Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Call Answered (The Family)


Well-Known Member

The shuttle is waiting for you.

These are the coordinates you were given. They led you to the closest space port. The typical hustle and bustle of traffic would greet you as men and women of all races went about their business. The shuttle that waits in the docking bay specified is relatively humble. Was this a good idea? It’s not exactly a Baudo-class pleasure yacht.

But, should you choose to step inside, the shuttle is clean and well-kept. The human who tends it is clearly well-trained, wearing a simple black jumpsuit with no discernable logo or markings. They stand with their hands clasped behind their back, greeting those who choose to enter with a polite smile. How did they know whom they were waiting for? You could have been anyone, right? Why were they not at all surprised by what you looked like?

Of course, no mere shuttle would take you to where you’re supposed to go. Those who choose to step on board are taken to a ship from one of the larger orbital stations. Upon docking, your pilot offers another slight smile, sending one more set of coordinates to your gear. A conference room on the ship, although it is currently occupied by only another of these simple ebony linen-glad humans. Is it… is it just you? Or can you swear they seem to smell like… a forest? Fir trees, flowers and fresh water, as if they’ve just walked out from one of those fantasy holovids.

Once again, those who enter are greeted wordlessly with a polite smile. There is a large round table, a datapad in its center. You are invited to take a seat.

[member="Aleph"] [member="Aspri"] [member="Candez Stoon"] [member="Cassiopeia Australis"] [member="Colin Ransik"] [member="Dano Dil"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Drystan_Marakos"] @Dyxra’a [member="Kylo"] Kyr’am [member="Nico Akirian"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Sebastian Thel"] @Shaun Iros [member="Vorkaliin Barass"] [member="Xiang Vang"]
Candez Stoon had been looking into odd jobs, all around the galaxy. So when he had heard of a possible group that was equally mysterious as the Force, or at least to him he had to look into it. Apparently, doing so caught their attention to him. So when he got a call from them, he was hesitant to accept. They promised answers if he came, and so he chose to accept. His crew were on planet, elsewhere from where the coordinates he had been given were. An odd smell hit him.

He stepped in after he had arrived upon the ship to a room, and upon the table was a few datapads. Candez was hesitant as he approached the table, taking the seat slowly while looking around. "Well....this is exciting...."
Early in the twilight of the shifting blood moon, as the day surrendered over to darkness, where the hurtful, blistering sun fought valiantly for reprieve; the waking monster's eyes flashed open. The hunger gently caressed her thoughts, as they have since time began, turning cold, dead lips to life. Sitting up, pushing aside last night's meal, she yawned, then stretched. As fate had always decreed, she crept out of the tomb; yet only now a mystery laid mere inches away.

From left to right, right to left her eyes darted around the catacombs she claimed for solace, failing by choice to avoid the device dancing unbalanced upon a headstone. Right over left, her legs drew her out of the earthen smelled tomb, eyes still transfixed on the teetering contraption. Crouching down, nose sniffing about, she gauged the scent of the owner of said device; where a dissatisfying revelation occurred. There was no scent.

Taking the device in hand, a long slender finger pressed the solo button fixed on the side. Ears perked, curiosity piqued; her laughed echoed and danced around the sleeping dead. "Well, what do you make of that," she said to the last of her meals, whom remained chained and on the cusp of death. "Silent treatment...."

Washing the blood from hands and mouth, whilst back-kicking needless entrails into open graves, she gathered herself. Dropping the device on the floor, smashing it underfoot after pitting to memory the coordinates, she headed for the apparent shuttle.

Whomever placed the device, whomever made the bold statement of contacting her; best be aware of consequences they conjured.

The co-ordinates were received. Within hours he arrived he was taken aboard a shuttle. It was clean and empty apart from him and the pilot. How easily the pilot could be killed. How easy it would be to tear him apart and simply take off with the ship. But that was not the way this one was taught. Not at all, if he wanted to be a bounty hunter he needed to not kill underlings for those who contacted him for services. He soon exited the ship as he looked around and was lead to a room.

As he was approaching the room he smelled forests, fir trees, running water, flowers, rabbits waiting to be killed. He could smell it all and after all that his eyes simply flickered to the Duro sitting at the table already, was this is contract giver. No he smelt dirty of pipes and engines and possibly inventions. How curious.However he was not the master behind this. The duro spoke but Vorkaliin gave no words back, their was no need to. no need at all as he sat in a chair.

[member="Xiang Vang"], [member="Candez Stoon"], [member="Ahtemis"]

Factory Judge
Well wasn't this a surprise.

