OOC/ This is highly simplified and obviously does not fully represent the survey results. For one thing, this represents each person as naming only one: most of you named three. I may also have missed some of you; there were 35 respondents. I did my best to build a daisy chain of sorts, in the fashion of Plutarch's anecdote about Solon and Bias and their peers deferring the honor of being called a wise man. Sorry in advance.


"Masster Morteg, you're the greatesst Jedi I know. Could you-"

"Hold it right there," said Morteg, holding up a small green three-clawed hand that was much like Khefiir's large green three-clawed hand. "If you're looking for a great Jedi Master, you should go talk to...well, for starters, go see Romi Jade at the Jakku Enclave."

That made sense to Khefiir; Master Jade had a reputation and then some. But when he went to see her-

"No, Khefiir, I'm flattered, but you should be talking to WolfMortum WolfMortum . I wish you'd known him while he was alive. Maybe if you meditate-"

Khefiir wasn't about to meditate until a dead Jedi Master appeared to chat with a stranger, so he thanked Master Jade and went back to the Saber on Corellia. Master Morteg shrugged and said, "Well, go talk to Coren Starchaser then."

This made sense too. Coren had been the Silvers' Grandmaster, had fought in any number of wars.With help from Violet Horne, @Xander Carrick, and Jeremiah Jade - who all agreed, incidentally, that Coren was a greater Jedi Master than they were - Khefiir tracked down Coren on a beach outside the temple on Kattada.

"Me? A great Jedi? I mean...you should be talking to Tiland Kortun at his little enclave on Qi-Ko."

So Khefiir thanked Starchaser and made the trek to Qi-Ko, a jungle world at the edge of the galaxy. The only thing faster than Master Kortun offering tea was how quickly he shrugged off the accusation of being a great Jedi.

"It's not hard to find a greater Jedi than me, Khefiir. Have you met Jend-Ro Quill?"

Khefiir had not. He was a little dubious about the hermit, but on Master Kortun's recommendation he tracked down Master Quill back on Jakku. Quill promptly shared some portion bread with him in a tumbledown hermitage just north of the Jakku Enclave.

"All the Jedi in the galaxy and you come to me? Khefiir, we don't know each other, but this isn't the best first impression. You must have terrible judgment. You can literally spit and hit a greater Jedi Master than me. You've talked with Coren, Romi...? Well feth, just go talk to Vexander Graves. He kept a lot of folks alive on the Drael homeworld, and I sure wouldn't want to tangle with him."

So Khefiir tracked down Master Graves.

"You're looking for...a great Jedi Master? Expand your mind, Khefiir. You should meet Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor of the Je'daii."

Khefiir actually knew Master Sar'andor a little; the Je'daii Judge had been there for a sacred event, the passing of an ancient Mist-Weaver. Julius Sedaire backed Graves up: Sar'andor was the one to see. When Khefiir found Sar'andor on a pretty and highly botanical space station-

"Coren Starchaser," the Judge said flatly. "Not a doubt in my mind. Also, Khefiir, I'm not a Jedi."

Somewhat discouraged at this dead end, Khefiir left and asked around a bit more. Every Jedi Master he could find, really. And all of them - Katarine Ryiah, Kana Truden, Ilwynog Cysgod - said someone else was a greater Jedi Master, always someone who'd already said there were several greater Jedi Masters out there. (One notable exception was former Grandmaster Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , who solemnly introduced Khefiir to his mop. Another was Judah Lesan, who grumbled something unintelligible.)

Hope struck as the Cathar Master Lepri affirmed that Caltin Vanagor was a greater Jedi Master than her. But when Khefiir found the Silver Battlemaster, Vanagor named someone who'd already said that other Jedi were greater. Hope struck again, and held, as the former Grandmaster Elise named Wyatt Morga. But Master Morga affirmed that other Jedi were greater. Apart from some familiar names, he listed one Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , the notorious pilot.

Locke got Khefiir solidly drunk while laughing at the idea of being called a great Jedi Master. Then she pointed Khefiir toward an Echani Silver Jedi named Jyoti Nooran.

Master Nooran, for her part, sent Khefiir off to meet Matsu Ike on Ahch-To. Master Ike deferred to Sorel Crieff and Je'gan Olra'en, and when Khefiir was unable to find either one of them, she threw up her hands and sent him to Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha .

Master Xantha was not what Khefiir expected. For one thing, he looked about twelve. For another, he was some kind of entertainment tycoon. He was also a carnivorous Anzati like Master Kortun, but lacked Master Kortun's general air of 'I'm not going to eat your brain.' Master Xantha attempted to bounce Khefiir back to Master Ike, and also mentioned the Heavenshields - Coci and Thurion. Audren Sykes Audren Sykes chimed in that of course the Heavenshields were an obvious choice. So Khefiir went all the way to Midvinter.

As a cold-blooded creature, he hated Midvinter with a fiery passion. He stayed exactly long enough for Thurion Heavenshield to name his long-vanished former master, Asha Seren, in hushed tones. Then Khefiir left with alacrity.

He faced a dead end at this point. All of Xantha's and Ike's names had tapped out or were impossible to find. Dispirited, he tracked down other highly esteemed Jedi Masters, but Michael Sardun offered only previously-explored names - that and a reference to the departed Bethany Kismet. Rianna Organa named Kismet as well. This did not help Khefiir whatsoever.

At last he lucked out when Master Aldric named Asmundr Varobalder as a greater Jedi Master than himself. Master Varobalder, of course, deferred the honor and sent Khefiir to Avalore Eden. Master Eden named the retired or dead masters Marcello Matteo and @Kiskla Grayson, both unimpeachable and not-remotely-helpful choices. She also named Jacen Voidstalker, who was largely unavailable for unspecified personal reasons.

So Khefiir backtracked. Master Varobalder had also named Zark San Tekka as a greater Jedi Master than himself. Khefiir found Master San Tekka...who said Master Varobalder was greater. If Khefiir had hair, he would have lost it by this point or very shortly thereafter. He left San Tekka and Varobalder hugging it out, and went back to Quill on Jakku.

"Khefiir," said Quill gently, "get out of my house and stop wasting your time. Go talk to Master Sakadi Marathi Sinvala in the Silvers. She's remarkable. Certainly a greater Jedi Master than I am."

Khefiir gritted his sharp teeth and trekked back to Silver Rest.

Where Master Sinvala sent him back to Quill.

This time, Quill didn't even open the door. "You're out of names? You can't be out of names. I could take a piss through the holes in my walls and hit a dozen greater Jedi Masters than me. You're from the Corellia enclave, you've got one right there. You want a great Jedi Master? Go talk to Master Morteg."