

"You-e b-en cl-r(d for atmos-#*0-c en%ry." The comm-waves were garbled with interference, the result of a rapidly growing supercell sweeping across the arid plateaus that comprised the majority of the planet's surface. It would continue to build strength and wreak havoc on the landscape until it was finally brought low by the mountain ranges along its path, but until then it was a nigh-unstoppable force. It just so happened that the storm was also on a trajectory to intercept the flight path chartered by the vessel now dipping down through Prakith's upper atmosphere.

Unperturbed, the pilot responded, "Affirmative, on approach." He severed the connection with the flight controller, calibrating the ship's instruments as the craft plummeted through the ominous dark clouds. Passing through them, the wide empty earth rose up to fill their horizon from east to west, from north to south. It was an arid wasteland, sharp angular rock formations occasionally breaking the uniformity of the land. Around the rock formations were pools of noxious superheated water, steam billowing out from the larger ones.

The ship passed those by.

"The storm will mask our intentions, milord. It's already begun to pass over the canyon." The pilot spoke to an individual shrouded in darkness, an indiscernible form that loomed at the far end of the cockpit and watched silently with glowing red eyes. It watched with marked disinterest as the vessel bobbed and weaved over the landscape, turbulence becoming more and more prominent as they neared the edge of the supercell. The light from the planet's sun dimmed as they passed just through the perimeter of the storm, and it took the pilot's every ounce of control and skill to keep the ship moving in the right direction and not bow to the whims of the hurricane-force winds outside.

Suddenly the craft angled down sharply, passing through the canyon that the pilot briefly spoke of earlier. Down below the horizon of the flatlands, they were protected against the worst ravages of the storm as it passed overhead. Continuing through the canyon's winding path, they reached its end and settled down on the flat canyon floor. The boarding ramp descended to the ground, but only the shadowed individual emerged from the ship. Silently, he walked away from the ship and towards the far canyon wall.

Insurmountable sandstone rose up to meet him, smoothed away by an ancient river that had long since dried up. There were subtle indentions in the rock wall, ones that were so imperceivable that one had to have prior knowledge of them to seek them out. The individual pressed his hand into one of these indentions and waited.

A dull whirring noise accompanied the action, followed by a sharp musical tone and a robotic voice.



The wall parted like a curtain of water, revealing a dark passage that wound deep into the planet's surface. Faded bulbs of light embedded into the walls offered sparse illumination as the figure descended into the darkness, the wall closing up behind him. It was clear that the passage hadn't been accessed in decades, a thick layer of dust coating the steps without any indication of footprints or other disturbances. As far as the figure knew, he was the first one to open the way since the days of the One Sith.

The pathway spiraled back on itself many times, intentionally confusing to deter any would-be trespassers from reaching the inner sanctum. But the figure was not deceived, he had memorized the path so perfectly that he could have made the journey with his eyes closed.

He reached an archway, an archway so inconceivably ancient that he couldn't even accurately pinpoint when it had been built. Beneath the archway was the face of smooth rock, a dried-up base jutting out from the center of the wall. At the base of the basin was a thin layer of red crust, its origins made clear when the figure extended his hand over the basin and ran a sharp blade over his palm. Blood seeped out from the wound, splashing into the basin and causing the entire wall to shiver and shake in response.

The wall peeled away, revealing more darkness.

Walking inside, the figure could sense that there were other living creatures nearby. They watched him from the shadows, their eyes have grown accustomed to the oppressive darkness. Though they dared not approach him, they nonetheless called out to him in the tongue of the ancient Sith.

"Who trespasses?"

The figure stopped and turned to face the origin of the voice, "One who has studied the old ways."

"The old ways are dead, nothing remains. The Dark Lord is dead."

"An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal. I am the Dark Lord."

"That remains to be seen, Outsider."

Lightning suddenly sprouted from the figure's fingertips, casting sharp illumination on the chamber and the dread creatures which lingered at its margins. They recoiled in pain at the sudden intrusion of light, shrinking away as far as they could as the electricity crackled in the air. "I am no Outsider, wretch. I was once the being called Vornskr, but now I am Carnifex. I am He who destroyed the old Dark Lord and have taken his mantle, I am the heir to Krayt." The lightning subsided, Carnifex's point made clear. "For too long you have languished in darkness, devoid of purpose. I have come to rekindle the covenant that once existed, and you are to awaken those that slumber below."

The creatures scurried away, their natural instincts of servitude returning after years bereft of control by the Sith. Slowly, the glowlamps around the chamber came back online, though were only producing substandard illumination. Yet, it was enough to light his surroundings, and he moved deeper into the chamber to stand on a platform overlooking a vast abyss. Long ago, the One Sith had appropriated these old catacombs for their home as they plotted their revenge against the Jedi who had sent them scurrying into the darkness.

It was only fitting that he again revitalize the old redoubts to serve his purpose.

To Eclipse the Stars.