Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A chance encounter


Location: NJO Temple, Coruscant
Time of Day: Middle of the Afternoon
Tag: Kaleleon Kaleleon
Jonyna had grown acustomed to the whirlwind life now. First training with Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , then a trip to Veradune, then a return back to the temple after taking in Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara as prisoner. Now she had a day to herself, after meeting a master in the lecture hall, Jonyna was sitting out on the steps of the temple. She'd seen this sky so many times now, and yet it never felt....real. A story she was told as a child, and as an adult by Giran. The tale of the endless city, the temple on the hill, and jedi wandering unafraid.

Maybe it would feel real after a year. The Day the Stars Stood Still was fast approaching. She'd want to make a grand gesture on that day to the NJO. For now though, she pondered her place in it...

Good Men Don't Need Rules
A sharp inhale broke the silence of the "Blue Blur." The tinted viewports kept me some privacy as I sat in the docking port just in front of the temple steps. it has been... a long time since I had been here. Last was when myself, and a group of Jedi wanted to separate from the New Jedi Order to create our own. While it had failed, I was likely one of the last remaining members to be breathing and actively seeking to be a peacekeeper. I had no clue how I would be accepted back. Considering I directly told the council to kark off in their face. Directly going against orders in an attempt to fight against the Maw and the Brynadul. Now that both had been gone, and I found some semblance of internal peace, I had to return. I had to... atone.

The door to the speeder opened up in a gull-wing style. Stepping out, I adjusted my poncho, making sure my shoulder holster was still kept to my own knowledge. Jedi were allowed to carry their weapons in the temple, but no usage was allowed. Making sure I put my ticket on the window to see I was allowed to park here, I closed the door, and prepared myself one final time.

I made my way up towards the temple. Finding myself at the base of the steps. A daunting sight for my return to the Galactic Alliance. I honestly, just wanted to get used to the space once more before I'd finally have to face the council. I saw many faces. None of which I had seen before. Yet, I took the first steps. Coming up to the top, I saw a Cathar. While they were minding their own, I did at least want to find a place in which I could stay the night.

"Excuse me, miss, Where could I find the living quarters? I'm returning and no longer have my assigned room."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The cathar tilted her head as she watched the speeder come down, and the man step out. She assumed he was someone of importance if he carried himself like that, but she knew not his name or face.

"Uh, yeah. I can lead you there if you want. I'm Jonyna." She offered a hand to shake. Despite her recent tendencies, she was perfectly capable of being cordial. "I take it you haven't been here in a while? I'm relatively new myself, so I'm not versed in all the history." She chuckled, her tail flicking at the thought. She really did need the chance to loosen up. Maybe she'd go to a club later. Lily seemed to enjoy that. "I'm a bit behind in my history. Could tell you all about 900 years ago though."

Tag: Kaleleon Kaleleon

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Jonyna, a new face, and young. She looked taken back, and almost nervous. I could feel it there a little bit. Probably because of how I just waked up to her. I mean, getting out of a custom, very nice looking air speeder, scars and old Jedi garb, first introductions would assume I have spent plenty of time in war. Which I had, but that's not my purpose. Being a jedi is a thankless job. Not one to be paraded as a trophy.

"You could say that yes."

I was playing the cards close to my chest for now. Jedi talked to one another. And I really didn't feel like explaining why I was in exile from the Jedi orders. Even if one of them, is no longer on the forefront of the galactic stage.

"My history is... complicated, and I'd rather not get into it right now. If you could lead me there, that would be appreciated."

I started to walk inside with her when I had realized I didn't introduce myself. A sharp inhale with the realization followed by giving my name.

"Apologies, I'm Kaleleon, but most call me Kale."

Adjusting the poncho to fit more comfortably, I was honestly just trying to make small talk until we reached a room I could use in the mean time.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Lemme guess, you got in trouble too."
She snickered, walking alongside him. "I'll share mine if you share yours." She led them both into the lobby, then up the temple stairs. She could sense a man who wanted to keep his secrets. She'd dealt with that with her own friend Giran before. But, jokes usually were pretty easy way to break that façade. If she wasn't such a spaz about imps, she figured she'd have made a good spy. Or a politician, but Jonyna never fretted herself with that kinda thing. Politics were for smart people who weren't on the front lines fighting wars, the ones who stay behind and plan out the war. The ones who have already earned their position. Jonyna had been offered that place within her own community, but she turned it down. Just because she had 900 years of seniority didn't mean she felt like she had earned the title of tribal chief on Ran Dom Kuun.

