Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lunaria Talon

    Character  Daughter of God | Lunaria Talon

    Name Lunaria Vail Talon [Luna] Alias Artemis Dreadmoor Species Arkanian-Echani Age 13 Force Alignment Dark Side Education HRD Nannies (3-9) Srina Talon (3-13) Darth Carnifex (9-13) Jutrand Academy (13-Now) Family Darth Empyrean [Father] Srina Talon [Mother] Darth Carnifex [G.Father]...
  2. Tuur of Clan Rodarch

    Character  Alor Tuur Rodarch

    TUUR RODARCH Age 18 Species Human Gender Female Height 1.7 m Weight 55 kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dark skinned with dark eyes, wears her hair medium length. Tuur wears a comprehensive beskar'gam with an integrated repeating belt-fed railgun, painted in red and...
  3. M

    Character  Moirane, Daughter of the Amerilla

    Name: Moirane Amerilla Age: 19 Homeworld: Rutan Alignment: Sith Faction: Variable Force Sensitive: Yes History: Moirane Amerilla was born on the world of Rutan to the Amerilla Trading Clan, its youngest and only daughter. The Amerilla trace their rise in prominence to before the Sith...
  4. Darth Prazutis

    Private  Twisted Silence

    Avidich, Monument Mori... Death. It's ghastly touch caressed everything on the empty wasteland that stretched clear to the horizon. It permeated the desert floor in a way most couldn't ever understand, carried through the howling winds and inhospitable atmosphere. The utter absence of life in...
  5. Melina Verd

    Private  Like Father Like Daughter

    The sky over the city populated with sprawling clouds—as sprawling as the city itself. Although the clouds, large though they were, did not block out the midday sun, which gleamed over the spire atop the Kata'asaqua Institute of Technology as though it were impaled upon it. With the day at its...
  6. Iris Tirall

    Character  Iris Tirall | Overseer of O'Reen

    IRIS TIRALL "What exactly did you expect? I am my father's daughter, afterall" Identification ALIASES: Angelfire (By Her Father) AGE GROUP: 31 GSY | POSITION: Overseer of O'Reen HOME WORLD: Empress Teta | Biology SEX: Female GENDER: She/Her SPECIES: Human FORCE SENSITIVE: N/A...
  7. V

    Private  Heartless

    AVIDICH Monument Mori 874 A.B.Y Endless pain, limitless torture. Each and every attosecond that ticks by is the entirety of Rhand's orbital bombardment relived, the sensation of blood boiled beneath flesh and flesh burned away - of muscle and soft tissue torn from her skeleton before being...
  8. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Bounty  Bounty ~ Gwyneira Craft, the Estranged Daughter.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give my character pain character development. Compensation: N/A Cause(s): Gwyneira's past and her father, Arvanon, desiring to kill her. Target Involvement: My character is the target. IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Name of Bounty: Gwyneira Craft, aka...
  9. Jax Thio

    Private  The Boyfriend and His Girlfriend's Daughter

    Location: Vulpter Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Nitya Xeraic, Jairdain "I wonder what surprise that NJO has for me now?" Jax landed his X-Wing on the planet Vulptren the Jedi Knight didn't have any fond memories of the...
  10. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Rich mans daughter

    So... throwing this out for an interest check! I'm thinking of creating a new character, and it is going to be a sort of a rich mans/womans daughter or something more upper class, be it an Imperial admiral, an Alliance polititian or a civilian celebrity or businessman/woman of some sort, or...
  11. Venari Krayt

    Artist  Art dump (Gothic Cupcakes)

    This is just a general art/template dump for my character and random requests/projects, this way I don't have to swap to my alt and just keep it all centralized. <3 Some things I will add here can be used by anyone as long as credit is given, those items will have a small section of text near...
  12. Venari Krayt

    Character  Venari Krayt "The Daughter"

    Face Body VENARI KRAYT Birthplace ??? Age 22 Rank Foundling Faction The Enclave Home Kestri Species Echani Strandcast Gender ♀️ Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'5 Weight 127lbs Hair Color Dark brown Eye Color Brown Skin Color White Distinctive features Hidden...
  13. N

    Approved NPC  Anna Scamandros

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the child of Nix Scamandros ​Image Credit: Joanna Ryder Role: Nix Scamandros' Daughter Links: The Witch Doctor PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 14 Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive Gender: Female Species: Zabrak(Dathomiri)/Human Appearance...
  14. Kimiko Taiyou

    Approved NPC  Saya Fyre

    Saya Fyre OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create [member="Dax Fyre"]’s adopted daughter (for him) ​Image Credit: N/A Role: Adorable little Force sensitive girl for use within RP as she grows Links: X PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 6 Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive Species: Zeltron...
  15. Allya Vi'Dreya

    Character  Allya Vi'Dreya

    Allya's Song Voice Name: Allya Vi'Dreya Alias: None Factions: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Silver Jedi Order Affiliations: Confederate Defense Force, Dauntless, Clan Vi'Dreya, Locke and Key Mechanics Careers: Dauntless: Major CDF: Researcher Silver Jedi Order: Associate Locke...
  16. Darth Abyss

    Approved NPC  Narcissa

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add a bit more personality to a new kind of sithspawn ​Image Credit: Moirai by imorawetz Role: Leader of her kind, Abyss' "Daughter"​ Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Due to being the product of magic and alchemy, Narcissa has only been alive for a...
  17. Darth Ferus


    No one in this Galaxy can love a girl more than her father. -Michael Ratnadeepak- Once, before the Sith, a man loved a woman. He was a governor, she the daughter of another, and the two fell in love. They cared for one another, and convinced her father to unite the two houses as one. They were...
  18. Ellie Mors

    Catching Up (Alric Kuhn)

    It had been a few weeks since Lily had last been with her father, a bit longer still since she'd seen the rest of the family, but in that short period of time a lot had came to pass. Koros had suddenly gone from the back-burner to the forefront of her attention, what with so many sales...
  19. Mirshko Betna

    Mirshko Betna

    MIRSHKO BETNA NAME: Mirshko Betna FACTION: Mandalorian Clans SPECIES: Human Age 21 [as of Desolation Path] SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5' 4" WEIGHT: 140 lb. EYES: Brown HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: Light FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FAMILY: Mother: [member="Anija Betna"] Father: [member="Arrbi Betna"] Sister...
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