Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Bone to Pick

Chiasa was going to do something so unbelievably stupid, and almost guaranteed to get her killed, that the chances of success were damned near 100%. For those of you not following, the logic went as such. If you went to do something that would clearly get you killed and acted entirely unconcerned, those who would usually be doing the killing tended to get wary and wondered what they had missed. Assuming there was some hidden trick they were unaware of, they let you get away with it, because if you were incapable, you wouldn't have done it, but you had so you weren't.

When you were Minister of Diplomacy for a criminal organization this sort of thing made perfect sense. Besides, it wasn't as if she didn't have a few aces up her sleeve..

Plus this was important.

Who did this man think he was? As if he could pull this sort of thing and she wouldn't find out. That was her meal ticket he was mucking about with. She'd not determined the full extent of the damage, though she already had a few subtle plans in motion to negate it if his highness didn't deal with it and her Boss continued to act like nothing was wrong. This sort of thing could not be tolerated. The Twi'lek who'd just shown up one day and pretended she'd been one of the Ravens and somehow found herself with a legitimate position of influence might not actually want to be the head of the Ravens, but she'd be damned if she let anyone else ruin them. If it was necessary, she would call the shots that needed to be called.

So she was heading to Panatha to give him a piece of her mind. Indirectly of course. Officially she was continuing the good relations between the Ravens and the Sith. She had a present and everything. And if things went badly she could always stab him with it.

She was on one of the Ravens general usage ships, because she'd given them very specific instructions to not stay on planet or even in orbit until she called them back after dropping her off. Damned if she was going anywhere without folks who would immediately notice if she didn't come back. Plus it played off that initial idea. Why would she need security or staff? She was just fine alone, because she had a secret.

All of which culminated in the orange Twi'lek being dropped off on the landing pad outside the estate of the infamous [member="Darth Vornskr"] and left there alone, apparently unconcerned, with her usual purse of goodies and a large long package slightly taller than she was wrapped in black silk.
The structure upon which Chiasa landed was a great spire that rose up from the volcanic earth of a plateau, the dark clouds above smothering the warmth of the sun and leaving the entire area dark and desolate. A perfect setting for an incredibly evil villain one could say, or maybe perhaps it was chosen just for that reason, and the dismal surroundings was itself a form of intimidation for any who would travel this far into the province of Prethia. Then again, the Iron Mountains were also the ancestral home of the Zambrano clan, and perhaps the current monarch of Panatha found it suiting to build his own keep in the land of his ancestors, despite himself not caring for his family's past, but rather looking towards the future. Either way, the entire area was gloomy and doomy, and all around not very pleasant to be! Perhaps that was why the guards standing so idle at the landing pad entry looked so bewildered to see a Twi'lek sauntering towards them with what appeared to be a bundle of gifts.

They had not received word of a scheduled arrival, especially not one that involved a lone Twi'lek, so logically they activated their vibro-pikes and moved to intercept the lone intruder. However; half way between their start point and the poor lone girl, they suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, and then without a word they stood aside for Chiasa. "His highness has requested that you seek an audience with him in the throne room. We've been commanded to escort you, milady." They spoke in Basic, coupled with a thick Panathan accent that tended to slur Basic pronunciations together, as if their tongue was thick and heavy within their mouth. Without another word they turned and ushered Chiasa and her gifts into the castle's interior, which at the upper echelons was similar to a lot of Imperial installations one would encounter nowadays. Thick black-steel walls with crimson lightning, and the various crimson-clad guard standing still as a statue at every corner, their saber-pikes unlit for the moment. The two guardsman finally reached the large chamber doors that led to the throne room, and with a heavy grunt they pulled open each door to reveal the dark chamber beyond.

The room was massive, and circular with stone pillars arrayed at intervals leading up to the elevated throne, a crimson Kingsguard standing silent at each pillar. The throne itself was made of a black iron, jagged and ugly, and upon it's seat sat the being whom the Twi'lek sought after. He was dressed in a dark zeyd-cloth robe covered by black armorplast plates, and his head was left bare as his brooding eyes stared down at her with a mixture of curiosity and hatred. Although, that hatred was not directed at her per say, but rather it was a all encompassing hatred that burned no matter who he laid eyes upon. The doors behind Chiasa were closed as the two guards that escorted her here departed swiftly after she had entered, and then the Emperor beckoned here forth with a single hand gesture.

"Who are you to so brazenly come to my domain without an invitation?"

