Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Hi everyone! I'm new to this site. Could I have some pointers?
Lilliana Corrs
Would anyone like to rp?
ARC-722 "Ryna"
ARC-722 "Ryna"
welcome, again
Kayla Luspark
Kayla Luspark
Welcome to the Chaos. Keep all appendages inside the vehicle. They might get er.. well.. removed.

First pointer, you are on a writer account, which is intended to be an OOC sort of hub and not intended for RP. You'll want to make sub accounts that are character accounts for each character you decide to play, and ideally create bios for each with appropriate links.

Assuming that the name and imagery on this profile is intended for RP, where can we find more information about L Lilliana Corrs ?
Kayla Luspark
Kayla Luspark
Did they delete their account or something? Now all I'm getting when trying to look at their profile is...

ARC-722 "Ryna"
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