Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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behind the scenes

  1. Lossa Darcuhl

    Waning Stars - The Times Between - The First Dream

    fa-play fa-pause The steady beep made her eyes flutter open. A sound that time had slowly pushed away from intimate familiarity. A recognition that pushed at the edges of a word on the tip of your tongue. From speaking its name into reality as sensation returned to her with each passing...
  2. Lossa Darcuhl

    Waning Stars - The Times Between - The Beginning

    fa-play fa-pause The Skiptown slipped into hyperspace on a pre-approved path towards the core. A shipment of hard to find items and materials in the cargo hold as Lossa leaned back in the pilots seat and stared at the ceiling of the cabin. The window alight with the hues of the streaking...
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