
In preparation for the coming Age of the Underworld, we have officially launched our very own subfaction of scum and villainy known as The Midas Web!


Who are The Midas Web?


Subfaction: The Midas Web

No matter how effective the regime, there will always be those that lurk in the shadows, hoping to exploit others for their own benefit. After the Sith forces crumbled in the Tingel Arm, the criminal underbelly of the region began to seize the opportunity to expand their own business, slowly coming together into the criminal collective known as The Midas Web. Lead by the enigmatic figure The Spider, their reach has started to be felt across Ashlan Space, posing a new threat to the crusaders that wish to maintain peace and order within their borders.


Which characters fit the narrative?

Pirates, crime lords, smugglers, bounty hunters, corrupt businessmen, and generally shady individuals are all perfect fits for the Midas Web. The Web's operations span a vast array of criminal and less than savory activities, so there is plenty of room to explore!


Join the Ashlan Crusade today, and see if you can make a name for yourself in the seedier side of the Tingel Arm!
