Fear has gripped the Terr'skiar sector as the Capital City of New Apsolon was rocked by what has reportedly been a terrorist attack within the marketplace of the high financial district taking the lives of eight people and injuring a dozen others.
The authorities have been tight-lipped on the attack, citing an official statement from the Silver Jedi Concord who have quickly stepped in to assist New Apsolon in the recovery and investigation into those responsible. When questioned as to whether or not they had any leads, their response was this:
"There have been a number of reports recently regarding suspicious individuals within the area, however our investigation is on-going. Our highest priority is set on bringing these culprits to justice and seeing resolution brought to those families who've lost their loved ones in such a tragic and senseless act of violence".
While the attack on New Apsolon is a horrifying turn of events, this is in fact the second of two incidents where previously the world of Arcadia N-30 was visited by ambassadors of the Silver Jedi Order upon suspicion of foul play in the possible abduction and whereabouts of several missing persons.
It is unclear as to whether these two events are related, however there are rumors circulating that similar sightings were reported of a group of individuals, all dressed in a black attire not so different from the Jedi apparel commonly seen among their like. Furthermore, it appears that the incident on Arcadia did in fact lead to a confrontation between the Ambassadors of the Silver Order and a presently unnamed group of individuals matching the same description.
The Silver Jedi, as well as the Concord itself are warning locals not to jump to conclusions, that the investigation is still in progress and to not allow the affair to cause panic or fear among their sector.