She looked the jedi next to her up and down, sizing him up, feeling him with her force sense to feel if he was powerful within the force itself. Maybe it was her instincts, but she enjoyed knowing how everyone weighed in within the NJO. Her Padawan Ko had quite the aptitude, while the other council members varied. One day she'd be on that list, and she hoped to memorize every jedi she met along the way. If she was to one day take up the role of Grandmaster, then she figured that came with the cavate of knowing every member of the order in and out.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Share the reason she was in trouble, if I shared mine? She seemed... almost childish over this, yet she looked to be older or around the same age I was. Just inexperienced. Shaking my head at the woman, I could feel her reaching out to me through the force. Prodding me, wanting to feel me. After years of learning and protecting myself from mental powers, fear inducing entities, and even mental manipulation, the smallest touch of just wanting to see my presence would alert me. However, I let myself be seen. I didn't care, and if I threw up a wall, then it would be extremely suspicious.

"All I can say, is I went against orders by the Council of various Jedi Orders."

That alone would suffice. I did some bad things, in some peoples eyes, but at the same time, I feel I did it for a valid reason at the time. Even knowing that what happened later in hind sight, it wasn't my fault for some of it. I tried by best. Even if I did fail in the end.

Walking further into the temple with her as we spoke and sized one another up, I could tell from her frame she knew how to fight, but her demeanor was one of a youthful desire. Almost naivete. But not that she was unaware, just that she was out of her element. this was new to her. That I could easily see without prodding in the force. She carried herself with high esteem, and was well aware of it.

"You don't need to share yours if you wish. Everyone's history shouldn't be looked under a microscope."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna shrugged in response. Most of her exploits were now in the history books, free for anyone to research.

"Eh, I don't feel like hiding. I was probably gonna tell you anyways. Secrets are for people who have something to hide. I don't. I came across a pair of unfrozen inquisitors from the Imperial era. Tried to murder them on sight, because ya know, duh. Apparently the council didn't like that. Something about the jedi not striking first. I don't see it that way, but...they're the ones I look up to." She frowned, her shoulders slumping as she let out a sigh, her tail flicking. "I'm much older than I let on. From the same age as those inquisitors. I've seen what they do to people like us, and I didn't see the point in letting them continue to do so. Now I'm in hot water because I took the approach I did."

She could feel how his own experience mirrored hers. A soul thrown into the horrors of conflict, a young body with a soul that had lived twice the life as one normally would. She'd watched the holocrons about the war. She knew what horrors it had brought. She didn't yet know how this fellow knight was involved, but she could tell he was.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
She attacked Inquisitors, due to the association of what they had done to her people. While it was considered good form to capture, or at the very least attempt to solve the problem peacefully, I could see why she would be in hot water. When I had just became a Jedi, I likely would have thought the same. Capture, or solve peacefully. But now? Not so much. There are some who cannot be reasoned with and of course I would give one chance, however, at the end of the day I would likely have done the same thing she did.

"Don't worry about the Council. If you believe your actions to be of sound mind, then there isn't any more you can do."

Of course, the first person I speak to, is in a similar situation to my own. However, mine is a little different with going against multiple orders, and even leading up to a turncoat faction that betrayed the Alliance later on. I may have facilitated that to a degree. However, that is for the council to figure out later.

More over, she just played her history on me. when I presented her with vague words and little reaction. Sure, it may be rude. However, I didn't feel like dredging it up for one person who I may or may not see again. The only people I need to explain myself too, is the council at this point. Not get into a debate with someone who is of no consequence to the situation.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Whatever they do, I'll take the heat." Jonyna nodded, leading them to the top of the stairs. "Val and Kahlil are both pretty cool, so I doubt my problems will last very long." The cathar considered, a worm working into her brain. "What was the war like?" She asked off the cuff. She was never one for subtlety, preferring the bat to the face approach to conversation. Rip the Band-Aid off, rather than hiding behind it.

