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The Mandalorian Enclave

Vode An.

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F A C T I O N - U P D A T E
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Well its been almost a month since our last faction update, and with it being the launch of our anniversary thread, I think its fitting to do another update as well!

We've had a surprisingly busy month as a faction, with both a Populate thread and an Oblivion Dominion that are both still ongoing and thriving. Updates and changes are just around the corner, primarily you can expect to see the Si'kahya get some love (they still need a roster, yikes) and some other things to look forward too will be the completion of now the really-big Tor Valum codex submission, and an updated Enclave marketplace storefront that will be bigger and better than before!

For those who are interested, the world of Kestri is open to being settled and needs some life in it. If you want a wintry homestead, now is your chance to make it so that'll be included in the codex submission for the planet when its finally finished! Make sure to familiarize yourself with what is on there, and then you can do whatever you'd like with it :D. Just make sure to send the approved submission to me once you've finished it!

The last piece of important news, as I've mentioned before, is that it is our ANNIVERSARY! One year ago on July 31st, the Enclave was founded. It looked way different back then, and we've seen a lot of members come and go since that time, as well as written a crazy amount of stories. I'm glad to say that I have enjoyed every single minute of it -- so here's to an even greater next year! We're celebrating in-character in the Solstice of the Mando'ade, with lots of different points of interests for whatever story you're interested in writing (and enjoy a gift of x45 legendary tokens to spend in the Enclave Marketplace as a means of celebration!)

As always, carry on with your amazing writing, you beautiful Mandos.

Vode An.

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