Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Detritus Ren

    Faction Owner Nominations

    Greetings my fellow Dark Imperials. We have come along way as a Dark Empire over the past year. With our influence steadily growing and launching both Operation Shadowhand and the Core Wars against the Galactic Alliance. We have come so far and achieved so much as a wonderful faction of great...
  2. Tefka

    Major Faction  Mandalorian Protectors | Future Of The Faction Vote | Faction Owner Vote

    1. If you vote and you have less than 10 posts with the Mandalorian Protectors in the past 6 months, as a Mandalorian character, disciplinary action will be taken by the SWRP Staff Team. 2. This poll will close in 7 days. 3. If an option you wish for does not exist, write ins are allowed, post...
  3. Marek Rekali

    Faction Owner Nominations

    With the news from Tefka, a new owner nomination thread is here. Please nominate who you would like as the new MFO. I will not be putting my name forward as I just do not have the ability to be an FO. Nominations close Friday 8/2/24 at 2100 Eastern
  4. Tefka

    Staff  Mandalorian MFO Relieved Of Duty, Site Owner Assumes MFO Duties

    Unfortunately we're no stranger to this scenario. It'll play out like every scenario before it. Arla Rodarch has been relieved of MFO duties for ban evasion, violation of the MFO COC, violation of the SWRP General COC and TOS. This is not an appealable offense, and is a permanent ban. I will be...
  5. Mia Monroe

    Major Faction  Faction Owner Vote

    As you know I am stepping down from MFO and you have kindly thrown your nominations into the hat, please use the poll to cast your vote. The poll will remain open for a full week. Please only vote if you are part of the Mandalorian Protectors. One vote per writer please.
  6. Mia Monroe

    Faction Owner Vote

    You have kindly put your nominations in, now for all of you to vote <3 Please post your vote below (apologies the poll feature will not work here for some reason). One vote only per writer please, this vote will remain open until the end of this week when the new Faction leader will be...
  7. Mia Monroe

    Faction Owner Nominations

    Sadly, my dear and wonderful mandalorians, the time has come for me to step away as faction owner. I have a baby due at the end of the year and am struggling to give you all the love and dedication this faction needs to keep it moving as my focus is elsewhere. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time...
  8. Amiggie Lutih

    Vote for a new Faction Owner

    Hellow fellow Imperials, As you may have noticed, two months ago the original faction owner Aculia Voland has taken a hiatus and has not been to the site as of late. After some internal discussions, the admins and I have decided to place a vote for a new faction leader. If you want to be a...
  9. Aeshi Tillian

    RTL Major Faction Owner Nominations

    Hey y'all, due to some unexpected health issues colliding with a lot of other stuff, I'm at zero bandwidth for anything beyond the basics, which means there is no way I can write on Chaos, let alone run a major faction. I am stepping down as the MFO of the League and then leaving Chaos. RTL...
  10. Tefka

    Staff  Valiens Nantaris Announced As New Site Owner

    Most of us veterans probably guessed he was the frontrunner from a mile away. For most of you, he’s been pretty synonymous with leading the forum, so he’s been the most stable choice since the beginning when I decided to hang my hat. Valiens is my oldest advisor, after all, ever since our days...
  11. Tefka

    Staff  Site Owner Interviews Closed; A Winner Has Been Picked

  12. Tefka

    Suggestion  Put the Site Owner position up to a community poll

    Please vote accordingly
  13. Zef Halo

    Major Faction Owner Election

    It is said that NO KING RULES FOREVER. Even the great Tsar Simeon. It’s been a helluva blast and definitely my favorite time spent roleplaying on Chaos has been here with the NIO/Empire. However, real life responsibilities are taking over my time the older I get leaving me unable to roleplay...
  14. Bernard

    New Faction Owner!

    Somewhat unceremoniously, but because of that all the more endorsing of our candidate, the nominations for our new Major Faction Owner have concluded with only one eligible nominee being named by the community. Therefore, by default, this nominee will succeed me and take the mantle of MFO. The...
  15. Bernard

    Major Faction Owner Nominations

    The time's come to find a new faction owner for the GA. The entire process will happen in a similar fashion to how Adhira Chandra first set it up, with 3 days to nominate candidates and subsequently 7 days to vote for those candidates. This thread is here to make nominations. A nomination has...
  16. Tefka

    Staff  Star Wars "Jizz Music" Unbanned, Site Owner Pleads With Members To "End This Nightmare."

    By popular vote, Jizz Music has outlasted the proverbial boxing match with the SWRP Staff Team and is once and for all unbanned. For the people having minecraft server issues, I don't know why you people keep ending up at this website but we don't service those sorts of requests, apologies...
  17. Gir Quee

    Faction Owner Vote

    Per our last discussion here, here's the official vote for the next SJC Faction Owner. Please only vote if you are (or are planning to be) an active member of the faction.
  18. K

    Faction Owner Vote

    After the conclusion of the nominations, here's the voting for the next faction owner of the SJC. Please only vote if you are a member of the SJC.
  19. Natasi Fortan

    Faction Owner Vote

    Is it still called a banana republic if you're a constitutional monarchy?
  20. Natasi Fortan

    Faction Owner Nominations

    Just like we did last week.
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