My efforts in my bounty hunting, or possibly because of my workshop had reached someone in mind. Looking over the file that had been sent to me, followed with a rather unique vessel to shuttle me to the place. Gathering my gear up, I made sure to grab my blades and hung them from the duelists belt. Grabbing my blue longcoat and eased my arms into it. A hand running through my hair as I stepped up into the shuttle and waited. While the people who would be taking us there were in complete silence, I cared not. A simple nod was given to each member of this family that I came in contact with.

Upon leaving the shuttle, I was ushered into a room. One that already seemed to have people inside. Looking about, I saw there were quite a few capable people here. Ones that were even force sensitive. Powerful in their own right. But nothing I couldn't handle given the challenge. I was kind of hoping for us to have tryouts of some kind. Throw some useless item into the ring and let us fight over it. Whoever won became part of this group. However, I kind of doubted that. Each of them seemed to also have datapads. This meant they were all chosen as well. Looking between the new recruits, I analysed them all.

A Chistori. A relatively unknown species due to their lack of connection with the rest of the galaxy at large. Male I could only assume as there were no outwardly female traits. What got me, was that this being was force sensitive. Not a lowly apprentice, but nor a Master of any art. Strong but something I could likely handle given some time and more in depth thought processing.

Another was clearly the member of a Duros species. Tall bald blue head and deformed eyes that lacked human coloring. Alive, but lacking the Gift of the Moon Goddess, Lua. From the looks of him? Smuggler, or informant of some kind. Information was his game. He didn't physically look challenging, but would be mentally prepared for a fight if one arose. Quick and precise thinking would be this being's best strength. I would have to watch my back around this man.

This woman though. I could not quite tell her species. She was unique. Same with her not being physically imposing, but her sensitivity and power was quite the thing to feel. Her aura was filled with ill intent. I had a feeling if I were to give her a knife and someone to torture, she would have a field day. Though, I had a feeling that this was more for anyone in her general vicinity. Not just enemies. It made me want to shudder down my spine with an unnatural feeling. However, I steeled myself as I nodded my head to each of the three of them.

"Let me guess, they are starting a circus, and we have been invited?"

Lets see how these other recruits would act. Maybe they would bring something interesting to the table.

[member="Vorkaliin Barass"], [member="Xiang Vang"], [member="Candez Stoon"], [member="Ahtemis"],

Dano Dil

Dano walked in. At a round table sat a couple of Humanoids, a lizard, and another Duros. The table wasn't full yet, so he suspected there would be more people arriving. He pulled out a chair and sat down next to the other Duros. He crossed his hands on the table and scanned the room.

"So folks... whats the dealio?"

He was excited to see where this was leading them.

[member="Shaun Irons"] | [member="Vorkaliin Barass"] | [member="Xiang Vang"] | [member="Candez Stoon"] | [member="Ahtemis"] |


Agility is key.
Equinox approached the shuttle. He wasn't sure why, but he answered the call.

"Let's get this going..."

As he approached the shuttle, he though back over his whole life. All of the horrible things he had done. He had a funny feeling that this choice, going to answer this call, would leave him with a change for the better. He wanted to be a better person, one that could weight things up, one that didn't automatically go to fight mode. He may have been powerful, but he didn't need to use it all the time. It was slowly that he walked, thinking every second of the way. He wanted a cause to do what he did. He used to have one, revenge, money, power. But this time he wanted a group. Friends.


Dano Dil

"You again?" Dano said as [member="Equinox"] entered the room. "Glad to see you're still in one piece after Ilum." He stood up and approached the man, seeing as he was the only one Dano was acquainted with in the room.

He turned to the rest of the room. "So you all got that message too, right?"
While Priscilla was not the type to frequently check her datapad, opting to merely sit in silence in the abandoned castle she had discovered long ago and now called it her place of residence, something drew her to it today. The droid-like voice almost forced a chuckle from within as she passed it off as another scam. And then the next day, she said the same thing. And the next day... until it finally dawned upon her that it couldn't have been. Nobody knows where she is, this castle doesn't even have a connection to the holonet. Whoever had placed this file into long forgotten device knew exactly who she was.

Though that didn't bother her.

She set out, originally for no other reason than to confront the group who had sent her this message at the shuttle. Hours, maybe even days passed, as she had no way of keeping track of time, before she eventually reached the only space port on the planet. During this time she got lost in her own thoughts for a while, many of which were to suppress the growing oppression of hunger, another making up scenarios in which she had someone to speak to in order to prevent a slip into insanity, but the majority of which were directed to her own safety, foolishly forgetting to bring anything on her journey to this elusive ship.