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Did the approaching guards concern the Twi'lek? All menacing and silent with their vibro-pikes? Of course not. These were peons. Little fish. Clearly they were not accustomed to unknown visitors approaching as if they had every right in the world. Of course given the general ambience most probably preferred to meet with the Butcher King in other more friendly locales when possible. This too was a message. On the surface she was being accommodating, coming to him, into his territory, not troubling him to come to her. Below the surface however, it whispered other things. I know where you live, I will come here when it is convenient to me, I can saunter into your den without fear.

This was not a message for little fish however, and that was what she currently had. She watched them approach, chin raised, faint amused smile ghosting around the edges of her lips. One brow arched when they stopped, waiting. She was not disappointed when they spoke, and fell into place around her. Their accents were thick, but easily understandable to one who floated through both the highest and the lowest social circles, the two places were beings did not try nearly as hard to homogenize, to fit in. So she simply inclined her head graciously and followed them. It was all a bit dramatic really, black walls and red lighting. Red guards to match the walls. Chiasa was a firm believer in setting the scene and psychologically manipulating people, but this seemed rather heavy-handed. Ah well, that was the Sith for you. Besides, he was called the Butcher King, not the Interior Decorating King. We all had our shortcomings.

She waited politely, allowing him at least that much dignity until she was motioned forward. The Twi'lek had opted for dressing at least semi-formally, with the understanding that while she considered most of her wardrobe fairly modest, modest for a Twi'lek still bordered on scandalous for the rest of the galaxy. She'd be damned before she gave up the heels though. She surveyed him as she approached. The man brooded like a thundercloud, making his spire dwelling all the more apropriate. By the scars and such, it was quite possible he had good reason to be foul at the world, still. Sith. There was some curiousity there though, and that she could work with.

The Twi'lek actually grinned at Darth Vornskrs gruff inquiry.

"I am forgotten already? Ah, you wound me. But, you are a busy man, it can be forgiven I suppose."

The Twi'lek made a casual gesture with her free hand, as if flicking something away.

"The Red Ravens and the One Sith are allied, surely neither side has committed such a transgression that it would be unseemly to visit the other?"

Another subtle dig. We kept our side of the deal, you did not.

"The treaty negotiations were so formal. I thought it would be best to come and meet you in person. One on one. Chiasa Kritivaas, Diplomatic Relations officially. I also handle much of the day to day minutiae of the Ravens. If the President and Vice President are busy or for some reason cannot see to their duties in a satisfactory manner, I step in."

Again, subtle, subtle. Cryax was not as he had been. Logan was largely absent. She was a power, and she was not pleased about it. Vornskr might have thought he had the Ravens subdued and under his thumb, but the Raven was a willful and tricky beast, it was not so easily controlled.

"Besides, guests bearing gifts are always welcome are they not?"

The Twi'leks eyes were twinkling with silent laughter. This was a good and fun game, one of her favourites, made all the better by the danger. Dare and dare and dare some more.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Oh yes, now he remembered. Back at the treaty between the Sith and the Ravens this Twi'lek was one of the members of the Raven delegation, but from beyond that one event he had zero recollection of her, and to be fairly honest all Twi'leks looked the same to him, just some were blue or green or red, sometimes orange. He cocked his head slightly, and rested his bearded chin upon the knuckles of his right hand while he listened to the woman explain herself for coming to his world, and then that was when he gathered why she had come. He expected this to happen eventually, but he did not expect anyone to show up on his doorstep quite like, and he was quite surprised by it all. Still, his surprise did not last for long, and once she was done speaking he chuckled darkly; "Indeed, but it depends on the quality of the gift as well. So, little girl, show me what you've brought the Emperor of Panatha."

Still, he would have to figure out a solution to this problem, and from what he's heard it wouldn't be wise to kill her outright, which he was certain he could do at a moment's notice even with the chaotic nature of the Force at this juncture. Perhaps it would be better to persuade her to his side, the Ravens were all criminals anyways, and maybe with the right incentive she could be made to dance to his tune, or at least cooperate with his desires for the time being.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Little girl? Fine, she'd certainly been called worse. She'd take it in stride, even if it had been a long time since she'd qualified as one. She'd answered to it before, on occasion, if people asked very, very nicely.

"Nothing too impressive, just a trinket really. After all, whatever you want you can simply take."

That wasn't entirely true. Considering the chaos the galaxy had gone through, the Gulag plague and everything else, what she held in one hand was in fact nothing short of miraculous, a relic. That said it was not overly showy, nor would most find it useful, but the Twi'lek was hoping it would appeal to the Sith.

She stepped closer, before dropping to one knee before him. Proud beast though she was, she could play a role when it amused her to do so. She supposed he was to be afforded some measure of respect, and in any case, she was enjoying the theatrics of the scene. The long, thing, silk wrapped package was offered up, laying horizontally upon her hands. The silk alone was worth a small fortune, to use it for something as mundane as wrapping was another statement.

