Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alasdair Voland

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Tempestas Space Close In Weapons System (SCIWS)

    Tempestas Space Close In Weapons System (SCIWS) Image Source: here. SPECIAL FEATURES Advanced Sensors and Fire Control Quick Swiveling Capability STRENGTHS Rapid Fire and Good Tracking: Capable of providing a constant, accurate rapid fire stream of kinetic slugs with the ability to hit...
  2. Kercez Zsinj

    Czerka Arms |/| 900 ABY |\|

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Czerka Arms Wookieepedia Article, svg recreation by Nayayen Canon Link: Czerka Arms Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Czerka Arms, also known as Czerka Corporation Headquarters: Tatooine Locations: Tatooine, HQ Major...
  3. Vergessen Contii

    Catalog  LORD Contii's Capital Armaments | Droids, Weapons & More

    C a t a l o g Droid(s): Expendable Multifunctional Personnel - "Made Men" Model: HYDRA - E.M.P Model: Hydra E.M.P ELITE Series - "Fleshgait" [for hire] Armaments: Lightsaber manufacturing service - [refer to "custom manufacture" section for further examples] General purpose cybernetic...
  4. Kraden Besco

    Factory  Besco Defense LLC

    Company Creation Template OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: TBD Canon Link: NA Primary Source: NA CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Besco Defense LLC Headquarters: Bothawui Locations: Nar Shadda, Coruscant, Maridun Operations: Weapons Manufacturing Parent Corporation: None...
  5. Tarre Priest

    Private  Droids, Weapons, Ships, Oh My!

    Undisclosed Deep Space Aboard the Forge of Iron The crew of the modified Crusader-Class came to the projected meeting place. A point in space in which was far from anything else in the Galaxy. The meeting here was to be on neutral ground to give an air of selected neutrality. Aboard was Drego...
  6. Braze

    Artist  Art Gallery [Weapons]

    Table of Contents: WIP
  7. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Tech  Arla's Rodarch Fang and Rodarch Claw

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A signature weapon for Arla of Clan Rodarch Image Source: Combi-Claw , Dagger Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Arla Susni Affiliation: Arla Susni Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity...
  8. Laphisto

    Request  ships weapons vehicles or people

    so iv been doing some digging around and now that the Lilaste order has gotten its hands on some Star destroyers i feel like the main antagonist for them The Dusate Pirates needs to widen Their arsenal,. The Collector is currently funneling money into the faction and so i was wondering if anyone...
  9. Laphisto

    Request  ships, weapons, armor, vehicles, people?

    so iv been doing some digging around and now that the Lilaste order has gotten its hands on some Star destroyers i feel like the main antagonist for them The Dusate Pirates need to widen Their arsenal, there benefactor The Collector is currently funneling money into the faction and so i was...
  10. S

    Factory  Doreva Industries

    Image Source: Midjourney - edited by me Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Corporation Name: Doreva Industries Headquarters: Rothana Locations: Rothana Surface Shipyard; Rothana Orbital Shipyards; D.I Foundries & Warehouses - Sector D-84 - Rothana Capitla City; D.I Corporate Building in...
  11. Tragic Writer

    Are Arms, arms, if they are weapons?

    I know some of the rules on mech suits and stuff. Mostly being "If it has arms then no" But Both as a clarification, and seeing what others think I am asking if having an "arm" that is entirely a sword or cannon is allowed, or even considered an arm. Like this Or this for example
  12. Lion Darman

    LFG  Weapons Supplies

    Hello there, I am looking to make deals with arms suppliers, mercenary groups, pirate groups, and smugglers who can deliver. The client is a group of fairly disreputable Mandalorians of House Darman who are located on the planet Mon Gazza. The recent discovery of the group by the Mandalorian...
  13. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Thelma Goth's Lightfoil

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To craft a lightsaber for future RP. Image Source: Katherine Britt (edited by me) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Thelma Goth Affiliation: Thelma Goth Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A...
  14. Laphisto

    Question  hyperspace weapons?

    recently started watching a youtube video explaining the possibility of a Hyperspace missile, altho it sounds interesting for sure how would one incorporate such a thing into this thread? if it's not banned that is. been on my mind for a little bit now so I figured id ask and see what others had...
  15. Aktur Seii

    Arakyd Industries

    Note: This is a an update of the previous entry here. ARAKYD INDUSTRIES OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia Canon Link: Arakyd Industries Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Arakyd Industries Headquarters: Vulpter Locations: Coruscant, Denon...
  16. Ibra Sest

    Public  Armor and weapons

    Location: Coruscant Ibra's first day as part of the Galactic military was interesting to say the least. First being long and then having to deal with a random sith spy, she needs to get some equipment if she hopes to stand a chance against the threats of the Alliance. She finds herself in a...
  17. Spectre

      XSCR Weapons System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Assault rifle for the Mandalorian Enclave Image Source: SCAR Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Mandalorian Enclave Affiliation: The Mandalorian Enclave Market Status: Closed Market Model: XSCR...
  18. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Question  Melee weapons

    So I've had this thought that has bothered me... It appears to me that the only effective and efficient melee weapon, at all in Star Wars, is the lightsaber (and its various variants such as the staff/pike, etc). So my question is.. why would anyone use something else? We see that gammons use...
  19. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

    Public  Mandal-Elysium Arms

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Link Modified By: Heath Valhoun Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Link Permissions: Link CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Mandal-Elysium Arms Headquarters: Mandalore Locations: Sundari, Mandalore. Hyllyard, Myrkr. Operations: Weapons...
  20. Laertia Io

    House Io Weapons

    This Lists all House Io Weapons. Members who make new subs will have their Subs added NOTE: Weaponry Numbers have meanings. High numbers indicate general military use during invasion whether on offense or defense. Smaller numbers indicate more specialized purpose such as civil defense or...
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