While still thinking about what exactly she wanted to sustain her energy levels, she walked straight past the attendant, and then in what seems like seconds she exited once more onto an even larger ship, being gifted a datapad with yet more coordinates. Upon reaching her destination, she offered piercing glances at everyone present, unsure of what exactly was to come next; her mouth opened and ushered a few words in a monotonous voice.

"I suppose this isn't an attempt on my life then."

[member="Shaun Irons"] I [member="Vorkaliin Barass"] I [member="Xiang Vang"] I [member="Candez Stoon"] I [member="Ahtemis"] I [member="Equinox"]
Nico would be standing at the deck of his small freighter staring out of the front reinforced windshield. His arms crossed behind his back, his mind wandering. The holopad integrated into the central dashboard of the ship would ding with a notification. Nico would stare down at the holopad as coordinates were displayed to him.

"Ship... take me to that spaceport." His calm voice would command as he pointed.

The ship's backside igniters would activate, blasting him towards the nearest spaceport. When it arrived, the ship would dock and whirring sounds could be heard as it interacted with the platform. The side door would slide open and Nico would step down, the doors closing behind him and locking. He'd walk over to the shuttle where the exact coordinates were and he'd enter. It'd be empty, except for one simple man who seemed silent and calm.

Nico would look around, assuming this was a transport for him. He'd sit down, and the man would walk to the cockpit. The shuttle's engines could be heard activating and they'd take off to a large ship. When it would dock, there'd be several other shuttles with several intriguing individuals coming off. This was no ordinary meeting. Nico would eye down the individuals, trying to learn what was going on.

He'd follow the Duros into a room with a round-table. He'd walk to the right side of the room, and stand leaning on the wall. Nico would eye down all of the beings in the room, staying silent. It never failed to interest Nico that nobody knew his face, his name, anything. His mask was his shield, and a mighty good one at that.
"Ivory", as she's introduced herself, had followed these breadcrumbs dutifully... Her hair, black as a Hutt's heart, was cut in a rather inventive mohawk, and her violet eyes were piercingly intense. The multiple changes of transport, the unspoken words - she had played these games for many years, and never had she lost the butterflies in her stomach.

Her identity, as far as anyone knew, was that of "Ivory Stroud", Political Activist, Anarchist, and (alleged) terrorist. Her name appeared in no less than 200 separate instances within the Coruscant Security Bureau's POI Database, and was believed by The Galactic Empire to be a traitor and considered "armed and dangerous". She appeared to be in her early 20's, and seemed easily forgettable... were it not for the jewelry, tattoos, and hair.


Now, Ivory sat inspecting her nails, booted feet propped up on the edge of the table. Waiting, after many long hours of travel, to see where this rabbit-hole might take her. Her true identity, as well as her powerful connection to the Force, would remain well-hidden - the young woman appeared older than her years, perhaps, but not a soul could peer through the webs she'd woven.

Ivory had met a few Duros in the past. She found them all to be adventurous and clever.. Masterful smugglers and pilots. "Curious..." she'd mentally remarked as two old friends greeted each-other. "It seems the Galaxy is a small, small place."

The Echani (she'd easily recognized the young man's heritage, as well as the energy which radiated from him) was a powerful Force User, and seemed capable of much more than his appearance let on. A certain confidence... The same confidence she recognized within herself.

The powerful lizard-man and the Witch interested her the most, and she'd reached out with the tiniest strand of the Force, understanding immediately that they were wielders of powerful dark forces. This young woman, seeming to be in the prime of her youth and an avid listener of one too many thrash "djams" back home, would appear insubstantial to them, but they did not seem insubstantial to her... Easily drawing upon her own command of the Force, she cloaked herself behind an image of fierce rebellion; a burning hatred of authority, and a calculated & criminal warning. She would blend in easily.

The only other being who had caught Ivory's secret touch was The Man In The Mask. They, too, were familiar, in-that masks were their lives... but he seemed quite honest of the fact, while she had made her living in the shadows. She did not judge it... but it did give her a chill. She reached out, wielding the Force in secret to caress this man's lifeforce... She felt a great hidden pain, hidden deep...

Tied to the mask, it was... and yet, served to define him further.

Ivory pulled her secret caress back without looking deeper. That small glimpse was enough.