As [member="Darth Vornskr"] unwrapped the silk, metal would be revealed. No shiny new device this, but a trident, dark with the stains of time and old blood. This was not a weapon made to be hung on a wall and admired, this was a tool of war, and had obviously been used as such. If the Force were not such an unreliable fact these days, an inspection of it that way would reveal that it was old and dark. Ancient and steeped in blood.

"From the Aqualish Civil Wars."

Nearly 16,000 years ago. That it was in such good condition was testament to the craft of the ancient and long dead Aqualish who'd made it. It was quite likely one of a kind in the entire galaxy.

And of course, entirely coincidentally, the Aqualish Civil wars were a series of bloody stupid feuds among the subtly different breeds of Aqualish who had very nearly wiped their species off the galactic map. When they finally did reach an uneasy truce and turn their attentions and aggression outward they were fairly quickly quashed, in no small part due to the losses they'd inflicted on themselves.
Kaine gingerly held the trident aloft in his right hand, testing it with a few thrusts and spin, before smirking darkly. "It is indeed exquisite, Lady Kritivaas, such a wonderful gift for someone such as myself, but you truly cannot have come all this way just to lavish me with toys?" The King of Panatha handed off his newly acquired gift to one of the servants who lingered in the shadows just beyond sight, this particular one being a young, athletic Epicanthix lad wearing simple linen with the sigil of the Emperor stitched across the front of his doublet. The King handed the trident to the boy, who took it easily and began to walk away to store this new treasure in another chamber, but not before catching a good long look at the orange Twi'lek before he left. The Emperor descended the steps that ringed the elevated platform his throne sat upon, and met the Raven diplomat on equal ground, even though he towered above her by a good foot or so.

"No more games, no more beating around the bush. I know why you've come to me, your intentions are not so well hidden within this place. You're here because of Cryax Bane, yes?" Even with the Force diminished in it's potency across the galaxy, it was easy enough for even him to discern the nature of her arrival, her very tone dripped with it. Still, he would not be threatened or intimidated by this tangerine minx, but he wouldn't lie either, at least... he'd tell a half truth at best. "The lad came to me for aid. He was suffering from an infestation of Yorik Coral put in his body by the renegade warlord, Dredge, and I was bound by our alliance to give him the best aid I could. So, I did, and I removed the coral from his body."

See? Telling half the truth.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
The Twi'lek rose when the Dark Lord took the trident to try it for himself. Well, that could certainly be filed as a success if she was any judge. The interest of the boy who came to take the new toy was also not lost upon her, and she filed it away for the future, just in case. He was either a favourite of [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s to dare linger and look rather than just seeing to his duties, he was taken with her, or both and either could be useful.

She considered the Siths next words, looking up at him, with a smile on her lips and dark humour in her eyes. No more games? As he wished. To a degree. Chiasa was always playing a game, life was a game and she intended to win. Still, if he was tired of honey and wanted the sting, well and good.

"If my intentions were to hide, I'd not be here at all. Perhaps Emperor, I am simply testing to see whether I've been thrown into an alliance with idiots. There has been much talk of the Ravens proving themselves, and yet not a lot of proving being done to us. Some fighting, this is not such a great thing, I can hire any number of fools to fight."

She again made a slight flicking gesture, throwing away the idea that the Sith were useful if all they had to offer was martial strength.

"So yes, I am here because of Cryax Bane. It is amazing the number of people who think they can simply take him, or that he himself thinks he can wander where he wills. As if he is not watched. As if measures are not in place. I am a great many things, but one thing I am not is an idiot."

And woe to those who thought she was, they would swiftly learn otherwise.

"Cryax is useful. He is not a bad leader. I wonder though what would happen if he was gone. Would our Vice President step up? I think not, that would require him to be present. I have no wish to run the Ravens. Not as President in any case. More can be accomplished one step away from power. Of course neither can I afford to have a leader who is someone else's thrall. Cryax I understand and can predict. Another.. No. But this too is a moot point."

"I'm sure he found your... 'help' enlightening. I will be seeing to any further assistance he requires."

Whether he liked it or not. Wheels were already in motion. She couldn't have a President who ran off to do someone else's bidding at random. It was incredibly inconvenient. What she wanted, since he wasn't going to admit what he'd done and undo it himself, was to ensure it didn't happen again.

"I understand the Black Sun's have turned on you."

That she should know this was unsurprising. Perhaps the Sith had good encryptions, but a few of them talked with their Raven brethren, and the Black Sun network was not nearly so secure. Just because the Sith had thought they could play Masters and tell the two to get along did not mean the Ravens had liked it or that they had not been keeping a suspicious eye on their neighbours.

