Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Better Form of Protection

The Anzat was on a mission in an unknown planet, at an unknown time, looking around for his target. As an intelligence asset, Krayzen had to remain vigilant, not only so that he can help the OSI, but also climb its ranks to become a Master agent. He did not eye the top seat of the OSI, he only desired to be one of its best agents, and also for his influence to expand within the organization.

As he looked at his target, a wealthy businessman from a company that supplied munitions to the Galactic Alliance, Krayzen smirked, and prepared to go and take over the mind control of the man. Soon however, he heard a buzz from his ear. It was from someone whose voice he had not heard in a while. “We need to meet, now.” Krayzen did not like to be commanded unless it was from his superiors; this was not his superior, but he knew that the person he was meeting was someone that was important.

Krayzen decided to casually approach the business man; after he did that, he went, and performed the old force ability, the mind trick, and he made sure not to perform a hand sign, or a visual gesture, albeit it required some of his concentration.

After performing the mind-trick on the businessman, the businessman stood up, and went to a particular location where he would meet OSI agents who would capture him; additionally, and fortunately, no one had seen Krayzen approach the businessman, and there were no force-sensitives. To put it simply, no one would find out what he did, and that was something that he was happy with.

“Ok; I’ll be on my way.” The Anzat quickly replied as he decided to approach his ship.
Krayzen got on his ship, and soon approached the orbit of the planet. As he left the planet’s gravity well, he activated his ship’s hyperdrive, and planted in the coordinates toward Coruscant(this is at an unknown time long before the One Sith Civil War that is occurring in Coruscant). The dark-sider soon got to Coruscant, and approached the planet’s gravity well. He then took his ship toward a secret landing area that was used for OS agent; as he approached the landing area, one thing was on his mind: This better be important.
With his mental barriers(both Teras Kasi, and force barriers) activated, Krayzen landed his ship, and left the area, vigilant and cautious about anything that might occur. He soon left the OSI landing pad, and approached a secret research lab for Drakos Systems, a company that he founded, and co-owned along with a secret individual. He knew that the company could slowly rise due to the funding that he had through criminal networks, but Krayzen also knew that contracts were more valuable, and he desired a contract immediately.

As soon as he approached the lab, he didn’t undergo a number of security checks that were common for a place like this, mostly because publicly, it was someone else that owned a small company like Drakos Systems; nevertheless, if someone were to look at the more classified, and encrypted files of Drakos Systems(any company would guard their files in order to protect data, projects, etc), they would find that he was one of the legal-owners. That however didn’t matter at the moment.

“Sir, it is an honor to meet you.” a Clawdite stated. Krayzen simply replied by stating “You stated that this was important. I hope you didn’t use a public network for communication did you?” he replied. The Clawdite answered with a no, and then went on to state why he had called Krayzen here. “Our company has been working on some designs, some of them we believe can be able to help the primary unknown goal of the company. We wanted you to check it out; I personally think that you will find one design that is particularly interesting to you.” “I sincerely hope so.” Krayzen replied, and went away inside the laboratory.
As they went through the lab, Krayzen could see the reaserchers in different rooms conducting small, but high-tech research to develop weapons. Weapons & Armor Manufacturing was something that Drakos Systems did not publicly do due to various reasons, and while the Weapons & Manufacturing Division did receive significant funding, mostly for a division this small, it was ultimately quite small, since most of the company concentrated on the development of ships, something that was ultimately more costly, and required much more time.

Despite these barriers, Drakos Systems had come quite far in the development of Weapons & Armor; at least, that was what he had been told. The 200 year old Anzat did not like inefficiency, and would not hesitate to personally remove the head of this division if progress, no matter how small was not being made. Just because he was a Sith did not mean that he was not understanding; Krayzen understood that the division had barriers to overcome; he did however know that for all this time, progress could have been made, and he wanted to see it today.

The Sith observed the rooms, and could see the scientists at work; as he walked, he made sure to merge himself with the dark-side nexus of Coruscant, essentially making his force signature similar to Coruscant. While it did not obviously make him a Sith Lord, or a Sith Knight, nor did it make his abilities instantly more powerful, it did allow his force signature to be in a sense ‘masked’ in the large force nexus that was in Coruscant, protecting him from being discovered if someone was looking for him, which wasn’t the case.

“Alright; what designs do you have?” Krayzen asked curiously?

“We have a number of designs are very interesting. Firstly, we have a ripper design. Per the weapon’s mechanics, when a slug is being fired, it enters a blaster containment field, superheating the slug. This weapon has been used for centuries to fight force sensitives, and it is quite powerful. In this design, we have adopted some mechanics from the verpine/sniper rifle to help us. “ he replied.

Krayzen continued to look at some other designs, including a sonic weapon, a slug weapon, etc. The first design impressed him, but the later ones didn’t impress him in any bit. He made sure to show his distaste with his visual expression.

“Is this it?” Krayzen asked vehemently.

“No sir; this is design will certainly be interesting to you.” He replied.
As Krayzen waited for the doctor to get the design, he looked around at other –somewhat- underfunded projects. Some of them looked promising, but in terms of what Drakos Systems was doing, more money had to be put toward ship manufacturing. Krayzen knew that it was a promising industry, but also one that was highly competitive, with giants like ArmaTech Combat Systems and Titan Industries beating Krayzen; nevertheless, they had established a reputation as being an up, and coming ship manufacture, and they would continue to maintain that reputation.