"Curiouser and curiouser…"
Colin was quiet, and while he was stepping into the ship the only thing he’s had to show off was his suit. As he sat down, Colin pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lit up. Taking a decent drag, Colin let the smoke out of his nostrils. He smiled as he kicked his feet up on the table and leaned back.

He was a no karks given type person, and he was looking forward to finding out what this was all about. A smile stretched on his face after another drag. Colin nodded toward the others.

“Anyone else looking for a smoke?”


Well-Known Member
Ember had come through for me, again.

The datapad I'd left with my staff to put on the table flickered to life as they sat around it, the microphone picking up their conversation. For a few moments I simply listened quietly, flicking through the profile list in front of me, matching voices to names. As I listened, I couldn't help but smile to myself. My, there were quite the team. Some of them had been particularly difficult to procure, but as I read through what I had managed to gather on them, I was glad to have spent the resources. Some used the force, others weren't force-sensitive at all. There was even a witch among them. Smugglers, assassins, slicers, hunters...

Yes. They would do just fine.

Once silence descended upon the room, I tapped a button on my own datapad, broadcasting from their destination. I'd made sure Ember had disabled the holovid, meaning only my voice would come from the device. I'd considered altering the audio, like I had for their invitation... but they had each shown me a certain level of trust by accepting it. If this was to be a partnership, I had to do the same.

"Welcome aboard," I began, turning up the melodic sweetness as much as I could, "you are the best of the best at what you do. I've gathered you from all across the galaxy, not because you're biggest names in your fields, but because you're not, which, coupled with your skills, makes you all perfect for what I have in mind."

I paused for a moment, leaning back. Had this whetted their appetites enough for what their destination held?

"Please, make yourselves at home," I continued, "it is a long journey to your destination, after all. When we meet face to face, I promise to reveal the reason for your being summoned. Until then... I've devised something of a game. Somewhere on this ship, I left behind a small case. Fairly easy to miss, a foot and a half long, black. It could be anywhere. I would be interested to see who ends up presenting it to me on your arrival. There are only a couple of rules. Don't kill my staff. Don't kill each other. Remember, you're my team for this when you arrive. Don't sabotage my ship... and most of all... good luck."

The datapad went dark as I severed the connection. A smile curled onto my lips as I thought about the group of them, sitting in that conference room. I had given them everything they needed to impress me, and I couldn't help but wonder if they would manage it, how they might go about this game. Of course, there were staff members in every part of the ship; the engine room, the living quarters, the bridge, med bay, cargo hold, hangar bay, command centre, recreation deck. Would they figure out which of the staff knew the location? Would they try to make them talk? Would they solve this little riddle or perhaps simply not bother, and leave the case unfound?

I had no idea how this trip was going to play out, but one thing was for certain,

It was going to be spectacular.

[member="Aleph"] [member="Aspri"] [member="Candez Stoon"] [member="Cassiopeia Australis"] [member="Colin Ransik"] [member="Dano Dil"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"] @Dyxra’a [member="Kylo"] Kyr’am [member="Nico Akirian"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Sebastian Thel"] @Shaun Irons [member="Vorkaliin Barass"] [member="Xiang Vang"] [member="Ivory Stroud"]
Candez Stoon saw others arriving upon the ship. He turned in his seat, shooting a two finger salute to those that came. Some reptilian, a few humanoids, even a duros like himself. He didn't greet anyone though, and just simply sat back and kicked his jet-boots up on the table, the bottom of his coat falling down against the chair. Till he almost fell out of it, when a voice came from the datapad in hand. Candez almost juggled it comically, getting a grip on it.

At the words, he was partially insulted that whomever was speaking said his name was not a big one. And yet, it was also very true. He was a smuggler and a gun maker. And then was mention of a game. By the time the voice was done, he glanced around. "So...who's gonna go for it? I've done my share of 'treasure' hunting." He was fine sitting back relaxing, unless someone convinced otherwise.


After the female voice ceased speaking, Ivory shifted her gaze to rest on the handsome man in the suit... the one with the cigeras.

"Ay.. Those smell fine." She spoke with the hint of an accent; one which was difficult to place. She shifted her seat closer, and the movement caused her earings to catch a bit of light.. tiny rainbows sprang, like miniature novas, from stones inlaid in silver. She figured now was not the time to poke about a strange ship on the edge of space... Yet.

"What do you think," She asked in a hush tone, "Do ya think it's a prize?"

She scoffed, appearing equally bored and curious, but inwardly, her mind was calculating variables.

She used the Force to gently touch each and every person in the room, gauging their reactions to the news. She was certain that a small group would attempt to search for this hidden prize, this "box", but she didn't have enough information yet. Her patience was superb.

