Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Confederacy of the Scar Worlds

Wild Space/Scar Worlds focused group, looking to rebuild and resettle the far reaches of space.

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The Confederacy of the Scar Worlds

We are the Confederacy of the Scar Worlds, a loose collection of systems looking to retake, rebuild, resettle and defend the worlds left behind in the far reaches of Wild Space. We intend to secure and ensure a unified peoples and defense of those worlds to ensure that the horrors and destruction brought down on them never occur again. The intent of the Confederacy is not conquest of the Galaxy, instead its people want only to bring a better future for their people and to rebuild their lives. With that said we also understand that a passive and weak government are unable to ensure that future, leading to the unification of the people's and world's militaries into the Confederacy's united navy and army. We will remove the threats to our homes before any of our children ever face the tyranny of such forces again.

If you join us, take part as a member of the Confederacy's Assembly, made up of leaders from member worlds, diplomats voted to that position, or important figures in the science and governmental bureaus.

Drive the future of the Scar Worlds and Wild Space as a whole, and help to lead your people to a brighter future.

For those with a more militaristic mind, join up and take part in the Confederacy's Navy or Army, help train and build the next generation of warriors, soldiers, and officers. Stand shoulder to shoulder with others who have suffered and wish to defend their homes and their people, or take charge and lead those around you. Everyone must do their part, what will you do for your people.

Join up in the Discord if you want to learn more, or take part in the initial development of the idea! I look forward to talking with anyone who does.

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