Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith Corporate Alliance

A sub-faction of the Sith Order comprised of the powerbase of Darth Xyrah, current leader of the Sith Imperial Banking Clan, as well as various corporate entities and mercenary forces under contract with the SCA.

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Representing the ever expanding powerbase of the SIBC's leader, Darth Xyrah, the Sith Corporate Alliance was formed as an agreement between Darth Xyrah and various corporate and mercenary entities from across the galaxy with an interest in cooperating with the Sith Lord to expand their influence, business interests and their profit margins. Offering Sith space as a tax haven and a site where they might conduct more shady and illegal business and research ventures without threat of government oversight, a deal was struck and the Sith Corporate Alliance subsequently formed.

The SCA's main military forces consist of vast droid armies and naval fleets, reinforced with the experience and combat capabilities of some of the galaxy's most elite and hardened mercenaries, as well as a cadre of Sith loyal to Darth Xyrah. The SCA is also a full economy in it's own right, being funded by Darth Xyrah's wealth and that of the corporate entities part of the Alliance, so as not to be reliant on the "expand or die" economy the Sith Order is currently struggling to maintain. This has the potential to quickly make the SCA an important player in the days to come.​

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