Stretching out with her senses, the woman opened herself to the Force while keeping an eye on the present moment... Her abilities were easily concealed, and she was able to stretch out her consciousness into the surrounding area of the ship. She might seem momentarily distant, but she was waiting for a cigera, after all.

Multiple other people appeared none really gave him any interest. 2 Duros, Some creature he had never come across before but stank of the darkside as much as him, an echani who smelt of the force but had neither a hint of light or dark interesting, A chiss who smelt of disease but he couldn't identify what one and 4 that smelt like humans. Maybe the Echani was right they were here as a circus. He smelt the woman [member="Ivory Stroud"] attempt to use the force secretly and hide it. How curious perhaps he needed to learn how to do similar.

Then a voice was heard from the pad in the centre. This was not unusual for a employer of his to do. They often decided not to meet him face to face. The voice was definitely female and she had found them due to their skills and because they weren't big in their fields. He planned to be big in his field. But then again there was something to this that made him want to stay. She had given them a test. But it had too many rules. No killing staff, no killing competitors and don't destroy the ship. He snarled before getting up.

He walked out of the room and went to find the armoury. He did not want to look for the chest at all especially with all the rules so instead he went to play with his weapons instead. He always need more practices and as fair as he was concerned even though the woman had said they were a team they would need to prove it to him first. Or at least before he thought about trying to kill them off.

[member="Candez Stoon"], [member="Ahtemis"], [member="Colin Ransik"], [member="Nico Akirian"], [member="Priscilla Utorna"], [member="Dano Dil"], [member="Equinox"], [member="Xiang Vang"], [member="Shaun Castanic"]
Factory Judge
The room began to fill up rather quickly with new members who were finding themselves within the confines of this office. I looked them all over. Another female Mercenary, a male smuggler who was handing out cigarras, Quite a unique looking blue skinned assassin female, and a man who seemed to want to hide himself from the rest of the others. The group was different to say the very least. Potential was in all of us it seemed. Stemming from all different kinds of walks of life, and all kinds of backgrounds or fields of work, it was only natural to say that this team may be a little dysfunctional at first.

That was when a voice came over within the room. I smirked at just the sound of the womans voice. She was the head of this family. I could tell. The way she carried herself and was so upbeat about this all. Including the fact that we were supposed to work as a team. When the Donna seemed to come up with a box that she had hidden. One that was upon the ship that would be taking us to her. However, she kept bringing up that we were supposed to be a team. I had a feeling that this was a test. Not one to see who could come up with the box like she wanted, but more so about us having to work together, and deciding who would be handing the woman this mysterious box. As people began to ask about what it was, I voiced my own reasons and thoughts.

"You really expect something to be in a box that she left here? No. Either its sealed and will be revealed when we bring it to her, or it's empty and used as a training to see if we are good as a team, or as an individual."

I looked around the room and got a small idea of what was going on. Looking at the staff in the room, I knew they wouldn't really provide information on it. This was a test. I was so sure of it, I could feel it in my bones.

"Either we can all split up and do this alone, become rivals, or we can work together to find this damned box, and give it to this woman like she asked."

I started to walk out of the room. Making my way to leave and find the box. Should people join me in this team, I would be grateful and find that they would be most likely people I was to work with more often. However if they did not, I turned around and faced them. Giving them one last thing to think about.

"Oh, and I'd rather look for the box and someone find it, than not have it when we arrive. Pissing off your boss on the first day is not good for your health."

[member="Vorkaliin Barass"], [member="Ivory Stroud"], [member="Candez Stoon"], [member="Ahtemis"], [member="Colin Ransik"], [member="Nico Akirian"], [member="Priscilla Utorna"], [member="Dano Dil"], [member="Equinox"], [member="Xiang Vang"],


Agility is key.
"Oiii, wait up there!" Equinox shouted to the person that had just walked our the room. He left [member="Dano Dil"] and ran over to the man that had spoke about working as a team and abruptly walked out. Equinox approached the man, walking slightly faster than him so he could catch up with them. "Aren't you that [member="Shaun Castanic"] guy?" Equinox asked, politely.

He seemed to remember someone telling him about Shaun. But even if he was wrong, he was willing to work as a team with him. He seemed to know what he was doing, so Equinox followed, happily, unlike normal. Then he stopped for a second and hoped that his new 'friend' would wait up for him while he shouted over to [member="Dano Dil"] to follow them to try and find the case.

"I still think we should get everyone working with us, not just us two or three..."

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