Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lfg small groups

  1. Jax Vandal

    Operators Wanted

    The Muertos are planning an expansion. We need new operators, enforcers, engineers, soldiers, smugglers, and slicers. There are credits in it for you, and you'll have access to our weapons and droids. If you're looking to come up in the Underworld contact us.
  2. Komoda

    Worm Hunt

    Searching the galaxy for hunters. Komoda is putting together a hunting party to go after Tikulini Worms and sell the hide. Pay will be dristrubuted evenly. If you consider yourself a skilled hunter PM me or reply to this thread and i wilk give you details.
  3. ryanw5385

    Looking for a group fight against my fellow Sith Lords

    Darth Imperium needs a challenge!!!! Looking for around 4 other people.
  4. Logen Brunner

    Crew of the Forlorn Hope

    We need two to four active volunteers to join our crew aboard the Forlorn Hope, a modified YV-2000. Our objective is to write comedic and adventurous tales of the lives of space truckers and the troubles they get themselves into within this chaotic galaxy. We are looking for people that will fit...
  5. Arken Lussk

    Summoning Slicers

    Hey all. Looking for a few tech-heads to help me out with a not-so-little project. I've noticed lots of folks don't actively play slicers nor do they exhibit their skills in threads very often, so I'd like to help alleviate that for some of you. If you're interested in helping me with this...
  6. Darth Athora

    Where Are You

    [member="Boethiah"] [member="Vaermina "] I know you're out there... I can see you... Can you see me? Come to me.
  7. Uhtred Kjartan

    Mentor of Each Path

    So, as the title reads, I'm looking for a Mentor/Master of each path (Dark, Light, Whatever in between). The reasoning behind this is because I want Lasky to get some sort of base experience from each side before he aligns himself with a specific one, or just goes neutral and do some sort of...
  8. grammaticus

    Looking for a Master (Sort of)

    Hello, so not to fool you guys, but I am not searching for a Master for my character. Rather, I am looking for a Force Sensitive Master to join the Fel Empire, and become a leading member of the newly reformed Imperial Knights. If this thought interests any of you, please message me so I can...
  9. Vee Toa(Hutt Rep)

    Looking for some Secret Agents

    Looking for some Agents to spy on certain planets for me, well the ones that I am banned from at least. The reward will be 10,000 credits.
  10. Kyrinov

    FU Small [3-4 characters] Thread

    Looking for a group of 3 or 4 other FU's (Sith, Jedi, Grey, Dark Jedi, what have you) Let me know if you're interested and, once we have a few people, we can discuss specifics together!
  11. Amelia von Sorenn

    One Jedi, One Mandalorian and One Sith

    As noted in another thread - and I realized later I should have posted it here in the LFG - I am looking to expand the Sorenn-Syrush name and family. To this end, Amelia Sorenn-Syrush is looking for Royal consorts - and though she's a thing for the women, she'll also accept males if they...
  12. Jada Raxis

    Lookin' for a few "Imperial Entanglements."

    Me stealing a satellite or some such nonsense. Any bites? Will duel etc... Bringing my Ship, me and my gear. Any and all are welcome.
  13. Gilamar Skirata

    Mando gone Spacer

    Looking for some adventures. One on one or in small groups!
  14. Valiens Nantaris

    Member Run Event Team LFG

    If you want to run your own event here but need a group, use this thread to find people. Post if you want to join a group, or have a group which needs people. Link to announcement:
  15. Zyin Frost

    Hiring Bouncers and Bodyguards

    Blood Gully is a nightclub on Coruscant ran by Zyin Frost, currently I would like to hire PCs as the actual bouncers and bodyguards of the nightclub and owner. The plan for this little nightclub is to eventually turn this small place into a booming business, or even monopoly! Mercenaries...
  16. P

    Need Characters For Visions During Jedi Trials

    Cedric is currently undergoing the Jedi Trials within a force cave on Ruusan. I'm looking for other characters that want to show up as visions, be they consciously controlled by real characters or simply specters. I'd prefer to use these visions as something of a precognition for stories...
  17. ToKola Bakari

    Prison break

    So the beginning of this new character's story involves an escape from a Hutt spice mine. Any criminals or mercs who want to help bust this guy out of Hutt slavery?
  18. Ranik Delmont

    A bit of Piracy anyone?

    DELMONT'S RIPPERS Hello everyone and welcome to the show! Now that the greeting is out of the way, let me get to the fun part. As you can see I'm looking for a group of writers, even just one or two, who are interested in writing a bit of piracy/raiding as part of a pirate crew. To be...
  19. Des Hailstar

    Exploring an abandoned colony

    Looking for a small group to explore the abandoned outpost on Korasa Not sure how I'll start it out but I'm working it out right now. This will the first one I've ever started D:
  20. Seto Du Couteau

    Something in Dark Space

    In dark-space the distinctive shape of an Imperial Star-Destroyer slowly traveled closer to a lone large asteroid. On the bridge stood a very young Inquisitor, his eyes narrowed as he stared directly at the asteroid and a small smile grew. The Captain turned to face the Inquisitor and cleared...
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