

The following are transcripts of traditional ink-and-paper letters written by Jedi Master Inosuke Ashina. These three correspondences were originally addressed to Henna Ashina Henna Ashina and Valery Noble respectively, with the final being an open letter to the New Jedi Order. In response to recent developments on the galactic stage, the Hirata Estate has digitized these letters and published them for public viewing.

Letter 1 | Approx. 2 Years Ago | Henna Ashina Henna Ashina

Regarding the concerns raised in your previous letter, I can attest that the misgivings you expressed are mutual. I have felt a great disturbance in the Force, unlike any I have experienced before. My efforts to sleep are haunted by the notion that a great, hidden evil has descended upon our galaxy. My attempts to discern the future are clouded by the dark side. All I can ascertain is that this evil will soon reveal itself with malevolent force. This faceless dark harbinger comes with nascent traces of a veiled plot to destroy the Alliance and Jedi. I know you have felt it too, and likewise, we cannot be alone in these presentiments.

Yet, I fear complacency has festered since the demise of Darth Solipsis and the safeguarding of Tython. I have observed leisure and ignorance where discipline and cognizance once reigned. While I can accept times of peace as a means to be at ease, this overindulgence appears to be plunging many down a path of insufficiency. Before long, the Order may spiral into an oblivious decrepitude. If measures are not taken, this coming darkness will pounce upon matured weaknesses. This will prove deadly, and those of us with proper foresight must warn the others, and remain ready for the impending ruination.

A great haze of uncertainty looms over the Core, and even Tython seems to be far from truly out of danger. The darkness that was once stifled, I have foreseen, will overcome our ancestral world once again. I know the safety of this world is of the utmost prominence to you. It is imperative that you return our children to Hirata. I have arranged for Goro to be their caretaker while we cultivate sentiment for our cause. We can only hope our endeavors are enough to save it from this stygian fate.

Letter 2 | Shortly after the fall of Tython | Valery Noble

Grand Master Noble,

I hope this letter finds you well. I apologize if you find my choice of medium inconvenient. Despite all of my years away from the Ashinic luddites, I still find the traditional method of correspondence most comfortable.

I will be forward; Tython cannot remain in the clutches of the Dark Empire.

We must remain steadfast, even in defeat. Reclamation and safeguarding of Tython should be nothing less than the Order's foremost concern. If not for the sake of our spiritual charge as successor to the ancient Je'daii, then for our countless brethren who have gone into the Force to keep Tython pure of the Dark Side's influence. I understand more than anyone how armies and individuals reel in defeat, but our lack of retaliation has gone on too long. Ryv perished for the sake of preventing Tython's destruction. As the inheritor of his mantle, surely you share his convictions?

Ashina is home to thousands devoted to Ashla's will. My sister, Ishida Ashina, commands the Band of the Silik. My wife, Henna Ashina Henna Ashina , possesses a following of those devout in their ambitions to free Tython. We possess the means. Respectfully, Grand Master Noble, I beseech you; a counteroffensive must be launched. First for our spiritual capital, and then for the Tetans, and beyond. The longer we spend preparing for the impending attacks, the stronger the Dark Empire grows. We must not relent. We must not wait. We cannot wait.

It is the Will of the Force, Grand Master. I know you must feel it too. Hear my plea, for the good of the Galaxy and the sake of our Order.

Letter 3 | Open Letter | All Jedi

In this letter, I speak for the objectors, the advocates, and those who remember what it means to be Jedi.

The time for supplication is at an end. No longer will we implore the Council to take action. No longer will we petition the indolent. For too long, the tyranny of the Sith has been allowed to fester on our borders and tighten their grip around our sacred places. While Tython is crushed beneath the boot of the Dark Empire, Jedi seek leisure in clubs, pursue frivolous activities, and indulge in holiday trips to distant worlds, all while the Council does nothing. This stagnant ascendancy is a far cry from the Order we swore our lives and swords to. Our leaders hoard titles and accolades whilst fraternizing with the blood of our ancient enemies.

On behalf of the Jedi of the Hirata Estate and our malcontented brethren across the Galatic Alliance and beyond; we issue this as a formal denouncement of the New Jedi Order.

I, Inosuke Ashina, Lord of the Hirata Estate, along with my collaborators propose the creation of a New Order. One opposed to inaction and the adherence to a false will. For those of you who hear the call, who to remember what it means to have sworn to destroy the Sith and be a guardian of peace, my message is clear. It is evident that peace and darkness cannot coexist. True Balance emanates only from the light, thus darkness of the Sith must be purged from the galaxy. Lord and Acolyte alike must meet the sword. Likewise, the New Jedi Apostates will be converted or excised. That is our charge. If you still feel the Will of the Force, Hirata is open to you.