Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. P

    Character  Pele Vo

    Pele Vo Age 20 Species Vran Gender Female Height 5’11” Weight 58 KG Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Pale Skin, Glowing Blue Tattoos, Blue long curly hair, and magenta lips. INVENTORY Krysword Alchemic Scrimtar PERSONALITY AND BELIEFS As part of Vran bobility Pele...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  Mount Pele

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Ivan Vujovic Marina Ortega Andrew Palyanov Alexander Forssberg Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: God of the Forge Heart of Electrum SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Mount Pele Classification...
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