
Public Holonet Boardcast

Static came on and off the holonet before a crimson mythosaur emblem was displayed. Subsequently an emerald helmet with the all too familiar t-visor stared back at the screen with the background being that a ship's bunk. Initially there was a stone cold silence from the Mandalorian for the next several seconds until she spoke.

"My name is Minerva Fhirdiad, adopted daughter of Jorel from Clan Merrik. Years ago it was with pride I served in the Enclave, to help provide a refugee for our people. For a time I truly believed the Enclave to be home and was more than willing to give my blood for it. Then I left following the disastrous summit with the Imperials at Kestri. The reason why is because I wanted to fight the Mawites and Imperials instead waiting for the leadership to sort things out."

She paused, collecting herself for a moment and two. Then Minerva continued.

"Even while I fought alongside aruetii who didn't understand me nor I with them yet it was worth it to strike at my enemies directly. When learning of the Enclave's collapse I was saddened but pressed on as a warrior should. Recently and briefly my hope was rekindled when learning of your rebirth and even considered returning. Of course I heard conflicting reports about what happened at Riishi but paid no mind to that."

Without warning she took off her helm, revealing a stoic expression.

"Then Kashyyyk happened…"

Minerva's eyes narrowed and her lips twisting to a scowl as her voice became heavy with bitterness.

"I was there visiting friends of mine, including one who saved my father's life long before I was ever born. If it had not been for him I wouldn't be a Mandalorian now or even alive. We were catching up and enjoying ourselves when the raid commenced. It was to my shock to discover the attackers were Enclave warriors led by Romul Saxon and independent clans, including Clan Munin accompanied by Transdosen raiders."

It took every ounce of her discipline to keep from shouting out curses in that very instant. Breathing in and out Minerva forced herself to continue.

"I made a choice that day and stood alongside the Wookiees against that unprovoked aggression. Yes, fighting and killing those I would've called vode once. Even so Kashyyyk’s defenses were overwhelmed despite our best efforts."

Her tone became more accusing.

"I'm now well aware the raid was unsanctioned by the Enclave leadership. It doesn't change the fact that enough of your fighters willingly took part and aided those Trandosens in their sick hunts. You deny any responsibility despite accepting Clan Munin into your ranks afterwards regardless of their involvement or that of former warmaster Romul Saxon, one of your own Alors.”

She spat to the side in contempt before glaring back into the screen.

"The Wookiees of Kashyyyk whom I swore Burcyan with never truly wronged our people yet many of your new warriors didn't hesitate. Some went as far as to mutilate children's corpses for pelts!!!"

Minerva was absolutely livid now.

"You didn't orchestrated the raid but your Enclave embraces those who proudly did it all because you want their skills and firepower for your crusade. In the grand scheme of things aruetii lives mean nothing as long as you all get what you desire no matter if any of the victims are honorable or innocent. I am no longer blind to that fact and will have no part of your hypocrisy.”

Go ahead, call me soft, call me naive, call me self-righteous, call me traitor, call me aruetii pet, call me dar'manda, your opinion does not matter to me anymore! If any of you ever try to approach me I will not listen to any of your justifications nor your denials so don't waste your breath. You'll have better luck trying to kill me than convincing me to serve alongside the likes of you again. I will live, fight and die as a Mandalorian by my interpretation of the Way, not yours. Never again."

Just as Minerva was about to press a button to shut off the boardcast she said some final words in Mando'a.

"Gar cuyir nayc sara'gagr be ner Urltima."

Finally the footage turned off, becoming static once more.