Kaleleon Kaleleon

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Two names I had heard before. From their last names, I could assume they were married. But at the same time, I didn't care about them until later. Right now, I was focusing about the present. The question was posed, about what the war was like. Yes, I am old enough I was in the war. It was fairly self evident. Sighing as I finally had to answer this woman.

"I was at Csilla when it was destroyed by the 'Mercy' Superweapon. I fought Sith, and Maw cultists. War is not always as cracked it is to be."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"No kidding." Jonyna rolled her shoulders at the thought. "You should've seen the Imps at their height. Nasty bastards that would swarm you if you weren't careful. I got lucky more times that I could count."

That wasn't a lie in the slightest.
The cathar thanked Sylvar herself that the helmets on bucketheads hindered their vision, or else she've been dead years ago. She considered what being truely on the front lines would've been like. "Mind you, I was only ever a rebel fighter. Never saw the large scale stuff you did. Only ever hit and run small skirmishes that kept the Empire on the back foot. Well, other than Mon Cala, but that was a stealth op. Is Home One still around or did it get blowed up at some point?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
She was overly excited for the idea of war. Like she said, she only had small skirmishes. Squad level. Not full blown warfare with tanks, walkers, starfighters, and lightsabers lighting up the darkened clouds that fell upon a field of battle. She spoke of Imperials as though from the old days. Really old days. Then I shouldn't tell her that I sided with Imperials in order to fight Sith and Maw cultists. However, she did ask, if Home One was still around.

"No, I fear not. It hasn't been on a roster I have seen."

Continuing to walk towards the housing within the temple, we were starting to get closer and closer, but the talk was... nice. Doing something other than trying to hide being a former Jedi.

"In a way, I did see the Imperials at their height. There were two different Imperial Factions vying for domination during the Second Hyperspace war."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Still baffles me that they're still around." Jonyna growled at that, clearly having a bone to pick. "Aren't the jedi supposed to snuff out that kinda thing? Ya know, fascism?" Her tail flicked with indignation. Why are they still around? It made no sense to her. Mr. Farm Boy blows up two death stars, but he can't finish the fight, his legacy allowing the Empire to rise not once, but several times over the course of 900 years. Was history simply stuck in repeat? Or was whatever cosmic writer that made the galaxy spin out of ideas? "If it were up to me, the GA would be a galaxy wide institution, and the Empire would be a distant memory." She paused, catching herself. "Mind you....I'm glad it's not. I'm not smart enough to be a politician. Nor am I able to lie like that. Would you count honesty as a vice?"
Good Men Don't Need Rules
She wondered about why the Imperials were still around. How they had not been blotted out. Even more so stating that the Galactic Alliance should be in charge of the entire galaxy. Shaking my head a little, it seemed she still had much to learn in the way of political games, and the pure power of will to do whatever an individual desires. However, that will come with time, and when she gets more into the Jedi.

"They are like roaches. You think you snuffed everything out, but they come back later."

However, the question was post if honesty was a vice. I took a moment to think, and then answered.

"Honesty, is a virtue just as much as it is a vice. Being honest with yourself, and others is a policy that many abide by. Yet brutal honesty make the person an nerf herder. My opinion on it? Be honest with yourself and others, and if they aren't in return, then let them fall by the wayside."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The Cathar listened, then nodded. "Yeah, I just...I dunno. I like putting faith in people. I have to. If we don't believe in each other, then society falls apart. If we don't help each other, then we go back to how it was in my time. Anarchy."

She stopped as they finally reached the bedrooms. "Here we are. Good luck on your whole trouble thing."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
"Faith can be powerful when placed in the right people, religion, ideals. But it done poorly, it leads to ruin."

A very simple but powerful response to what had been spoken to me by the Jedi Cathar. Nodding my head as she was handing me off to the room, I looked inside for a moment. Modest accommodations. At least I wouldn't have a roommate like last time.

"Thank you Jonyna, I appreciate the company, and the talk. Good luck with your endeavors as well."

Waving lightly, I closed the door behind me, then started to unpack.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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