I didn't even notice you there for a moment! I am drawing a section of this square, see?"

Adeline shows Iris her sketchwork, the details on the buildings and vegetation was superb... Almost like it popped right out of the page at you.

"I was going to draw people into it, but I am only good at drawing faces at the moment."

She takes a sip of her black coffee before gazing back down at her work in progress.

"Do you draw anything?"




"Every now and then, I suppose."

Iris only looked at the drawing for a moment before letting her gaze fall back to the colors around them. Let her mind drift. Sometimes it was good to just settle into the environment. Though, it was weird. Most people dyed the Force different colors just by existing. It was rare for someone not to. Even rarer for them to just fade into the colors like this woman was. If not for the drawing, she might not have even noticed the girl was there.

"You're weird."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

She blinks a couple times, it was clear that interaction had confused the woman heavily.

"I suppose I am weird, most people wouldn't be spending their time at this hour drawing on a bench."

Adeline chuckles a bit before tucking her sketchbook away, adorning some sunglasses as the morning rays peered over a building and hit her in the eyes.

"So, you said you draw as well? Do you have any on you to show me?"

The woman offers over a spare coffee to Iris.

"Might want to put sugar in it, I drink black coffee."




"Blacks fine."

Iris nonchalantly took up the cup of caf from a stranger and took a sip without issue. Instead, she was more focused on the earlier question. Did she really draw? She hadn't for a long while, but.. Her gaze drifted, and sure enough she found one of the various art displays she'd made as a Padawan. A bright splash of color with no seeming rhyme or reason along one of the nearby walls. It was one of the murals she'd actually gotten permission for. Warm reds and oranges mixed with various cool blues and purples.

"That's one."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

Odd, to her it just looked like someone spilled paint on the wall... Perhaps there was something she was missing?

"I can't say I have ever worked with paint before, is that display supposed to mean something by chance? Or maybe it was fun to just add a collage of colour to this place?"

It was interesting to compare the difference between the two, Adeline drew professional lines and detail, yet it held no colour. While Iris did not have such lines or finer details, yet it was vibrant with colour.

"How long have you been painting?"

Adeline takes a breakfast roll out from a little lunch bag, splitting it in half in order to offer the other half to Iris.




"All my life, actually. Though I don't just paint. People, animals, I sketch those too."

If it was art, she likely had at least attempted it once. She smiled softly as she looked over the display she'd made. Good memories, really.

"It's emotion, life. People dye the Force different colors around them but they can't see it. So I paint it for them."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

Putting it that way, it did make sense. Adeline had studied other people long enough to know that everyone was at the very least just a little different, each solve a problem their own way, feel differently on matters, prefer one thing over the other. Such was life, it was harder for the Vampiress to understand these colours like how Iris does. While Iris could actively see these, Adeline could see them by learning quickly how someone is. To her these colours alerted the huntress to weaknesses or things to exploit, amazing at knowing the inner workings of another's mind... Yet lacking in her own ability to fully express herself.

"That does make sense, everyone is different and as such they give off a distinct aura. Like for example when we somehow know a person is bad, or when we get a gut feeling that a stranger will help us even though we never met them before. I think everyone can feel the colours you speak of, just that everyone sees it differently much like how everyone has different colours."

As she finished her take on the subject, Adeline would glance back down at the food she had offered to Iris beforehand.

"You uh.. Gonna take the half of breakfast roll?"





If she was going to take it, she would've by now. Iris shrugged her shoulders though. "No, not the way I do. People are good liars. Keeping their faces, expressions, body language, all calm and collected even when they're clearly thinking of something else. .. Well, clearly to me, I guess."

Only people trying to hide themselves in the Force could actually hide their intentions from her. Her expression soured just a little as she got comfortable to sip her caf again.

"People can be really annoying."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

She shrugs, putting the half back into her lunch bag while munching on the other. As she chewed she listened to the Jedi speak, it was clear they didn't like conversation or just often didn't socialize.

"People can in fact be annoying yes, but no matter what we do we will always annoy someone. I would bet that us sitting here and speaking instead of working on this busy morning has upset someone. Not much we can do about it really, differences tend to anger."

As far as Adeline hiding, her force would be like that of everyone else around. No empty void per say, just a mask that showed an averageness.

Adeline stops herself from taking another bite, taking note of the sour expression of her newest

"Are you uhh.. Alright?"



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