"To be frank, you backed the wrong dog. And dogs we may be, but we are useful dogs, when it pleases us to be. Of course dogs have a tendency to turn when they are starved or beaten so.. It is in both our best interests to ensure this is not so, yes?"

"I'll not go into tactics, I'm sure you've thought of it yourself, but given our two major enemies in common, we are well situated to help each other. Best that we should continue to be.. inclined to do so."

I am watching you, she told him. I am watching my allies. I am watching everything and everyone. I know more than you think, and more than I will reveal. I can be useful to you.. or not. Your choice, she said.
For a moment, Kaine was silent as his brooding eyes studied the Twi'lek before him, and then suddenly he began to laugh. A deep, booming laugh that was filled with dark mirth, and he then regarded Chiasa with both of his hands. "You are a wonder, Chiasa. You are nothing like the Ravens I have seen before, and you are nothing like Cryax. He was weak, and he allowed himself to be manipulated by others so much that he became a hollow shell of his former self, but like you said he is still useful. He is an excellent figurehead, but I do not think that he would make a great leader, but you on the other hand..." The Sith Lord began to pace slowly around Chiasa, his eyes drinking in her form like wine, and his mouth split into a cruel smirk.

"You are stronger than he was, you have a greater will, greater passion... You could be a mighty Queen if you wanted, but I sense that you do not care for a public position of authority, no... You prefer to let others rule while you pull the strings, but you hold all the power. You call yourself a dog, but so far only the Suns have proved themselves to be mongrels. You are far more dangerous, far more wild, and far more useful than they could ever be. You are a not a dog, Chiasa, you are a wolf."

By now he had completely paced around Chiasa, and came to a stop where he had began, and gently extended a single hand out towards the tangerine Twi'lek. "You say you can be useful, and I wouldn't dare toss aside such an ally. We can be of benefit to eachother, I can help you maintain your hold on the Ravens, I can strengthen this 'shadow' council, and together we can make the Ravens a force to be truly reckoned with. Cryax can still remain the figurehead, our puppet, but we would hold the power. What do you say, Chiasa? Will you join with me?"

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
This was shaping up to be a very good game, and the Twi'lek was enjoying herself immensely. Flatter here, insult here, suggest, threaten, offer.. And he knew how to play. Which one would hope, seeing as he'd managed to rise to Emperor and Voice, was called a God-King. It was always hard to tell with Sith though, some of them just happened to be strong in the Force, but were still dumb as stumps and had no appreciation for subtlety. It was all lightning bolts and lightsabers, no class at all. She let him circle her, standing still, though her eyes followed him when he was within her field of vision. She arched her neck ever so slightly when she felt him directly behind her. This too was a message, but like most, it could be read two ways. Either as an extension of trust, or of fearlessness.

Stronger than Cryax? Perhaps, though there was more to the Slicer than met the eye. Great passion and will? Yes. Unlike anything [member="Darth Vornskr"] had seen before? Yes. For a moment she allowed herself to follow the fantasy he wove. Queen? Yes, she could. Easily in fact. The Ravens were taking planets at an alarming rate. She had no doubt that if she asked Cryax she could have herself installed as Queen of one of them. Even without asking it could be done. And it might appeal to her vanity to be able to say she was a Queen, but it wasn't all lounging about wearing jewels. It would be paperwork and tedious details. Besides, who wanted to be tied to one planet when there was an entire Galaxy to play in? So limiting!

Shadow Council seemed a bit.. dramatic, but he did appeal to her ego. He appealed to her ego a lot. The only bit she rejected was that Cryax could be theirs. Cryax was hers. The Ravens were hers. In truth though, if one were to be completely honest, the Twi'lek had always chased power, and the man before her certainly held that. The funniest bit was that if one were to completely tear apart her reasoning, the Twi'lek did not even want power for powers sake. She wanted power for security. To be safe. Anyone with more power than you could be a threat, could control or affect your life. Much better to be the one with power, controlling others. She absolutely distrusted the man before her, and thus far he offered nothing concrete but..

This was a man who could be useful, and Chiasa never threw away something that could be of use to her.

As he came to a halt before her and extended a hand, ever so carefully for one so large and intimidating, she eyed him, and there was something wolfish in her eyes. This was a predator who's interest had been aroused. A hunt was promised and who knew what lay at the end? An uncertain packmate was being offered certainly but.. It could be fun.

Besides, even if he proved unworthy, better to have him think they were allies. Let the galaxy put their trust in her. She'd put hers in no one. But a hand, a hand could be given.

"So be it."

A graceful orange hand was engulfed within a large, rough one.

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