The traitor is one you never expect...
In my years with the Old Republic, Dooku had been a marvelous friend and valued ally. He was the Jedi Master the entire Order saw as their beacon. A man who had been asked by the Council to have a seat and refuse the first time because he felt the Galaxy still needed him, showing temperance and wisdom. He was the man who's teachings on lightsaber techniques became mandatory for younglings and apprentices to view.
He was the Order's greatest student, a testament to the ideals of what all Jedi strived for...
However, life has a way of throwing obstacles in one's path. The disastrous battles of Galidraan and Baltizaar only fueled his beliefs that the Senate was corrupt and weak, a view held by most in the Order. His idealism in politics became stronger and when Qui-Gon Jinn, his former apprentice, had been killed by the hands of Darth Maul, he resigned without any explanation, disturbing the Order but with few blaming him.
It had saddened me to see him go but I had never faulted him for it. My own stance on politicians was roughly the same, seeing them as eager and opportunistic creatures willing to use the Jedi at any cost to solidify their positions even greater but disavow the Order if a negative light came onto us. I even remembered right before Dooku resigned a meeting he and I had, speaking of how corrupt the Senate had become, a disruptive cancer that was close to breaking the Republic apart.
Perhaps if I had listened harder, I could've sensed out perhaps what he was planning...
Dooku betraying the Jedi Order had come as a bitter surprise and fighting against his Separatist Army broke many Jedi, having to go against someone who was once called a dear friend. I think it made Master Yoda the saddest out of all of us, despite never saying anything.
With Genevieve Lasedri betraying the Republic, I wonder if this is a potential future where events will happen the same as they did before. I feel that whenever I record my memories anymore, I'm delving back into the past to solve the problems of today.
Maybe it's because it's where all of my good memories are...