Inside the Council Chambers of the Coruscant Temple, Valery found her seat and reached for her comms device to record a message meant for the New Jedi Order as a whole. It was no call to action this time and nothing overly serious that determined the road ahead. Life day had consumed the Galaxy, and while Jedi traditionally weren't overly attached to the idea of celebrating such things, the holiday had a message about being together that she felt was important.

Especially in these difficult times.

"Greetings my fellow Jedi. I hope this message finds you well, and that no matter where you are — whether it's on the front, the outer rim, or back at home helping those in need — that you are safe and in good health.

This last year has been difficult for us all. The War still consumes our lives, people everywhere no longer feel safe or struggle to provide themselves with the basic necessities, and sometimes we've all wondered if it's ever going to end despite our best efforts. But as I'm sure many of you have noticed as well, there is light at the end of this dark tunnel that started many years ago.

We've made great progress together to liberate worlds devastated by the Maw, the Order has grown and the stability in how we teach new generations has vastly improved in just these last few years. It has allowed us to extend our reach, and help more people, no matter where they are and who they are.

It has made me proud to be a Jedi among your ranks, and I hope that we can maintain this path forward and that we continue to stand together to do what we've all sworn to dedicate our lives to."

She paused for a moment and looked into the holo-projector with a much softer smile, "Today is Life day, and whether you celebrate it or not, its message about joy, harmony, and compassion is one that I believe resonates with all of us."

"Enjoy your day, take a moment to reflect and think about this last year together, and May the Force be with you all."