Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Adilya Solveig

    Private  Darkness Reborn

    Tags: Detritus Ren Location: The Plains of Tython The rain fell, and the thunder rang throughout the plains... and as the lightning danced in the sky above, in the middle of the plains, slumped on the ground lie a lifeless form sprawled out. To any force user, to anything that could sense the...
  2. Celt Saxon

    Approved Species  Manda'kyrja - Mandalorian Valkyrie

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a new species that basically lives in the Netherworld but is also able to exist in the Realspace. The guardians of the Mandalorian dead souls, defenders and warriors of Mandalore in the afterlife. And expand Mandalorian lore. Image Credit...
  3. A

    Public  The Thorn in The Petals

    Anak has spent what felt like a life time in Darkness. His namesake, his ship, and his Mistress all were Shadow. Now to be back, to return from death and have to make Ashla, The Light his Mistress. The Former Sith groaned. Ashla was a chaste and coy lady. He had never wanted to chase her, and...
  4. Tragic Writer

    Approved Lore  Reborn Knights

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To act as a primary Guard service for anything related to Zakuul Or Draconia Image Credit: Flag Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Reborn Knights Classification: Royal Guard, Royal Army Affiliation: The combined...
  5. Korvis Laerann

    Approved Starship  Phoenix Reborn

    - P h o e n i x - R e b o r n - Intent: To submit the heavily modified version of the Rebirth-Class Light Freighter to serve as the principle ship for Korvis Laerann. Image Source: Art Station | Mike Luard | Edits and dividers made by myself. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary...
  6. Tathra Khaeus

    Approved Tech  Draelvasier | Glaive of the Reborn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a weapon in memorial of the fallen Draelvasier. Image Source: Midjourney Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Draelvasier Affiliation: Tathra Khaeus Market Status: Closed-Market Model...
  7. Elpsis Kerrigan

    Approved Location  Sepulchre of the Reborn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on a dark side nexus location sub and a custom species. Image Credit: Here. Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Ashspawn, Dominion of Light, Disciples of the Vader, Into Darkness, After Darkness, Mahtara, Force Dead, Cinder Guard, Fort Vigilance...
  8. Korvis Laerann

    Work In Progress  Phoenix Reborn

    - P h o e n i x - R e b o r n - Intent: To submit the heavily modified version of the Rebirth-Class Light Freighter to serve as the principle ship for Korvis Laerann. Image Source: Art Station | Mike Luard | Edits and dividers made by myself. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary...
  9. Percival Io

    Work In Progress  House Io Workshop

  10. Kyyrk

    Private  Reborn

    fa-play fa-pause D I S C H A R G E Voph stood still for a moment, looking around the small room. He had been told it was his, and yet it brought no memories to him. The quarters of the Lord Commander were a large and fancy affair, but he had given them up in favor of something smaller. More...
  11. Coren Starchaser

    The Alliance in Exile

    THE ALLIANCE IN EXILE At the peak of the galaxy’s fall into darkness, there was one group who refused to quit. Following the betrayal of the Sith Lady Taeli Raaf, the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order were gutted. Thrown off of their worlds, their capital lay in ruin, the men and women of...
  12. Figure In White

    Bizitza Arnasten Berriro

    Many Months Ago Castameer. The destroyed world. The last resting place of so many. As he sat within the confines of the Eidolon, he stared out at the destruction before him, the debris of a world. Its destruction caused by a crashing ship that he'd stood upon himself. His very feet had been...
  13. Darth Prazutis

    Approved Location  Vain Hollow Citadel 2.0

    Name: Vain Hollow Citadel Image Source: Intent: To flesh out the new and improved lair of the Zambrano Royal Family after Vain Hollow was first destroyed Classification: Mountain Castle Location: Vain Hollow is located in the Iron Mountains north of the Panathan capital...
  14. Mother Askani

    Sochi Ru

    I use the Night, and the Night uses me... NAME: Sochi Ru FACTION: Formerly The Galactic Republic/Jedi Order, The Order of The Silver Jedi RANK: Dark Jedi Master SPECIES: Togruta AGE: Late 40s SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1.77 meters WEIGHT: 57 kilograms EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Red, white and...
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