


The unthinkable has happened, yet within the paradigm of the Empire's Age of Strife, such things that once were impossible had become the Empire's new reality. Upon the Imperial World of Concordia resides a notable contingent of Imperial Knights who've made the world their home. The planet had been chosen to house the Chapter of Knights for several years before the Emperor's death, with the Chapter in question being tasked with guarding this sector of the Empire's southern flank that touched the waning state of Silver Jedi. A great bastion of Imperial authority was erected to house the Knights in their endeavors, with its inhabitants referring to the isolated bastion as Fortress Mortis.

All was well until it wasn't, with communications between the Knights upon Concordia would cease almost overnight with Imperial command upon Bastion. Alarms were triggered unsurprisingly, as the Chiss rebellion had left the Imperials wary of such instances leading into the future. An expeditionary force was sent immediately, gathered from nearby sectors within days. Their arrival upon the world was confirmed, but the last communication received was shortly before the convoy veered off course in response to an emergency beacon several kilometers from the fortress itself.

Fearing the worst had occurred, the Knights would choose to handle the issue directly, with the Warden gathering together an ensemble of Knights from the most seasoned Chapters in the vicinity of Bastion, and together with an accompanying contingent of Stormtroopers, they would venture at once to Concordia under the escort of Task Force Dooku, the Warden's personal fleet.

Their objectives were simple.



Enter the Citadel without delay, and reestablish contact with the Chapters who've gone dark if possible. If such is not the case, and the Warden's predictions that they have gone crestfallen en masse-- an event that had never happened in the history of the Empire -- comes true, then it is up to the Knights to take care of their own mistake, and eliminate the threat they might pose to the Empire. A small contingent of Stormtroopers will accompany the Knights, but this endeavor is one that is the Knights must rectify, and theirs alone--No matter the cost.

Be vigilant as you enter the halls of Fortress Mortis, for none of our most force-attuned Knights have been able to pierce an ever-present shadow that veils those who attempt to peer into it through the force.



The locating of the missing expeditionary force is secondary, but nonetheless a contingent of the Knights' accompanying Stormtroopers were sent to deal with this at once. The expedition's transponders established their last location within what was once a hideout for the infamous Mandalorian group known as the Death Watch in times long past. All those sent to this location must be prepared for the worst, as a great mining shaft encompasses the majority of the base, meaning those sent here must be ready to deal with low-light conditions, and whatever may await them within the darkness below


"We may not know what awaits us, but it is our duty to protect the Empire at all costs, even if it means to march into the abyss. Forwards; Always forwards."

Concordia - Planet | Thread
Fortress Mortis - Imperial Knight Fortress upon world - Faction Canon | Scene 1
Deathwatch Hideout | Scene 2, ground level
Concordian Mines] | Scene 2, underground level, primary setpiece for scene 2