The Anzat continued to look at the particle blaster; he was well aware of the weapon’s mechanics. It pretty much looked like a blaster bolt, but it was actually a projectile called a particle beam that once someone blocked it with, let us say, a lightsaber, a great amount of kinetic force would be released. A weapon like that most likely certainly had to have a large amount of recoil, but Krayzen knew of ways to reduce the recoil, while maintaining the accuracy. Centuries of working with various types of weaponary had helped him learn a lot about a weapon’s mechanics, and he hadn’t stopped learning yet.

“Sir, I think it is time I introduce you to our latest design.” The scientist stated.

“I look forward to the presentation.”
"As explained to you before, in the Mandalorian ripper, a slug enters a blaster containment field, and then open fires. We have conducted extensive research on the Mandalorian ripper, and we have wondered how this effect can be replicated to another weapon, a hybridizatino between a sonic blaster, and a slugthrower. That was how we were able to find the Geonosis sonic canon, which also contains a containment field which compresses the sound.

After a few years of research, our team was able to create a sonic/slugthrower design. The design is quite simple actually. Using mechanics from its ancestor, the verpine shatter gun, the slug is fired using the magnetic accelerators from the verpine weapon. While it is being fired, the slug enters a containment field, where the containment field compresses the sound. Soon, a 'sonic cloud' surrounds the slug.

Thankfully, this weapon can fire a variety of projectiles. We however designed this weapon to fire .50 caliber rounds. There is a lot of things that I can explain, that is a basic explanation of the concept." the head reasercher stated

When he finished speaking, he waited for Krayzen to speak.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Krayzen then looked at the design. Numerous memories suddenly flashed inside his mind, causing him to break off his concentration from the design he was looking at for a brief moment. The Anzat remembered when he first founded the company along with his friend, and they worked on the design. He also remembered telling the reaserchers to work on making anti-force user weapons, an ironic thing considering that he himself was a force user.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]One of the reasons why Drakos Systems was founded was so that they can help the One Sith; in fact, that was most likely, at least in his opinion, the main reason(among other reasons) why Krayzen had founded the company with its ally. It was progressing, but it needed to progress more, and this would certainly be the first step.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As he looked at the design, observing parts of the weapon like the containment field, and the magnetic accelerators, he quickly thought of some questions to ask the head reasercher. While he trusted the head reasercher(at least somewhat), he wanted to ask some important questions about the design, in order to make sure it was a good project.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I have some few questions.” Krayzen stated, giving a serious look at the head reasercher[/SIZE]
The scientist's visual expression changed from one of delight to that of annoyance. He knew that Krayzen was one of the heads of the company, but even he ultimately knew that he had to answer to him, even if he didn't like the Anzat, at least in this instance.

"Firstly, what are the components of the inside of the weapon. Secondly, modular weapons can attack to something like this?" Krayzen asked.

As he asked, Krayzen looked at the scientist, and slowly, he entered the scientist's mind, and simply stated remember that you work for me. I know you are pestered, but remember what you signed up for. After he finished speaking, he waited for the scientist to answer.
"Sir, Dallorian Alloy, Durasteel, among other metals are being used to help with the internal composition of the metals. As you know, Dallorian Alloy uis used to fight off the small amount of heat that would be created due to the magnetic accelerators that we have; mroeover, Durasteel is also heavily resistant to the heat, and the cold, making both of them very good metals. Plastoid, as well as more metals have also been used to help with the metals.

In terms of modular weapons, our design will include a modular grenade launcher you can use to launch. As you know, this is a design, so there will be a few modifications here and there, but ultimately, this is more or less the final product. Lastly, we will also be working in reducing the recoil.

Do we know have your final approval sir?" the scientist asked.
"Excellent." Krayzen stated. He gave his nod of approval, then left, quickly leaving. Any footprints or anything that could be used to determine that Krayzen was in this location would be eliminated at once.

Krayzen then walked out, leaving the room. He once again reached out to the force, connecting himself with the dark-side energies of Coruscant, making his signature theoretically like Coruscant's own in order true signature. As he reached outward toward the force, the Anzati could feel the large amount of people working on numerous projects. While it was underfunded, Krayzen knew that it was more or less filled a great amount of scientists, and Krayzen would need them to help develop the OSI, and the OS as a whole.

After a few minutes, he got out of the exit, leaving the building.
When he left the building, Krayzen decided to go to the OSI hangar, where he had been gone for roughly one hour. The Anzat quickly went to the OSI hangar, grabbed his ship, and activated his engines, as he left the planet's orbit.

As Krayzen left the planet's orbit, he could not jump into hyperspace due to the fact that he was within Coruscant's gravity well. The Anzat quickly got out of Coruscant's gravity well, and soon he jumped to hyperspace.

Per his standard procedure, he went toward several systems that were independent, and were not affliated with the OS, or any major faction. After that, Krayzen went toward the planet he had been given his assignment. Armed only with a lightsaber, a Sil-50 sonic pistol, and his armor, Krayzen was ready to complete his mission.

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